Saturday, November 19, 2005

Larry King Live Show on Multiple Sclerosis

Last night, November 18th, I watched the Larry King Live Show on "Battling MS". Meredith Vieira from ABC's "The View" hosted the show. The guests were her husband, Richard Cohen (who has MS and is author of a book called Blindsided), Clay Walker (Country Music Star who also has MS), Tamia Hill (R&B Singer who was diagnosed with MS in 2003 and is married to NBA star Grant Hill), Teri Garr (actress, paid ambassador for MS Lifelines Program) and Dr. Randall Schapiro (Head of MS Clinic at Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology).

It's great to see MS getting more media attention lately. It's very important to educate people and break through the stereotypes of what people perceive when they hear that someone has MS. I know that when I was diagnosed with MS some people said to me "Oh, I am SO sorry." And then they looked at me with "that face". I told them "Don't be... MS is just another bump in the road of my life!"

Larry King Live, with Meredith Vieira hosting it, showed a different face and attitude of people who have MS. Yes, some of the challenges of having a chronic health condition were discussed such as fears of how your children would handle it, what their opinion would be of their Mom or Dad as the years go by, fear of losing a career that you love because you no longer can do it anymore (or at least not at the same capacity), the possibility that a spouse or partner can't handle the diagnosis of you having MS and decides to leave you --- but despite any of the challenges that were discussed, the show had an upbeat, positive message to it! Teri Garr mentioned her book "Speedbumps". Yes, the title resonates the same message my website does ... Great minds think alike! You may want to check out my "MS... Just A Bump In the Road" Package which contains 2 CDs (one which talks about how to give yourself a "Mood Makeover") and a tip sheet and bookmark that gives my Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life Now, despite having MS and a great book on manifesting whatever you want in your life. Visit and scroll down to the "MS... Just A Bump In the Road" Package. It's a "must have", especially if you are newly diagnosed with MS!

Back to the Larry King Live show...
Teri Garr mentioned that she has been living with MS for 22 years. Some of the MS Symptoms she has experienced are numbness, tingling, tripping, stabbing pain in her arm. She was only diagnosed in 1999 (approximately 25 years after some of her first symptoms). Teri Garr sees the positive side -- she says it is not in her nature to focus on the negatives! What struck me the most was when she said that in Hollywood "growing older as a woman is more of a handicap than the illness itself". Sure, there is discrimination as a result of the perception that people with MS can not do as much as someone without the disease --- baloney! This panel proved that perception wrong. And many other people are proving that perception wrong as well! It's all about attitude and your mind set. If you believe that MS has you beat and that it defines you ... it will. If you believe that it's "Just Another Bump In the Road of Life"... it will be!

These days, there are lots of therapy options out there for people with RRMS (Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis). 22 years ago, a doctor would have told you to go home and that there is nothing he/she could do (that's if they were even able to diagnosis it). Now, doctors are diagnosiing the disease quicker (I was diagnosed within 10 days of my first exacerbation), and telling there patients that there are drug therapies that can help slow the progression of the disease.

It was mentioned on the show that "people with MS still have vitality and a brain" -- yes, that is very true. We are only defined by the way we handle MS, not by the disease itself. Matter of fact, we are all defined more by how we respond to any life challenge. That's what speaks volumes to our character, our courage and our spirit!

MS can be... Just Another Bump In the Road of your life. Look to the people who have MS but are living life to it's fullest, despite the diagnosis! Let them be your inspiration to see the positives in your life, be grateful for what you DO HAVE, and live each day as if it's a gift ... because it is!

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
Soon-to-be "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors!"

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Money Coach for People with MS

Many people that I speak to within the MS community tell me that they have financial challenges. Yes, having a chronic health condition can definitely pile up the medical bills (depending on how you are doing with the disease), but I think it is more than that. I find that coaching people around money issues comes down to shifting their thinnking from the "lack" mentality to the "abundant" and "gratitude" mentality.

I must admit, I can recall many times while starting my business where I was worried about money coming in or worried about whether I was going to be as successful financially as I was in the corporate world as a statistican. Looking back on these times, I have discovered that the times that I was focused on the positives and my deep inner passion or what I was doing, were the times that opportunities came to me more often than the times where I was worried and focusing on what I didn't have yet.

