Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Seeing Life as a Sun Shower

Did you ever watch a sun shower? I have ... there are a lot out here in the Northwest. One minute it's raining and the next the sun is coming out (while it's still raining). And then, the best part of all follows ... the RAINBOW!

Life is like a sun shower. I noticed that when I experience a sun shower, I see the sun NOT the rain. It actually makes me smile. What if we were to look at life this way? Even through the rainy times, we find the sunny moments in our life. We focus on the positives, the things we are grateful for, the things that bring sunshine into our lives. Maybe if we did that, through all the tough times, we would see the rainbow after the rain passes! I find that when I focus on the positives in my life, it makes the "rainy times" easier to move through. Things just don't seem so bad when I constantly remind myself of all the things that I am blessed with in my life.

When the going gets tough, think of this metaphor of a sun shower and remind yourself of all the things in your life that are good, that are positive and that make you smile and put sunshine in your heart. It may help you get through those rough times much easier AND who knows... the rainbow of your life may be just around the corner.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors

Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX and

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!


Larry King Live Show on Psychics vs. Skeptics

I just finished watching the Larry King Live show with Sylvia Browne, two other psychics and two skeptics (one of the skeptics was a Rabbi and the other was a professor from Oklahoma).

Here's what I have to say (which may surprise you coming from a statistician who has a Masters Degree in Statistics!): First of all, some things can NOT be summarized in statistics and put in a nice, neat little box. Surprise! I said it! And if these skeptics were going to collect any data to try to disprove what these particular psychics do, then they should be collecting the data from the thousands (if not millions) of people that these reputable psychics have worked with and ask them if working with them has helped to improve their lives in any way, shape or form. Sounds to me that their work HAS helped many people move on with their lives. Now, I am not saying that there are not scam artists out there that are claiming to be psychics but are not. I am sure these people exist. But, like any other professional service we seek out, it is our job to do our research, get referrals and make sure the person we are going to for guidance is the "real thing".
There are many people that write to me and tell me that my Newsletters, products and speaking events have helped them to improve their lives. Who's to say that it hasn't. Ok, maybe I am not going out there and stating on the Larry King Live show that I am helping people improve their lives (which I would be happy to do), but I just have to look at my own statistics, from the people I work with, and KNOW that what I do makes a difference in people's lives. Maybe I am going off on a tangent here, but my main point is ... if people feel that these particular psychics have helped them move on with their lives, helped them to feel better about a loved one that has passed on, helped them to get more clear on what they should be doing with their life ... what the heck is wrong with that?

I used to have a physics professor who was an atheist. He tried to prove to his students that there was no God. He had many of us believing it based on the lack of scientific evidence. He also said that people ONLY believed in God and a particular religion because it was something to hold on to, something to give them hope ... it made them feel better but it was a whole bunch of hog wash (that was HIS view). Well, what if that's what believing in God did for people (give them hope, something to hold on to) --- is that so bad? Is that going to harm them? No. Of course not.

For the record, I do believe in God. I do believe in a higher power. I do believe that there is more to statistics and what we physically see in front of us. Our thoughts are entities. Our thoughts can create our reality. Can that be scientifically proven? There are many stories I have read about and heard that have proved that to me. But, I don't know if it's been proved in a statistically valid, scientifically-sound study. But I believe it. I believe in things that I can't see. I believe that we all have intuition and gut feelings and some people are tapped into that energy more than others.

So, is Sylvia Browne for real? Ask her millions of followers. Does she help people or does she harm people? My feeling is that she helps people --- just a gut, but that's what I believe and that works for me.

Remember, statistics can be used to prove things but they also can be misused to. I know this as a fact... there were managers and directors in my corporate days who asked me, as the statistician, to "ignore an outlier in the data" or to "massage" the data so that it looked "better". My answer was always ... "this is what the data says, there's nothing more I can do with it." Then, of course, it was the interpretation of the data that could change, depending on who was presenting it. So always remember, go with your gut. You just simply can't go wrong with that.

If you have worked with a psychic and it has helped you a great deal, then continue seeking their guidance. If you had a bad experience with one, then do what your gut is telling you to do.

I would love to hear from you if you have had a positive experience working with Sylvia Browne or any of the other psychics out there. Visit my website at or and share your experiences.

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
"America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Stress, the Holidays & your health!

Yes, it's that time of year where you are running around, trying to get everything done before the Holiday arrives. You are trying to get all the gifts, decorate and clean the house, and make sure that everything is "just perfect" for the Holidays.

But, how stressed are you feeling right now? Does the hype of the holidays bring you a lot of stress as well? And how does that stress affect your overall health and well-being?

What can you do about it? Well, first of all, don't do things because you feel obligated to -- do things because you really want to! I know, you are probably saying "yeah, that's easier said, then done!" Well, YOU are the one that is ultimately in charge of what you choose to do around the Holidays. And anyway, is buying gifts and decorating the house what "it" is all about?

I think the Holiday Season is all about love and giving to others less fortunate. I think it is about smiling at others and giving them the gift of happiness. I think it is about remembering our loved ones in our thoughts and telling them that we love them. Imagine if you just gave a compliment to your spouse and told them they looked great today. When was the last time you did that?

Stress around the Holidays is something that you create for yourself. Take a good hard look at what you REALLY want to do this Holiday Season and ask yourself "Am I doing the things that bring me great JOY or am I only doing things because I feel obligated to?"

Your health is relying on you following your passion and joys and doing what you love.

Give yourself that gift this Holiday Season!

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
"America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire and empower people with a Health Challenge to live a rich and fulfilling life and reach for their highest potential!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges

Did you ever stop to think how doctors feel when they face a health challenge? Afterall, they are the ones who take care of us, right? They're not supposed to get sick or have a health issue to address. Not only that, they know what the potential problem could be. I am sure that they run through the options in their head and don't want to deal with the issue at hand. Do they want another doctor to tell them, "you have _______" (where the blank is some health condition or disease that they treat others on but sure don't want to know that they have it!)

Here's a little story about a doctor that I will never forget. He was my first Neurologist , the one that diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis. This Neurologist had great "bedside manners". He was a doctor that actually showed he cared about me, as his patient. After I got my MRI, he scheduled an appointment to tell me the results and diagnose what it was I had. He made me the last patient on his schedule that day. He displayed the MRI's, pointing to some "white spots". I got the idea that those "white spots" were not supposed to be there. He sat me down and told me that it could be one of three things, "Vasculitis, Lymes Disease or Multiple Sclerosis" and that after all the tests, he felt it was Multiple Sclerosis. He also followed it up with "I know it doesn't feel this way right now, but "MS will become Just A Bump In The Road" of your life! And that definitely stuck with me and made a big impression since as you know, it inspired the creation of my website ... and my passsion for going around the country and spreading this message to others with MS.

