Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Seeing Life as a Sun Shower

Did you ever watch a sun shower? I have ... there are a lot out here in the Northwest. One minute it's raining and the next the sun is coming out (while it's still raining). And then, the best part of all follows ... the RAINBOW!

Life is like a sun shower. I noticed that when I experience a sun shower, I see the sun NOT the rain. It actually makes me smile. What if we were to look at life this way? Even through the rainy times, we find the sunny moments in our life. We focus on the positives, the things we are grateful for, the things that bring sunshine into our lives. Maybe if we did that, through all the tough times, we would see the rainbow after the rain passes! I find that when I focus on the positives in my life, it makes the "rainy times" easier to move through. Things just don't seem so bad when I constantly remind myself of all the things that I am blessed with in my life.

When the going gets tough, think of this metaphor of a sun shower and remind yourself of all the things in your life that are good, that are positive and that make you smile and put sunshine in your heart. It may help you get through those rough times much easier AND who knows... the rainbow of your life may be just around the corner.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors

Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX and

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!


Larry King Live Show on Psychics vs. Skeptics

I just finished watching the Larry King Live show with Sylvia Browne, two other psychics and two skeptics (one of the skeptics was a Rabbi and the other was a professor from Oklahoma).

Here's what I have to say (which may surprise you coming from a statistician who has a Masters Degree in Statistics!): First of all, some things can NOT be summarized in statistics and put in a nice, neat little box. Surprise! I said it! And if these skeptics were going to collect any data to try to disprove what these particular psychics do, then they should be collecting the data from the thousands (if not millions) of people that these reputable psychics have worked with and ask them if working with them has helped to improve their lives in any way, shape or form. Sounds to me that their work HAS helped many people move on with their lives. Now, I am not saying that there are not scam artists out there that are claiming to be psychics but are not. I am sure these people exist. But, like any other professional service we seek out, it is our job to do our research, get referrals and make sure the person we are going to for guidance is the "real thing".
There are many people that write to me and tell me that my Newsletters, products and speaking events have helped them to improve their lives. Who's to say that it hasn't. Ok, maybe I am not going out there and stating on the Larry King Live show that I am helping people improve their lives (which I would be happy to do), but I just have to look at my own statistics, from the people I work with, and KNOW that what I do makes a difference in people's lives. Maybe I am going off on a tangent here, but my main point is ... if people feel that these particular psychics have helped them move on with their lives, helped them to feel better about a loved one that has passed on, helped them to get more clear on what they should be doing with their life ... what the heck is wrong with that?

I used to have a physics professor who was an atheist. He tried to prove to his students that there was no God. He had many of us believing it based on the lack of scientific evidence. He also said that people ONLY believed in God and a particular religion because it was something to hold on to, something to give them hope ... it made them feel better but it was a whole bunch of hog wash (that was HIS view). Well, what if that's what believing in God did for people (give them hope, something to hold on to) --- is that so bad? Is that going to harm them? No. Of course not.

For the record, I do believe in God. I do believe in a higher power. I do believe that there is more to statistics and what we physically see in front of us. Our thoughts are entities. Our thoughts can create our reality. Can that be scientifically proven? There are many stories I have read about and heard that have proved that to me. But, I don't know if it's been proved in a statistically valid, scientifically-sound study. But I believe it. I believe in things that I can't see. I believe that we all have intuition and gut feelings and some people are tapped into that energy more than others.

So, is Sylvia Browne for real? Ask her millions of followers. Does she help people or does she harm people? My feeling is that she helps people --- just a gut, but that's what I believe and that works for me.

Remember, statistics can be used to prove things but they also can be misused to. I know this as a fact... there were managers and directors in my corporate days who asked me, as the statistician, to "ignore an outlier in the data" or to "massage" the data so that it looked "better". My answer was always ... "this is what the data says, there's nothing more I can do with it." Then, of course, it was the interpretation of the data that could change, depending on who was presenting it. So always remember, go with your gut. You just simply can't go wrong with that.

If you have worked with a psychic and it has helped you a great deal, then continue seeking their guidance. If you had a bad experience with one, then do what your gut is telling you to do.

I would love to hear from you if you have had a positive experience working with Sylvia Browne or any of the other psychics out there. Visit my website at or and share your experiences.

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
"America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Stress, the Holidays & your health!

Yes, it's that time of year where you are running around, trying to get everything done before the Holiday arrives. You are trying to get all the gifts, decorate and clean the house, and make sure that everything is "just perfect" for the Holidays.

But, how stressed are you feeling right now? Does the hype of the holidays bring you a lot of stress as well? And how does that stress affect your overall health and well-being?

What can you do about it? Well, first of all, don't do things because you feel obligated to -- do things because you really want to! I know, you are probably saying "yeah, that's easier said, then done!" Well, YOU are the one that is ultimately in charge of what you choose to do around the Holidays. And anyway, is buying gifts and decorating the house what "it" is all about?

I think the Holiday Season is all about love and giving to others less fortunate. I think it is about smiling at others and giving them the gift of happiness. I think it is about remembering our loved ones in our thoughts and telling them that we love them. Imagine if you just gave a compliment to your spouse and told them they looked great today. When was the last time you did that?

