Saturday, October 15, 2005

EVERYTHING happens for a Reason!

I know that this is true in my life. When I look back at all the events that have happened to me, I see the bigger picture. For example, when I was diagnosed with MS, that was the same day that my partner left the corporate world after 23 years. The very last day. And that night... BAM... I woke up with my whole right side with pins and needles. There is no coincidence that it happened then. We both had the time and energy to go to all those doctors within the next few weeks and time to absorb this news. There is no coincidence that I got trained to be a Life Coach prior to my diagnosis -- there were lessons I had learned through the training that helped me to deal with the diagnosis better.

It is no coincidence that I had a gut to move to the West Coast after being on the East Coast my whole life. I am here, in Oregon, for a reason. I feel more at peace. I feel at home. I feel more energized than I have ever felt before. My creative ideas flow to me effortlessly here. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

There is no coincidence that I am now America's #1 Motivational Speaker for people with MS and soon to be America's #1 Motivational Speaker for Doctors! If I never was diagnosed with MS, would I be doing what I am doing now, helping others the way I am doing. No, I don't think so. MS was not even on my radar screen before I was diagnosed. I didn't know anything about it. I just thought "MS" and "disability" -- quite the contrary for me now. I think "MS" and "My Strengths"; I think "MS" and "more ability" ... ability to live life even more to its fullest -- than I ever have done before.

Everything DOES happen for a reason! Sometimes we just don't know what the reason is and that's OK. I trust that "All is Well" even when it doesn't feel that way. I know that from every crisis, there is a lesson and opportunity. And I know that "Life is Good" and I intend to choose to be Lovin' Life, even in those times of adversity. I will reach for the "feel good" feeling by turning my focus from what's NOT working to what "IS WORKING"!

Thank you "universe" for all the abundance you send me and for all that is yet to come!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!
and America's "soon-to-be" #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for Doctors!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Friday, October 14, 2005

My Lovin' Life Journal

Each moment is a gift and a chance to start the day with a new, positive outlook!

My Lovin’ Life Journal is your very own personal journal which will help you to view each day as a chance to intentionally create a Lovin’ Life day for yourself!

Start each day with a constant reminder that it’s a NEW DAY … a chance to start all over and intentionally experience joy in your life!

“The questions in this journal have changed my life, and I am thrilled to have created this journal for you so that you too can get past all the “bumps” in your road of life and start intentionally creating a day where you feel empowered and optimistic!”

Begin your path to living each day with a fresh, new perspective on your life and take action by answering the powerful questions in My Lovin' Life Journal!

Just click here to order your copy of “My Lovin’ Life Journal”:

“This journal is amazing!! I can’t stress enough what an impact it can bring to your daily life. The questions are so insightful and are the best way to start each and every day on a positive note. I highly recommend that each and every coach I know and train purchase this Lovin’ Life Journal to use for themselves and as gifts for clients. What a GREAT gift this is for friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, clients, etc… Maria really hits it on the mark and knows how to turn all your “bumps in the road of life” into positive lessons and wonderful opportunities. Use this journal each day as I do and your overall attitude towards life will improve ten-fold, guaranteed! Don’t waste another day without Maria’s Lovin’ Life Journal!”- Terri Levine, President and CEO of The Coaching Institute


When you feel like giving up!

Yes, sometimes I even have those days -- you know, the ones that you just want to start all over again. I am not sure what it is. I have an astrologer friend who tells me it's because of the new moon or the full moon or something like that! That's all I know is that it's important for me to snap myself out of it and look to all the good in my life. In the scheme of things, whatever it is I am frustrated about is trivial. I just have to remind myself of that during those times.

One of the things I have noticed about myself is that I need to step back from a situation and allow my brain to clear before trying to resolve anything that is not going right.

I ask myself the following questions:

What's your biggest fear in this situation?
Will this matter 1 year from now?
Do you have faith that everything will work out exactly the way it's supposed to?

Sometimes even the most positive of us all, have a day that we wish we could "do over"!

It's OK. Just realize that each moment is a chance to start all over again! Life is Good and I know that I can choose to be Lovin' Life and trusting that all is well!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Becoming Certified as a Doctor's Coach

I am very excited about my new venture of becoming a Certified Coach for Doctors. Given my expertise in motivating and coaching people with Multiple Sclerosis , I have decided to take this specialty niche a step further and specialize in working with Doctors and their families who are dealing with Health Challenges and lots of stress. (I know, every doctor has LOTS of stress ... matter of fact, they thrive on it)

However, doctors are human to and do get illnesses and have health challenges. Unfortunately, due to the nature of their overall personalities and their lack of free time, they may have a more difficult time accepting this (afterall, they are invincible, right? Of course not!)

Having been healthy all his or her life, and also treating illness all the time, makes the doctor very aware of the impact on lifestyle, energy and longevity of life after a diagnosis of a health condition. Being acutely aware of this, the doctor might have less difficulty accepting the diagnosis then a lay person.

If you are a doctor, you may have problems accepting how you would now funtion. You may be used to having a very high energy and productivity level, and if you tried to "slow down", you may get depressed (because operating at high intensity and speed is all you know... and that's the way you work, right?)

As a Doctor's Coach, I can assist the doctor to first deal with the stress of not being able to have stress as their "drug", and also to try to sort out and find opportunity in the illness itself (as I have done AND as I have taught others within the MS community to do!)

The other passion I have is to help the doctor's family with dealing with a Health Challenge. Matter of fact, it may not be the doctor that has the health challenge, but a spouse or child may have been diagonsed with a Chronic Health Condition. This could put just as much pressure and extra stress on the family as the doctor getting the diagnosis. There are alternate ways to coach the family around this type of situation and help them to deal with the diagnosis as Just Another Bump in the Road of Life AND learn how to still live a rich and fulfilling life, even with a chronic health condition.

Life is a gift. No matter what life throws us, we can choose how to experience our life, even in times of adversity!

Lovin' Life is feasible no matter what you are facing! It's all a matter of perspective. If you wake up in the morning and take a breath ... Life is Good!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker for People with MS!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


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