Back to the doctor, he also took the time during that appointment, as long as I needed, to answer any questions I had and assist me with absorbing the news. He gave me resources to look up (he spoke to my statistician side of me). He told me to do my research and told me about all the options of the drug therapies. He told me to make the decision that was right for me. I liked that. First of all, there were options. Second of all, he recogized the fact that it was my body and my life and that I should have some say as to what I put in it. That appointment was a long one. His entire staff left the office before we did. We closed down the office. He really made an impression on me. Now, here's the kicker ... one of the reasons why I feel this doctor was so compassionate towards me and the rest of his patients is because he was dealing with a health challenge himself. I never was sure what it was, but since then I have heard that it was Parkinson's Disease. Of course, he understood what it was like to be diagnosed with a Chronic Health Condition and hear the words "YOU have _______".
I truly believe that this contributed to his wonderful approach with dealing with patients. I am sure that part of it was also his personality too but one thing I do know... it must be very difficult for a Doctor to accept and deal with having a health condition.

I have since heard that my First Neurologist has retired (due to his health challenge). Patients were leaving him and going to other doctors in the office. can you imagine how this Doctor must have felt when this started to happen? That's all I know is that he made a huge difference in my life and I Thank Him in my thoughts all the time. I am grateful that he was the first Neurologist I saw and was diagnosed by.

This is where my motivation and passion around helping doctors came from. I KNOW that my specialized life coaching program can help a doctor deal with the diagnosis of a health challenge easier and help him/her to STAY INVINCIBLE and maintain that energy level that he/she wants to always have (especially to keep up with his/her schedule!). Being professionally trained as a Certified Coach for Doctors, through Le Coach 4 U and Coaching Institute, I understand doctors and I know the best way to effectively work with them. Here's my vision, if a doctor is accepting and dealing with his/her own health challenge better, don't you think that will have an effect on his/her patients? Of course it will. It will have an effect on the Doctor's professional life and personal life. Dealing with a health challenge can have an impact on multiple areas of your life. Depending on how you approach it and your attitude towards it, it can make or break the other areas of your life. It is extremely possible to live a rich and fulfilling life, with a health challenge. And I know HOW to do just that!

If you are a Doctor who is currently dealing with a health challenge and having a difficult time accepting it, give me a call at 541-686-1326. I would be happy to offer you a complimentary consultation and tell you how I can help you to "stay invincible" and remove the additional stress that comes from dealing with a health challenge!

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AN D "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


Sunday, December 11, 2005

When something someone says HURTS you...

Have you ever had someone say something to you that really hurt you? I'm sure you have.

But what did you do about it? Did you speak up to the person and tell them how you felt when they said what they did? OR did you just dwell on it in your mind over and over again, thinking about it all the time and feeling worse and worse as you contemplated what that person said?

Within the past few months, someone said something to me that really bothered me. I was hurt. I felt "let down". But I am the type of person that believes in speaking up and confronting the issue. So, I did just that. Next time I spoke to the person, I told them that what they said really hurt me and that I felt "let down". This person apologized profusely and said that they never intended to hurt me -- that they thought "the world" of me and that I was one of their favorite people. Interesting, isn't it? This person thinks very highly of me and considers me to be a special person, yet when they said what they did, they were not aware that it was very hurtful.

This can happen. Some people don't realize the impact of what they say or do. It is your responsibility to protect yourself, to set your own boundaries, to speak up to people that say or do things that hurt you. Now, of course, there are the type of people that say things to INTENTIONALLY hurt you or "push your buttons". Again, it is still very important to tell these people that their behavior is not acceptable to you. This doesn't mean that the person is going to stop what they are saying or doing right away. But you do have a choice on how often you see or speak to that person. If you get to the point where you feel someone is "toxic" to your overall state of mind and well-being, then you must do something about this. You are the top priority in your life. Without your great health and an overall healthy state of mind, what does your life look like? (You may want to consider getting my Mood Makeover CD which addresses the issue of "Toxic people and your overall health" in further detail --- visit and scroll down to the individual CD that is part of my MS... Just A Bump In the Road package. My Mood Makeover CD is sold separately and is well worth the investment!)

Always remember to protect yourself and set your boundaries so that they are acceptable to you. And if you are still harboring on what that person said to you, even after you spoke up, then you are being given an opportunity to look deeper at the situation and figure out why that statement that was said to you, still bothers you so much. You may have to "let go" of something. What is it?

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


How to handle those darn MS Symptoms!

I have many people with MS tell me that it is easy for them to be more positive when they don’t have any symptoms. Makes sense … if you are physically feeling good, it’s easier to feel more positive. But, those same people tell me that as soon as they feel something like a sensory feeling or weakness in the leg or cognitive slowness, their mood changes “on a dime”.

Let me tell you a story about me. The past few days I have been experiencing more sensory feelings … my legs have been “buzzing”, I feel that occasional butterfly on my lip or cheek and I wake up in the middle of the night with my hands and arms all “pins and needles”. Now, I am the type of person that tries to figure it all out. I ask myself the following questions:

1) What’s going on here?
2) Why am I feeling these symptoms more now?
3) Does it have to do with what I am eating?
4) Is it the change in weather from extreme colds outside to the heat inside?
5) Is it a hormonal thing?

As you can see, I give my brain a workout! But being a Motivational Speaker & Life Coach has helped me to recognize when I am doing this and “nipping it in the bud” right away. So yesterday, I reminded myself that continually focusing on the sensory symptoms was not going to make them go away – matter of fact, it was only going to bring the sensory symptoms more to my attention and make me recognize more and more little things.

So, what did I do? I snapped myself out of it. I refocused my thoughts on things that made me feel good. I watched a great movie with someone I love. I blogged and wrote about things that I am passionate about. I reminded myself that by focusing on all the questions that I had in my head, I was not going to accomplish anything.

Look at the questions again … do you think I was able to answer them with any accuracy? No, of course not! It’s not something I can figure out. It just “is what it is”. Why rack my brains trying to figure out “What and Why”? It sure wasn’t making me feel better!

What are YOU focusing on lately that keeps you in a rut or makes you feel even worse? Stop focusing on the things that don’t make you feel good or that make you crazy (by trying to figure it all out). Focus on the things that serve you – the things that make you smile and bring you some joy. Say to yourself “It is what it is, and now it’s time for me to move on and to start focusing on the things that make me feel good!”

One thing I have learned about myself, being diagnosed with MS, is that I can’t figure it all out, life can be very unpredictable and that there is a benefit associated with the unpredictability. Yes, a statistician is actually saying that “predictability is not all it’s cracked up to be!” What would life be like if everything and everyone was predictable? Not very exciting, if you ask me!

Create a wonderful week for yourself, where you are focusing on all the things that benefit you by bringing a smile to your face. Disregard the thoughts and feelings that just make you feel worse – they have no purpose! They do not ADD to your quality of life. They just take away from it.

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


Monday, December 05, 2005

Effectively Communicating with your Neurologist

Many people who I speak to don't know what to ask their doctor after they have heard the words "You have MS". They are in a state of shock or feel "a bit" (to say the least) overwhelmed by the news!

It definitely can be very "mind-blowing" to hear any news of a diagnosis of a chronic health condition but it is EXTREMELY important that you get ALL your questions answered by your doctor. The relationship with your doctor is very important. If you do not feel comfortable with the answers you are getting or the way you are being treated or addressed, speak up or find another doctor! Get a second or third opinion. Take an action step that is going to make you feel satisfied. This is your life ... you need to arm yourself with all the information that will help you to live fully, even with a chronic health condition.