Stress around the Holidays is something that you create for yourself. Take a good hard look at what you REALLY want to do this Holiday Season and ask yourself "Am I doing the things that bring me great JOY or am I only doing things because I feel obligated to?"

Your health is relying on you following your passion and joys and doing what you love.

Give yourself that gift this Holiday Season!

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
"America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire and empower people with a Health Challenge to live a rich and fulfilling life and reach for their highest potential!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges

Did you ever stop to think how doctors feel when they face a health challenge? Afterall, they are the ones who take care of us, right? They're not supposed to get sick or have a health issue to address. Not only that, they know what the potential problem could be. I am sure that they run through the options in their head and don't want to deal with the issue at hand. Do they want another doctor to tell them, "you have _______" (where the blank is some health condition or disease that they treat others on but sure don't want to know that they have it!)

Here's a little story about a doctor that I will never forget. He was my first Neurologist , the one that diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis. This Neurologist had great "bedside manners". He was a doctor that actually showed he cared about me, as his patient. After I got my MRI, he scheduled an appointment to tell me the results and diagnose what it was I had. He made me the last patient on his schedule that day. He displayed the MRI's, pointing to some "white spots". I got the idea that those "white spots" were not supposed to be there. He sat me down and told me that it could be one of three things, "Vasculitis, Lymes Disease or Multiple Sclerosis" and that after all the tests, he felt it was Multiple Sclerosis. He also followed it up with "I know it doesn't feel this way right now, but "MS will become Just A Bump In The Road" of your life! And that definitely stuck with me and made a big impression since as you know, it inspired the creation of my website ... and my passsion for going around the country and spreading this message to others with MS.

Back to the doctor, he also took the time during that appointment, as long as I needed, to answer any questions I had and assist me with absorbing the news. He gave me resources to look up (he spoke to my statistician side of me). He told me to do my research and told me about all the options of the drug therapies. He told me to make the decision that was right for me. I liked that. First of all, there were options. Second of all, he recogized the fact that it was my body and my life and that I should have some say as to what I put in it. That appointment was a long one. His entire staff left the office before we did. We closed down the office. He really made an impression on me. Now, here's the kicker ... one of the reasons why I feel this doctor was so compassionate towards me and the rest of his patients is because he was dealing with a health challenge himself. I never was sure what it was, but since then I have heard that it was Parkinson's Disease. Of course, he understood what it was like to be diagnosed with a Chronic Health Condition and hear the words "YOU have _______".
I truly believe that this contributed to his wonderful approach with dealing with patients. I am sure that part of it was also his personality too but one thing I do know... it must be very difficult for a Doctor to accept and deal with having a health condition.

I have since heard that my First Neurologist has retired (due to his health challenge). Patients were leaving him and going to other doctors in the office. can you imagine how this Doctor must have felt when this started to happen? That's all I know is that he made a huge difference in my life and I Thank Him in my thoughts all the time. I am grateful that he was the first Neurologist I saw and was diagnosed by.

This is where my motivation and passion around helping doctors came from. I KNOW that my specialized life coaching program can help a doctor deal with the diagnosis of a health challenge easier and help him/her to STAY INVINCIBLE and maintain that energy level that he/she wants to always have (especially to keep up with his/her schedule!). Being professionally trained as a Certified Coach for Doctors, through Le Coach 4 U and Coaching Institute, I understand doctors and I know the best way to effectively work with them. Here's my vision, if a doctor is accepting and dealing with his/her own health challenge better, don't you think that will have an effect on his/her patients? Of course it will. It will have an effect on the Doctor's professional life and personal life. Dealing with a health challenge can have an impact on multiple areas of your life. Depending on how you approach it and your attitude towards it, it can make or break the other areas of your life. It is extremely possible to live a rich and fulfilling life, with a health challenge. And I know HOW to do just that!

If you are a Doctor who is currently dealing with a health challenge and having a difficult time accepting it, give me a call at 541-686-1326. I would be happy to offer you a complimentary consultation and tell you how I can help you to "stay invincible" and remove the additional stress that comes from dealing with a health challenge!

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AN D "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


Sunday, December 11, 2005

When something someone says HURTS you...

Have you ever had someone say something to you that really hurt you? I'm sure you have.

But what did you do about it? Did you speak up to the person and tell them how you felt when they said what they did? OR did you just dwell on it in your mind over and over again, thinking about it all the time and feeling worse and worse as you contemplated what that person said?

Within the past few months, someone said something to me that really bothered me. I was hurt. I felt "let down". But I am the type of person that believes in speaking up and confronting the issue. So, I did just that. Next time I spoke to the person, I told them that what they said really hurt me and that I felt "let down". This person apologized profusely and said that they never intended to hurt me -- that they thought "the world" of me and that I was one of their favorite people. Interesting, isn't it? This person thinks very highly of me and considers me to be a special person, yet when they said what they did, they were not aware that it was very hurtful.