This is a lesson that I coach people around when they come to me with some "lack" issues around money. First of all, if you keep on focusing on what you don't have, that's exactly what you are going to keep on getting (and on top of that ... you are not going to feel that good -- your mood will be crappy because you are focusing on what you don't have! That doesn't make anyone feel good!)

Also, did you know that you CAN turn your passion into income. Many people are doing it. You can look for proof of this all over. I read somewhere that Oprah Winfrey always loved to talk (since she was a kid) -- well, we all know that she turned that passion into MEGA income, didn't she?

And for those of you that are thinking "well, that's great for Oprah, BUT, I don't have what it takes to do that!" -- that's just a story you are telling yourself. If you really want to live your passion, you can. You don't have to have all the answers right now. For goodness sakes, I am still finding new answers and learning each and every day how to be a better entrepreneur. It's a journey. But if you are living your passion, the road to success is inevitable!

If you want to learn how to turn your passion into income, check out my Finding Passion in a New Career CD which has both an interview CD and an introduction CD on turning that passion into income. If you purchase the Package, you will also receive a certificate which will entitle you to a one-one-one Discover Your Passion 20-minute consultation with me. Check it out at

Money is just the means to doing what makes us happy. It's not the actual paper (green or other color, depending on what country you live in) --- it's what we imagine that we can do with it that makes us happy! Working with me, you will define exactly what it is you are passionate about and develop a plan to manifest that dream into a reality!

Create a passion-filled, Lovin' Life Day for yourself. And ask yourself this question ...
"What would I do if I had all the money that
Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump and Bill Gates put together have?"

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!

AND Soon-to-be
"America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors who want to stay invincible, even with all the stress!"
Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


Two Fantastic Speaking Events!

Within the past month, I have successfully completed two wonderful events with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I was the Keynote Speaker for the San Jose Women's Wellness Day and I presented a full-day program on Plugging Into the Power Within for the Maryland National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I gave a Keynote & 2 Workshops on the Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life Now, despite MS and The MS Web We Weave (which is the name of my book which will be coming out in 2006).

I love energizing my audience and seeing the sparkle in their eyes when they leave the event! It's a great feeling. I know that everyone has what it takes to turn their life around --- they just need a little help to find that courage muscle to do just that! People need a reminder to focus on the positives in their lives and to realize that they have an amazing powerful mind that can literally make or break them.

Being America's #1 Motivational Speaker and Life Coach for people with MS is one of the most rewarding things that I do in my life. I do it because I want to make a difference in the world. I want to have a positive impact on the quality of someone's life. I want people to feel better. I want people to know that we all have that special something within us that can help us to thrive through the toughest times in our lives. The power of our Mind & Spirit is above and beyond what logical thinking takes us to. We can be, do or have anything if our spirit and mind are aligned in the right fashion! It's amazing. I always look for the miracles in this world -- the people who achieve things that conventional wisdom would say they couldn't. I admire the people who thrive through the worst of tragedies or health challenges! It can be done!

If you are in a funk today, know that you can turn your mood around and have anything you want to have. For a Mood Makeover, consider getting my Mood Makeover CD which will provide you with my Top Tips on Improving Your Mood, Feelin' Good when You're NOT feelin' good and how to address those toxic people in your life and improve your overall health and well-being ten-fold. To get this CD, go to my Lovin' Life CDs Icon and scroll down to find this individual CD under the MS... Just A Bump In the Road Package. It is sold separately from the package. It is a MUST HAVE if you ever feel like your mood needs a makeover.

If you would like me to speak in your area, contact me at or visit and fill in the Speaker Request Form.

I have been told that what I share with my audiences and HOW I motivate and inspire people can apply to all walks of life -- anyone with a life challenge! Who doesn't have a challenge from time-to-time in their lives? I know I do!

I would love to make a difference in your community, contact me today to be your next Keynote Speaker! Don't waste another day ... we all need a little motivation, inspiration & empowerment from time-to-time! Why not NOW?

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND Soon-to-Be "America's #1 Life Coach for Doctors with Mega Stress!

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


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