Doctors are people too. Sometimes, patients have that "white-coat" syndrome. They are afraid to ask their doctor a question or two. Many of the people I speak to always take their doctor's word for it (because he or she is the expert), WITHOUT asking any questions (even if their gut is telling them that something doesn't feel right)! YOU are ultimately in charge of your life. Yes, medical experts are a very important part of our overall health and wellness. However, YOU are the ultimate decision maker. If something does not feel right, say so. The doctor is not living in your body --- YOU ARE.

When I was diagnosed with MS, I composed a list of 23 questions that I had for the doctors. I asked all the questions to ALL 3 Neurologists that I saw. I made sure that I got all my questions answered by multiple doctors before I made any decision on how to proceed with the treatment of the disease.

If you are choosing to go on a drug therapy, it is very important to pick the drug that fits your lifestyle. I chose a drug therapy that had the least side effects and would ensure that I could maintain my usual HIGH ENERGY lifestyle.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of asking the questions that you have. If you don't have any initially and then as the weeks and months go by a few questions arise, just write them down and bring them the next time you visit your doctor OR do what I did ... I typed up that list of 23 questions and faxed my questions to my Neurologist. He actually wrote all his answers on the document I sent to each and every question I asked. I must admit, initially I thought "yeah, right, like he's going to answer these questions real soon" ... but... I chose to send the questions to him, despite my doubt and HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED ALL OF THEM! Now, I am not saying that all doctors will do this. But, hey... you never know. If not, make an appointment JUST TO ASK YOUR QUESTIONS.

Empower yourself! Gather all the information that you need to make the best decisions for you.

FYI … I will be one of the guest speakers, along with a Neurologist from New York University, at a teleconference hosted by Shared Solutions on December 13th (8 PM EST) and December 14th (9PM EST). The topic of the teleconference will be on “Communicating with your Neurologist”. If you are interested in registering for this FREE teleconference, call 1-800-823-1880.

P.S. Visit my website at and download the questions I asked my Neurologist and use them as a starting point to figure out what the most appropriate questions would be for your specific situation. (You can find these questions under the Resources section of my website.)

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!

And SOON-TO-BE "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors!"

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Larry King Live Show on Multiple Sclerosis

Last night, November 18th, I watched the Larry King Live Show on "Battling MS". Meredith Vieira from ABC's "The View" hosted the show. The guests were her husband, Richard Cohen (who has MS and is author of a book called Blindsided), Clay Walker (Country Music Star who also has MS), Tamia Hill (R&B Singer who was diagnosed with MS in 2003 and is married to NBA star Grant Hill), Teri Garr (actress, paid ambassador for MS Lifelines Program) and Dr. Randall Schapiro (Head of MS Clinic at Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology).

It's great to see MS getting more media attention lately. It's very important to educate people and break through the stereotypes of what people perceive when they hear that someone has MS. I know that when I was diagnosed with MS some people said to me "Oh, I am SO sorry." And then they looked at me with "that face". I told them "Don't be... MS is just another bump in the road of my life!"

Larry King Live, with Meredith Vieira hosting it, showed a different face and attitude of people who have MS. Yes, some of the challenges of having a chronic health condition were discussed such as fears of how your children would handle it, what their opinion would be of their Mom or Dad as the years go by, fear of losing a career that you love because you no longer can do it anymore (or at least not at the same capacity), the possibility that a spouse or partner can't handle the diagnosis of you having MS and decides to leave you --- but despite any of the challenges that were discussed, the show had an upbeat, positive message to it! Teri Garr mentioned her book "Speedbumps". Yes, the title resonates the same message my website does ... Great minds think alike! You may want to check out my "MS... Just A Bump In the Road" Package which contains 2 CDs (one which talks about how to give yourself a "Mood Makeover") and a tip sheet and bookmark that gives my Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life Now, despite having MS and a great book on manifesting whatever you want in your life. Visit and scroll down to the "MS... Just A Bump In the Road" Package. It's a "must have", especially if you are newly diagnosed with MS!

Back to the Larry King Live show...
Teri Garr mentioned that she has been living with MS for 22 years. Some of the MS Symptoms she has experienced are numbness, tingling, tripping, stabbing pain in her arm. She was only diagnosed in 1999 (approximately 25 years after some of her first symptoms). Teri Garr sees the positive side -- she says it is not in her nature to focus on the negatives! What struck me the most was when she said that in Hollywood "growing older as a woman is more of a handicap than the illness itself". Sure, there is discrimination as a result of the perception that people with MS can not do as much as someone without the disease --- baloney! This panel proved that perception wrong. And many other people are proving that perception wrong as well! It's all about attitude and your mind set. If you believe that MS has you beat and that it defines you ... it will. If you believe that it's "Just Another Bump In the Road of Life"... it will be!

These days, there are lots of therapy options out there for people with RRMS (Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis). 22 years ago, a doctor would have told you to go home and that there is nothing he/she could do (that's if they were even able to diagnosis it). Now, doctors are diagnosiing the disease quicker (I was diagnosed within 10 days of my first exacerbation), and telling there patients that there are drug therapies that can help slow the progression of the disease.

It was mentioned on the show that "people with MS still have vitality and a brain" -- yes, that is very true. We are only defined by the way we handle MS, not by the disease itself. Matter of fact, we are all defined more by how we respond to any life challenge. That's what speaks volumes to our character, our courage and our spirit!

MS can be... Just Another Bump In the Road of your life. Look to the people who have MS but are living life to it's fullest, despite the diagnosis! Let them be your inspiration to see the positives in your life, be grateful for what you DO HAVE, and live each day as if it's a gift ... because it is!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
Soon-to-be "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors!"

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Money Coach for People with MS

Many people that I speak to within the MS community tell me that they have financial challenges. Yes, having a chronic health condition can definitely pile up the medical bills (depending on how you are doing with the disease), but I think it is more than that. I find that coaching people around money issues comes down to shifting their thinnking from the "lack" mentality to the "abundant" and "gratitude" mentality.

I must admit, I can recall many times while starting my business where I was worried about money coming in or worried about whether I was going to be as successful financially as I was in the corporate world as a statistican. Looking back on these times, I have discovered that the times that I was focused on the positives and my deep inner passion or what I was doing, were the times that opportunities came to me more often than the times where I was worried and focusing on what I didn't have yet.

This is a lesson that I coach people around when they come to me with some "lack" issues around money. First of all, if you keep on focusing on what you don't have, that's exactly what you are going to keep on getting (and on top of that ... you are not going to feel that good -- your mood will be crappy because you are focusing on what you don't have! That doesn't make anyone feel good!)

Also, did you know that you CAN turn your passion into income. Many people are doing it. You can look for proof of this all over. I read somewhere that Oprah Winfrey always loved to talk (since she was a kid) -- well, we all know that she turned that passion into MEGA income, didn't she?

And for those of you that are thinking "well, that's great for Oprah, BUT, I don't have what it takes to do that!" -- that's just a story you are telling yourself. If you really want to live your passion, you can. You don't have to have all the answers right now. For goodness sakes, I am still finding new answers and learning each and every day how to be a better entrepreneur. It's a journey. But if you are living your passion, the road to success is inevitable!

If you want to learn how to turn your passion into income, check out my Finding Passion in a New Career CD which has both an interview CD and an introduction CD on turning that passion into income. If you purchase the Package, you will also receive a certificate which will entitle you to a one-one-one Discover Your Passion 20-minute consultation with me. Check it out at

Money is just the means to doing what makes us happy. It's not the actual paper (green or other color, depending on what country you live in) --- it's what we imagine that we can do with it that makes us happy! Working with me, you will define exactly what it is you are passionate about and develop a plan to manifest that dream into a reality!

Create a passion-filled, Lovin' Life Day for yourself. And ask yourself this question ...
"What would I do if I had all the money that
Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump and Bill Gates put together have?"

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!

AND Soon-to-be
"America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors who want to stay invincible, even with all the stress!"
Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Two Fantastic Speaking Events!

Within the past month, I have successfully completed two wonderful events with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I was the Keynote Speaker for the San Jose Women's Wellness Day and I presented a full-day program on Plugging Into the Power Within for the Maryland National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I gave a Keynote & 2 Workshops on the Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life Now, despite MS and The MS Web We Weave (which is the name of my book which will be coming out in 2006).

I love energizing my audience and seeing the sparkle in their eyes when they leave the event! It's a great feeling. I know that everyone has what it takes to turn their life around --- they just need a little help to find that courage muscle to do just that! People need a reminder to focus on the positives in their lives and to realize that they have an amazing powerful mind that can literally make or break them.

Being America's #1 Motivational Speaker and Life Coach for people with MS is one of the most rewarding things that I do in my life. I do it because I want to make a difference in the world. I want to have a positive impact on the quality of someone's life. I want people to feel better. I want people to know that we all have that special something within us that can help us to thrive through the toughest times in our lives. The power of our Mind & Spirit is above and beyond what logical thinking takes us to. We can be, do or have anything if our spirit and mind are aligned in the right fashion! It's amazing. I always look for the miracles in this world -- the people who achieve things that conventional wisdom would say they couldn't. I admire the people who thrive through the worst of tragedies or health challenges! It can be done!

If you are in a funk today, know that you can turn your mood around and have anything you want to have. For a Mood Makeover, consider getting my Mood Makeover CD which will provide you with my Top Tips on Improving Your Mood, Feelin' Good when You're NOT feelin' good and how to address those toxic people in your life and improve your overall health and well-being ten-fold. To get this CD, go to my Lovin' Life CDs Icon and scroll down to find this individual CD under the MS... Just A Bump In the Road Package. It is sold separately from the package. It is a MUST HAVE if you ever feel like your mood needs a makeover.

If you would like me to speak in your area, contact me at or visit and fill in the Speaker Request Form.

I have been told that what I share with my audiences and HOW I motivate and inspire people can apply to all walks of life -- anyone with a life challenge! Who doesn't have a challenge from time-to-time in their lives? I know I do!

I would love to make a difference in your community, contact me today to be your next Keynote Speaker! Don't waste another day ... we all need a little motivation, inspiration & empowerment from time-to-time! Why not NOW?

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND Soon-to-Be "America's #1 Life Coach for Doctors with Mega Stress!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

EVERYTHING happens for a Reason!

I know that this is true in my life. When I look back at all the events that have happened to me, I see the bigger picture. For example, when I was diagnosed with MS, that was the same day that my partner left the corporate world after 23 years. The very last day. And that night... BAM... I woke up with my whole right side with pins and needles. There is no coincidence that it happened then. We both had the time and energy to go to all those doctors within the next few weeks and time to absorb this news. There is no coincidence that I got trained to be a Life Coach prior to my diagnosis -- there were lessons I had learned through the training that helped me to deal with the diagnosis better.

It is no coincidence that I had a gut to move to the West Coast after being on the East Coast my whole life. I am here, in Oregon, for a reason. I feel more at peace. I feel at home. I feel more energized than I have ever felt before. My creative ideas flow to me effortlessly here. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

There is no coincidence that I am now America's #1 Motivational Speaker for people with MS and soon to be America's #1 Motivational Speaker for Doctors! If I never was diagnosed with MS, would I be doing what I am doing now, helping others the way I am doing. No, I don't think so. MS was not even on my radar screen before I was diagnosed. I didn't know anything about it. I just thought "MS" and "disability" -- quite the contrary for me now. I think "MS" and "My Strengths"; I think "MS" and "more ability" ... ability to live life even more to its fullest -- than I ever have done before.

Everything DOES happen for a reason! Sometimes we just don't know what the reason is and that's OK. I trust that "All is Well" even when it doesn't feel that way. I know that from every crisis, there is a lesson and opportunity. And I know that "Life is Good" and I intend to choose to be Lovin' Life, even in those times of adversity. I will reach for the "feel good" feeling by turning my focus from what's NOT working to what "IS WORKING"!

Thank you "universe" for all the abundance you send me and for all that is yet to come!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!
and America's "soon-to-be" #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for Doctors!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Friday, October 14, 2005

My Lovin' Life Journal

Each moment is a gift and a chance to start the day with a new, positive outlook!

My Lovin’ Life Journal is your very own personal journal which will help you to view each day as a chance to intentionally create a Lovin’ Life day for yourself!

Start each day with a constant reminder that it’s a NEW DAY … a chance to start all over and intentionally experience joy in your life!

“The questions in this journal have changed my life, and I am thrilled to have created this journal for you so that you too can get past all the “bumps” in your road of life and start intentionally creating a day where you feel empowered and optimistic!”

Begin your path to living each day with a fresh, new perspective on your life and take action by answering the powerful questions in My Lovin' Life Journal!

Just click here to order your copy of “My Lovin’ Life Journal”:

“This journal is amazing!! I can’t stress enough what an impact it can bring to your daily life. The questions are so insightful and are the best way to start each and every day on a positive note. I highly recommend that each and every coach I know and train purchase this Lovin’ Life Journal to use for themselves and as gifts for clients. What a GREAT gift this is for friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, clients, etc… Maria really hits it on the mark and knows how to turn all your “bumps in the road of life” into positive lessons and wonderful opportunities. Use this journal each day as I do and your overall attitude towards life will improve ten-fold, guaranteed! Don’t waste another day without Maria’s Lovin’ Life Journal!”- Terri Levine, President and CEO of The Coaching Institute


When you feel like giving up!

Yes, sometimes I even have those days -- you know, the ones that you just want to start all over again. I am not sure what it is. I have an astrologer friend who tells me it's because of the new moon or the full moon or something like that! That's all I know is that it's important for me to snap myself out of it and look to all the good in my life. In the scheme of things, whatever it is I am frustrated about is trivial. I just have to remind myself of that during those times.

One of the things I have noticed about myself is that I need to step back from a situation and allow my brain to clear before trying to resolve anything that is not going right.

I ask myself the following questions:

What's your biggest fear in this situation?
Will this matter 1 year from now?
Do you have faith that everything will work out exactly the way it's supposed to?

Sometimes even the most positive of us all, have a day that we wish we could "do over"!

It's OK. Just realize that each moment is a chance to start all over again! Life is Good and I know that I can choose to be Lovin' Life and trusting that all is well!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Becoming Certified as a Doctor's Coach

I am very excited about my new venture of becoming a Certified Coach for Doctors. Given my expertise in motivating and coaching people with Multiple Sclerosis , I have decided to take this specialty niche a step further and specialize in working with Doctors and their families who are dealing with Health Challenges and lots of stress. (I know, every doctor has LOTS of stress ... matter of fact, they thrive on it)

However, doctors are human to and do get illnesses and have health challenges. Unfortunately, due to the nature of their overall personalities and their lack of free time, they may have a more difficult time accepting this (afterall, they are invincible, right? Of course not!)

Having been healthy all his or her life, and also treating illness all the time, makes the doctor very aware of the impact on lifestyle, energy and longevity of life after a diagnosis of a health condition. Being acutely aware of this, the doctor might have less difficulty accepting the diagnosis then a lay person.

If you are a doctor, you may have problems accepting how you would now funtion. You may be used to having a very high energy and productivity level, and if you tried to "slow down", you may get depressed (because operating at high intensity and speed is all you know... and that's the way you work, right?)

As a Doctor's Coach, I can assist the doctor to first deal with the stress of not being able to have stress as their "drug", and also to try to sort out and find opportunity in the illness itself (as I have done AND as I have taught others within the MS community to do!)

The other passion I have is to help the doctor's family with dealing with a Health Challenge. Matter of fact, it may not be the doctor that has the health challenge, but a spouse or child may have been diagonsed with a Chronic Health Condition. This could put just as much pressure and extra stress on the family as the doctor getting the diagnosis. There are alternate ways to coach the family around this type of situation and help them to deal with the diagnosis as Just Another Bump in the Road of Life AND learn how to still live a rich and fulfilling life, even with a chronic health condition.

Life is a gift. No matter what life throws us, we can choose how to experience our life, even in times of adversity!

Lovin' Life is feasible no matter what you are facing! It's all a matter of perspective. If you wake up in the morning and take a breath ... Life is Good!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Laws of Attraction

Being a Life Coach, I have read a lot about the Laws of Attraction and apply many of the principles to my own personal and business life.

I always say to people "your thoughts create your reality". This is SO true. Looking back on my life, I know that whenever I was obsessively thinking about doing something and I envisioned it already happening ... IT DID!

- After one year in a job after getting my Master's Degree, I was dreaming about leaving that job and finding a new one. I could taste it. I could see it. It was happening!

- I finally reached a point in my life where I was tired of being overweight, the defining moment for me was after I moved from Boston to New Jersey and started to envision myself losing weight. I made the commitment and there was no turning back. There was such a strong desire and the pleasure associated with losing weight far outweighed any pain I associated with not doing this.

- I started to feel the itch to leave another job I was at after 9 years. I kept on thinking about a new fresh start, new creative challenges, a new work environment. I acted upon my thoughts and was soon at a new company.

- After a while being at this new job, I started to get that strong desire to start my own business. I started talking about it to everyone I knew. I drew a logo which I would use for my company and put it in my desk drawer in my office at work. Every time I opened that drawer up, it reminded me of my dream. A few years later, I started my own company, Lesetz Statistical Coaching.

My thoughts create my reality. The thoughts come first, NOT the action. Matter of fact my biggest learning with the Law of Attraction is that you don't have to work so hard to create what you really want in life!

I also realized that any negative or disempowering thoughts I have, strongly influences what comes into my life as well (or what doesn't come into my life that I want to be there!)

Where are your thoughts today? What do you think of all the time? What are you envisioning for your life?

Would love to hear from you!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Upcoming Speaking Events with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society

I am so psyched about my Upcoming Speaking Events with a few of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Chapters. Here they are!

San Jose, CA Event!
MS Women's Day
October 8th, 2005
Dolce Hayes Mansion
200 Evendale Avenue
San Jose, CA 95136
To register, go to...

Baltimore, Maryland Event!
Plugging into the Power Within!
An all-day event with Maria Lesetz (keynote, 2 workshops, grand drawing & more!)
November 5th, 2005
Hilton Garden Inn, White Marsh
For more information, contact Sharon Dongarra at 410-527-1770 x 114

Speaking is my passion! I love to interact with others and make a positive difference in their lives by sharing with them my energy, my message and my zest for life!

Look forward to seeing you at one of my upcoming events. Come up to me after the event and tell me that you read my Lovin' Life Blog! I will be happy to meet you!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis

to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting

to enhance overall health and well-being.


Friday, September 16, 2005

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for people with MS!

Yes, that's what they are calling me! And you know the BEST part... I am LOVIN' LIFE! (hence the name of my business, Lovin' Life!). Motivating and inspiring people to live a rich and fulfilling life, despite ANY challenge that they face in life is what I absolutely love to do! My specialty niche is helping people diagnosed with MS. Why this niche? Because I was diagnosed with MS in 2002 and looked at it as a higher calling --- part of my life purpose to help this community to empower themselves to make choices in their lives that would improve their overall health and well-being! It is so rewarding to know that I am positively impacting people's lives while enjoying every minute of it AND getting paid for it as well! You just can't ask for more than that.

I am so passionate about changing people's lives -- specifically, I want people with MS (and other Chronic Health Conditions) to GET that they have a choice on how they respond to the diagnosis of a disease. Look at Lance Armstrong? Has the diagnosis of cancer stopped him from living? Has the diagnosis stopped him from going after his bigggest dreams? Heck NO! I think that it has only motivated him further and pushed him beyond any expectations he set for himself. He probably amazes himself sometimes! He amazes me! Lance Armstrong is an inspiration to me ... the lesson I learn from him is that "no life challenge" is too big that you can't get through it and come away stronger than ever!

Yes, I started this blog with the title of 'America's #1 Motivational Speaker for people with Multiple Sclerosis' -- but it is really turning into a motivating message to not let ANYTHING stop you from living your dreams and Lovin' Life! I know WHY I do what I do ... and that is BECAUSE it makes me feel good! This is part of my life purpose. And I am sure there is more and I am open to it.

Don't let ANYTHING stand in the way of living your life to the fullest!!! You only get one chance for the life you live. Do what you love, make choices that make you feel real good on the inside, move to that place you have been thinking about for years, take that trip that you have always wanted to take, start that business that you contemplate often... Take Action NOW! Because the present moment is all we really have. Tomorrow is not promised! And anyway, the fun lies in the journey! SO, start that Journey today so that you can say "I'm Lovin' Life!"

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people diagnosed with MS!


Friday, September 09, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I am sure there are thousands of blogs on the Hurricane Katrina Disaster... well, here is Maria Lesetz's take on this tragedy.

Something like this is a constant reminder to me that life is so precious and that there are so many things that we take for granted in our lives. Any day, something like this can happen in any one of our lives and then what? Will our priorities change in life? Will we look at things differently? Will this tragedy change your life (even if you were not directly impacted by it? I know that it has given me a huge perspective on what I prioritize in my life and what I am grateful for... my loved ones, my health, the roof over my head.

As far as the politics of this whole disaster... I don't understand why it took so long for help to be sent to these areas! Seeing those pictures on TV, I thought I was looking at another country --NOT the United States of America! It's a shame that it took that long for help to arrive. It didn't take that long in Florida. It didn't take that long in NY on 9/11. Yes, it begs the question... why did it take SO long for this tragedy? To me... people are people. We are all humans and deserve the same treatment and respect. Yes, reality is such that we are all not treated equal... that's where the tragedy lies.

Oprah Winfrey's special show really opened my eyes to what people were dealing with in the areas that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. It broke my heart and made me shake my head in disbelief.

And what does any of this have to do with my Lovin' Life Blog? A lot... we should all be grateful for what we have, be Lovin' Life Now in the moment and reach out to our fellow Americans that have been impacted by this tragedy and help them in some way, shape or form. When it comes down to it... there is a common thread between all of us (no matter what race, religion, financial status, etc.) -- we all have the same basic needs and desires in life. Let's help each other!

I do believe that it is possible for any of the people to come out stronger as a result of this tragedy. I heard one man say "Thank God I am alive, I don't know why this happened, but God has a plan and I will get through this and be fine." As I always say, Attitude is everything... it's the basis and the main ingredient determining how you are going to experience your life. For those of you that know me, I view the challenges in my life as "Just Another Bump In the Road" ... well, this tragedy is definitely bigger than just a "bump", however, even if it feels like the tallest mountain in the world.. it can be climbed and conquered!

Sending out my blessings and positive thoughts and wishes to all those affected by Hurricane Katrina!

Warmest Regards,
Maria Lesetz
Lovin' Life
America's #1 Motivational Speaker for people with Chronic Health Conditions


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Nasty People and Your Health

What does "Nasty People" have to do with having Multiple Sclerosis? Well, nothing directly ... but how you choose to deal with the people you encounter each day can have a HUGE impact on how you physically feel?

Do people frustrate you? Do you ever argue with someone and then find that you physically don't feel too good or that you are exhausted from all that negative energy you exerted?

There are many studies out there that prove that stress has a negative impact on our Health -- so why do we choose to get upset when some nasty person is rude to us or treats us poorly? If I choose to get upset or yell at that person, it sure is NOT going to change how that person is going to continue to behave. (Matter of fact, it may make things worse). If it is someone that just cut me off on the road, I let it go. If it is someone that is talking to me, I am respectful, but firm in my voice, never yell and just take the corporate/professional approach. I am a firm believer in treating people the way I would want to be treated --- and yes, that still applies to the people that are "nasty". Of course, the tone in my voice is far more lighthearted when I am speaking with someone who has a pleasant dispostion and is friendly and considerate. But, I refuse to get all angry & frustrated when I encounter the "nasty person".

I also remind myself that "you never know what other people's baggage is". Maybe that person is being nasty because their spouse just left them. Maybe their boss just chewed them out for just doing their job. Maybe they have been treated poorly their whole life and don't know any other way to treat people. Maybe they were just told that they have 5 months to live.... the list can go on. We simply just don't know why people act the way they do... but one thing I do know is that YOU have a choice on how you respond, behave and act with people. You are in control of your actions. So, the next time that someone "pisses you off", take the high road... and add a few years to your life by responding in a neutral way.

I learned the following equation from a seminar leader... E + R = O

E= Event (which is always neutral -- an event that occurs is neither positive or negative -- we put that judgement on it)

R= Our response to the event (Negative or Positive)

O = Outcome (which is all based on our response since the event is actually neutral)

For example, let's say it rains on your golf day. The event is "it's raining on your golf day". You can choose to respond by getting all upset and being annoyed that you can't golf that day (negative response) OR you can choose to say " oh well, maybe I will go out with my friends today and grab a bite to eat, instead" or "maybe I will read that book I have been wanting to read and curl up with that warm comfy blanket". Now, what do you think the outcome would be for these two very different types of responses... the one where you are upset because you can't golf will probably ruin your whole day (negative outcome). The other response will probably keep you in a good mood and you will end up having a pleasant day afterall.

This may all seem trivial, but when you have a chronic health condition like Multiple Sclerosis, it is crucial that you minimize your stress level, maintain a positive and healthy attitude as often as you can and make sure that you do things and behave in a way that maintains your energy level or increases it ... not things that diminish your energy level. We sure don't need that!

Do yourself a favor, the next time you encounter a "nasty person" or have an event happen to you that you perceive as "negative", ask yourself the question "how could I respond to this differently that would make me FEEL better?"

Warmest Regards,
Your MS Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Maria Lesetz
Owner and Founder of Lovin' Life

Inspiring and Empowering People with MS to live a rich and fulfilling life!!!


Sunday, August 07, 2005

What the Statistician Knows about Multiple Sclerosis

As many of you may know, I am also a Statistician in addition to being a Motivational Speaker and Life Empowerment Consultant and Coach. I worked in the corporate world for over 14 years and predicted outcomes for a living!

I found humor in the fact that I was diagnosed with one of the most unpredictable diseases. I am statistician... I should be able to predict this with a 95% confidence level!

Well, the lesson that I learned from the diagnosis of MS is that the "unpredictable" is just fine because there is an element of "unknown" in every event that happens and that the outcome can be more dependent on things that can't be measured (e.g., the power of our minds & spirit). I actually am glad that this disease is unpredictable because it allows me to give equal weight or more weight to the positive outcome. I deserve it! I claim it! (And for those of you reading this that have been diagnosed with a disease that doctors predict to be a negative course of progression, THROW THAT PREDICTION OUT and tap into your own ability to change the course of the disease!!! Predictions are just that ... predictions -- but there is ALWAYS room for error in those predictions and ONLY YOU can determine the size of that error that's being made in that predition!)

What I do know about MS is that any stress in my life can affect how I am feeling that day. If I feel overwhelmed with the workload I have or feel that there is too much to do and allow myself to get inundated, my body feels it. So, the diagnosis of MS has actually helped me to slow down, smell the roses -- or the coffee :) --- and actually get to know my limits and boundaries a lot better. I now know, more than ever before, when I need a break or need to take a deep breath and relax and pamper myself. Sounds like a logical thing to do... but many of us don't stop to do this. And if you have been diagnosed with MS (or any other chronic health condition or disease), you may want to seriously consider taking the time out for YOU on a regular basis!

Statistically speaking:
- I am 100% confident that you have what it takes within you to overcome this health challenge and create an extraordinary life for yourself! --- Statisticians NEVER say 100% confident, so I am stepping out of the norm and stating what I feel from the heart... not from my mathematical and analytical side!

- The odds are if you maintain a positive attitude and make an extra effort to minimize your stress level, you will feel better physically and emotionally.

- Strive to be the "outlier" -- don't settle for the "norm" or the "status quo" -- always aim high and challenge yourself to see the other side of that "bump in the road".

- Statistics can NOT predict how you are going to do with this disease. YOU are the major element in that prediction equation. What are you going to do differently today that will have a positive impact on how you physically and emotionally feel?

- Defy the Odds, Throw Caution to the Wind and Live Life to it's maximum... NOW!

If not NOW... when?

Maria Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant or

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire and empower people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

What other people know and think about Multiple Sclerosis

Many people don't know a lot about Multiple Sclerosis and what it actually is and how it can affect all of us in different ways. Many of us who have been diganosed with MS, intially thought "Jerry's kids"... no, it's not Muscular Dystrophy. It's Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous sytem (CNS).

You can read more facts and stats about Multiple Sclerosis at

Now.. onto what other people think about Multiple Sclerosis. I speak to many people that tell me that people say to them "Oh, I am so sorry" and look at them with sad eyes when they hear that that person was just diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Well, it's up to us to teach people how to treat us and what to say. If I react by saying "Don't be sorry, it's just another bump in the road of my life and I plan on continuing to live life to the fullest!" - -how do you think that person is going to react? Now, if I say "yeah, I know, it sucks ... I just don't know what I am going to do" -- how differently do you think that person and others is going to react and behave around you? Quite differently, huh?

When I was diagnosed with MS, I told my parents that I was going to overcome this challenge just like any other challenge I had already experienced and that I needed them to be strong for me (vs. crying and being depressed about it) and believe in my ability to overcome this challenge with flying colors. You see, it is very important to tell people how you would like to be treated and supported during this new life challenge.

And... for those people that look at you in a strange or judgmental way because you have a walker or a cane or your speech is affected by MS... "What they think of you is their problem, NOT YOURS!" Don't take it personally -- they probably give disapproving looks to many different types of people -- it's all about them and their fears and judgments! Don't pay them no mind!

Remember, educate yourself & others about what Multiple Sclerosis is AND make sure you teach/train others how to treat you. Ask for what you need and believe in who you are. Know that the essence of you HAS NOT changed, just because you were diagnosed with MS. Matter of fact, this challenge might even make you live life in a way that is more joyous than you have ever experienced! It has done this for me! I am Lovin' Life and livin' it to the fullest! YOU CAN TOO!

Your Personal Life Coach
Maria Lesetz or


Clay Walker - an inspiration to people with MS!

I recently had the pleasure to meet Clay Walker and hear him speak (and perform!) at an Educational Event hosted by Teva Neuroscience. For those of you that don't know Clay Walker -- he is a multi-platinum Country Music star who also happens to be living with MS.

But he is not just living with MS, he is living life to its fullest, despite the diagnosis of MS!
What I enjoyed most about him was that he is an authentic guy who shares his story with love, humor and a subtle, but powerful message of inspiration and motivation. When I heard him speak in Anaheim California to over 300 people, he was real and made people laugh and at the sane time, think hard about how they want to live their life with MS. As I always say when I do my Motivational Speaking... We all have a choice on how we respond to the diagnosis of MS! Matter of fact, we all have a choice on how we respond to ANYTHING that life throws our way! And Clay Walker definitely GETS this concept and is ... LOVIN' LIFE! Hmmm... that's the name of my company "Lovin' Life!" ... maybe I should hire Clay Walker ! :)

If you are interested in participating in an Interactive MS Educational Live Audio WebChat with Clay Walker where you will have the opportunity to learn about Clay's experiences with MS, and ask Clay questions about living well with MS, here's all the details:

An interactive MS educational Live Audio WebChat with country music star Clay Walker
To connect with the MS community and empower others by sharing his personal story
Tuesday, August 9, 2005 7–8 p.m. CST or 9–10 p.m. CST
Visit and click on the "join Clay Walker" banner. Follow the step-by-step instructions to register.

It's that simple... connect with Clay Walker via an Audio WebChat and ask him all the questions you want on how he lives his life with MS and what strategies he implements in his life to live a GREAT life and maintain a positive attitude!

Clay Walker is on a mission to find the cure for MS. He has his own Charitable organization called Band Against MS. We can all play a part in changing the face of MS and making a positive impact on the lives of people who are living with MS, like you and me. Clay Walker is one of those people that is passionate about making a difference in our lives. Take this opportunity and join him on the live Audio WebChat. You won't be disappointed!

Your personal Motivational Life Coach,

Maria C. Lesetz OR


Friday, July 08, 2005

What keeps you up at night?

If you have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I would like to hear from you. I am very passionate about empowering and inspiring you to live a rich and fulfilling life, but in order to do this and provide you with the best quality services and products, I need to know more about you. (If you know someone with MS, please pass these questions along to them.)
I would really appreciate if you could post your answers here:

1) What keeps you awake at night?
2) What do you worry about most?
3) What are you mad at?
4) What are your daily frustrations?
5) What do you secretly desire?
6) How do you make your decisions?
7) What type of books do you read?
8) Do you listen to music? If so, what kind of music?
9) When you find yourself "in a funk" or "in a negative mood", what do you do?
10) How often do you think about the negatives of life? (e.g., 50% of the time? 90% of the time?)
11) Are you currently working? If so, what career are you in?
12) If you do not work, what does a typical day look like to you?
What would your perfect day look like?
13) How much is "stress" part of your life?
14) If you have stress in your life, how well do you handle it? What do you do to de-stress?
15) What magazines do you buy? Which ones are your favorite?
16) What activities help you to relax?
17) What puts a smile on your face?

I would really appreciate if you could take the time to answer these questions. I really want to know who you are and what your deepest desires are, despite living with MS. Because, I know that I can help you achieve anything you truly desire in life, no matter what obstacles you are facing as a result of the diagnosis of MS.

Looking forward to hearing from you !

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant


Multiple Sclerosis ... Just a Bump in the Road!

As a Motivational Speaker, I get to speak to lots of people across the country. Many of them REALLY like my "MS... Just A Bump In the Road" tagline -- matter of fact, they prefer to visit my website by going to instead of my actual name, That's OK.. I don't take it personally. "MS... Just a Bump in the Road" is easier to remember AND it's a GREAT affirmation to be reminded of each day. The way I look at it, if you remember "MS.. Just A Bump in the Road" and it sticks with you, then this is the beginning of an alternative attitude that you can have towards the diagnosis of a chronic health condition, like MS. You will start to believe that it can be "just a bump in the road" and that you WILL overcome this challenge and live life to it's fullest! Anything is possible! Your thoughts are very powerful... don't underestimate them.

You see, the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis can be just another bump in the road of your life. Yes, at times that bump can throw you off course a little bit (it may even make you spill your cup of coffee ) , but it can be "just a bump" depending on how you choose to look at it. I always say to people "no matter how big the bump seems, there is always the other side to the bump!" You can get to the other side of the bump and see a smooth road.

For me, the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis was an eye opener. It taught me that life can be very unpredictable and at any moment something can happen -- so why not cherish the present moment. It also taught me that worrying about the future is pointless (for the same reason above -- anything can happen, and I make it a point to give equal weighting to the possibilty of a positive outcome .. actually, I give more weighting to the positive then the negative, because I truly believe that what we focus on most shapes how we experience life.)

If you have just been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, know that it can be "Just a Bump in the Road" (even if it doesn't appear that way right now). Contact me at and I will share with you how you can maintain a positive attitude and life a rich and fulfilling life, despite the diagnosis of MS.

Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Multiple Sclerosis and the Thoughts you have each day!

Did you know that your mind and what you think each day can strongly impact how you physically feel with Multiple Sclerosis?

Do you tend to focus on the negatives of life as opposed to the postives?

Do you worry a lot and think of the worst case scenarios?

Start paying attention to what you think about each day. Journal, record it, make note of it any way you feel fit. Just make sure that you start taking notice of where your mind is roaming and the nature of the thoughts you have on a regular basis.

I can tell you that what you are thinking will definitely impact your reality and how you experience life. There is a correlation between your daily thoughts and how much you are Lovin' Life (despite the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis)!!!

Post a message to me and tell me what type of thoughts you have each day (living with Multiple Sclerosis) and how you physically feel.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Maria C. Lesetz
Your Motivational Speaker and Life Empowerment Consultant
Remember... MS can be Just Another Bump in the Road of your Life!


Traveling with Multiple Sclerosis

I have just come back from a 6000 mile Road Trip to a business meeting. Why did I choose to take a Road Trip over flying ? I love to drive. I love to see the beautiful country we live in. I am inspired by mountains, water and open land -- which I see a lot of when I travel across the country. Having Multiple Sclerosis does NOT stop me from living my life to it's fullest and doing the things I love.

Here are a few tips that I would recommend to take if you are traveling for an extended period of time (and through different climates):

1) Make sure that you bring light and comfortable clothes for the warmer climates (as you know, heat can impact the symptoms of MS -- so stay cool)

2) If you are planning on doing outdoor activities in the heat, get a cooling bandana or cooling vest; wear a hat and pace yourself. When all else fails, find an airconditioned restaurant that has great food! (I know that makes me happy!)

3) If you are traveling with any of the injectable medications, check with the drug manufacturer how long the product can stay unrefrigerated. I take Copaxone and that can be unrefrigerated for 7 days. Although, I do make sure when I stop each night on my road trip that I stay at a hotel that has a refrigerator. I highly recommend Marriott Residence Inns

-- cause each room comes with a kitchen and a full size refrigerator where the temperature can be moderated (easier than one of those small refrigerators that tend to freeze everything no matter how low you have the setting!)

4) If you are driving, bring a cooler in your car so that you can keep cold water and also put your meds in (if you have a tray to lay on top) -- just make sure that you keep the meds in the temperature range the drug company recommends.

5) Always remember to pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you are tired or need to take a brake, then listen to what your body is telling you to do. Don't push yourself beyond your limits. Remember, you are traveling to have fun and enjoy yourself.

Multiple Sclerosis DOES NOT have to stop you from traveling and enjoying life.

If you have any questions for me about Road Tripping with Multiple Sclerosis, feel free to contact me at

In the past year, I have traveled almost 20,000 miles across the United States and have had a blast doing so! I am Lovin' Life and living life to it's fullest. You can too!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz, Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant for people with Multiple Sclerosis

Owner & Founder of the Company Lovin' Life


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Multiple Sclerosis and Worrying

I speak to a lot of people each week that have MS and the one thing that I here often is that they worry a lot. They worry about what the future holds or "what's next?" No matter what you are going through in your life... do you really know the answer to the question "What's next?" I don't think any of us know the answer to that question.

I have learned that "worrying" has absolutely no purpose or benefit to my life. Especially with a disease like Multiple Sclerosis -- which is a very unpredictable disease. Your own neurologist can not predict how it's going to progress in your body -- so why the heck should you worry about it and cook up all the worst-case scenarios. Give equal weight to the positive side -- it may not progress quickly at all -- it could be a very, very slow progression, you may do just fine no matter what happens with the disease -- you just don't know. So, stop wasting your energy always focusing on the negative. YOUR THOUGHTS play a huge part in how you physically feel!
If you can tell me one positive that has come out of worrying, please write to me. I would love to know. Because everyone that I speak to and work with, always tell me that worrying just makes them feel worse -- it stresses them out! Stress is simply not good for our overall health and well-being and YOU DO have a choice on what you think about and focus on.

So, stop worrying! It's not good for your health! And if you say "well, that's easier said than done" -- call me to schedule a free 15-minute Empowerment Consultation, where I will teach you a few quick strategies to eliminate the worry and bring more joy into your life!

Maria C. Lesetz,
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant


Monday, May 23, 2005

Do you want to be a Motivational Speaker for people with Multiple Sclerosis?

As many of you may know, I am a Motivational Speaker. I love speaking to others and feeling the energy in the room increase and shift to a high energy, uplifting, positive space! This is one of my most favorite things to do! It's fun, rewarding and effortless!

People ask me all the time "don't you get nervous?" , "where did you learn how to speak like that?", "where do you get your inspiration from?", "where do you get all that energy from?" & "how do you do it?"

Do you want to know my answers to these questions?

I decided that I am going to start a training program for people who are interested in improving their 'public speaking' skills AND a training program just for people who want to be Motivational Speakers. In both training programs, you will learn my top 7 strategies to giving an awesome presentation while maintaining a calm and confident demeanor.

If you want to improve your speaking skills or if you have a passion for speaking and want to add Motivational Speaking to your career, please contact me at to find out more about my Speaking Training programs.

Speaking is a wonderful way to connect with people and make a difference in this world!


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Patience is a Virtue!

Having patience is something that I need to still work on within certain areas of my life. I still have this "ant" problem in my home and office which is extremely annoying! I was told by the exterminator that it could take up to 60 days till all the ants are gone... 60 DAYS!!!! I want them gone NOW... not 60 days from now! I am very impatient when it comes to something like this.

A fellow Life Coach just told me the other day about something called Medicine Cards. Now I don't know what Medicine Cards are, but she said something very interesting about them.. she told me that "ants" bring a message of patience! Ah... hah... is this the overall lesson that I am supposed to learn.. the lesson of patience?! Maybe I can apply what I learn from this situation to other areas in my life that I am impatient about. Many of us want things to happen NOW (not tomorrow, not next week, not in 60 days or 1 year... NOW). But, many times the things we want to happen are not meant to happen immediately because there is a higher plan ... a raison d'etre for the situation at hand. We may not know WHY something is taking more time than we want, but there must be a reason why we must wait.. maybe something else needs to happen in order for the thing we want to happen occurs.

This got me thinking deeper about what it takes to be patient:

- you must trust (in a higher power or your higher self) that things will work out and that everything will be OK.

- you must have no fear of any outcome.

- you must be grounded in the present moment and not let your mind "cook up" all the worst-case scenarios of what "might happen" if you don't get your way or if something doesn't happen immediately.

- you must realize that every situation that presents itself in your life is there to teach you something about yourself or to guide you to a different path... each situation that arises has it's own timeframe (you can't speed up the time it takes to boil a pot of water!)

- you need to believe and say the affirmation "ALL IS GOOD!"

- you need to know WHY you want something to happen fast and ask yourself how you will feel once it happens. Then, start doing things that will make you feel that way PRIOR to the event happening.

- you need to realize that getting all upset and frustrated because something is NOT happening, can only make things worse for you. It does not help to focus on what is NOT happening --- that just brings more of the "lack" into your life. You need to focus on what is working and the "good" about the situation you are currently in.

Maybe lack of patience is correlated with lack of faith or having a fear OR maybe it's because we live in a society where everybody wants everything NOW... immediate results! But that is not the way life works. Everything has it's natural time frame... Sometimes things we want just take time ... they need the foundation and the seeds to happen.

Are you impatient? Please share your stories of patience or impatience with me. I would love to hear from you. We can all learn from each other!

Being patient can only enhance your overall life experience. Be grateful for the present moment (even if your current situation doesn't look like roses on the surface!)

Warmest Regards,
Maria Lesetz, Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant


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