This can happen. Some people don't realize the impact of what they say or do. It is your responsibility to protect yourself, to set your own boundaries, to speak up to people that say or do things that hurt you. Now, of course, there are the type of people that say things to INTENTIONALLY hurt you or "push your buttons". Again, it is still very important to tell these people that their behavior is not acceptable to you. This doesn't mean that the person is going to stop what they are saying or doing right away. But you do have a choice on how often you see or speak to that person. If you get to the point where you feel someone is "toxic" to your overall state of mind and well-being, then you must do something about this. You are the top priority in your life. Without your great health and an overall healthy state of mind, what does your life look like? (You may want to consider getting my Mood Makeover CD which addresses the issue of "Toxic people and your overall health" in further detail --- visit and scroll down to the individual CD that is part of my MS... Just A Bump In the Road package. My Mood Makeover CD is sold separately and is well worth the investment!)

Always remember to protect yourself and set your boundaries so that they are acceptable to you. And if you are still harboring on what that person said to you, even after you spoke up, then you are being given an opportunity to look deeper at the situation and figure out why that statement that was said to you, still bothers you so much. You may have to "let go" of something. What is it?

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


How to handle those darn MS Symptoms!

I have many people with MS tell me that it is easy for them to be more positive when they don’t have any symptoms. Makes sense … if you are physically feeling good, it’s easier to feel more positive. But, those same people tell me that as soon as they feel something like a sensory feeling or weakness in the leg or cognitive slowness, their mood changes “on a dime”.

Let me tell you a story about me. The past few days I have been experiencing more sensory feelings … my legs have been “buzzing”, I feel that occasional butterfly on my lip or cheek and I wake up in the middle of the night with my hands and arms all “pins and needles”. Now, I am the type of person that tries to figure it all out. I ask myself the following questions:

1) What’s going on here?
2) Why am I feeling these symptoms more now?
3) Does it have to do with what I am eating?
4) Is it the change in weather from extreme colds outside to the heat inside?
5) Is it a hormonal thing?

As you can see, I give my brain a workout! But being a Motivational Speaker & Life Coach has helped me to recognize when I am doing this and “nipping it in the bud” right away. So yesterday, I reminded myself that continually focusing on the sensory symptoms was not going to make them go away – matter of fact, it was only going to bring the sensory symptoms more to my attention and make me recognize more and more little things.

So, what did I do? I snapped myself out of it. I refocused my thoughts on things that made me feel good. I watched a great movie with someone I love. I blogged and wrote about things that I am passionate about. I reminded myself that by focusing on all the questions that I had in my head, I was not going to accomplish anything.

Look at the questions again … do you think I was able to answer them with any accuracy? No, of course not! It’s not something I can figure out. It just “is what it is”. Why rack my brains trying to figure out “What and Why”? It sure wasn’t making me feel better!

What are YOU focusing on lately that keeps you in a rut or makes you feel even worse? Stop focusing on the things that don’t make you feel good or that make you crazy (by trying to figure it all out). Focus on the things that serve you – the things that make you smile and bring you some joy. Say to yourself “It is what it is, and now it’s time for me to move on and to start focusing on the things that make me feel good!”

One thing I have learned about myself, being diagnosed with MS, is that I can’t figure it all out, life can be very unpredictable and that there is a benefit associated with the unpredictability. Yes, a statistician is actually saying that “predictability is not all it’s cracked up to be!” What would life be like if everything and everyone was predictable? Not very exciting, if you ask me!

Create a wonderful week for yourself, where you are focusing on all the things that benefit you by bringing a smile to your face. Disregard the thoughts and feelings that just make you feel worse – they have no purpose! They do not ADD to your quality of life. They just take away from it.

P.S. Check out my Spectacular Holiday Sale on all my Lovin' Life Products (up to 50% off!):
Lovin' Life CD Packages:
Lovin' Life Journal:

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!
AND "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!"


Monday, December 05, 2005

Effectively Communicating with your Neurologist

Many people who I speak to don't know what to ask their doctor after they have heard the words "You have MS". They are in a state of shock or feel "a bit" (to say the least) overwhelmed by the news!

It definitely can be very "mind-blowing" to hear any news of a diagnosis of a chronic health condition but it is EXTREMELY important that you get ALL your questions answered by your doctor. The relationship with your doctor is very important. If you do not feel comfortable with the answers you are getting or the way you are being treated or addressed, speak up or find another doctor! Get a second or third opinion. Take an action step that is going to make you feel satisfied. This is your life ... you need to arm yourself with all the information that will help you to live fully, even with a chronic health condition.

Doctors are people too. Sometimes, patients have that "white-coat" syndrome. They are afraid to ask their doctor a question or two. Many of the people I speak to always take their doctor's word for it (because he or she is the expert), WITHOUT asking any questions (even if their gut is telling them that something doesn't feel right)! YOU are ultimately in charge of your life. Yes, medical experts are a very important part of our overall health and wellness. However, YOU are the ultimate decision maker. If something does not feel right, say so. The doctor is not living in your body --- YOU ARE.

When I was diagnosed with MS, I composed a list of 23 questions that I had for the doctors. I asked all the questions to ALL 3 Neurologists that I saw. I made sure that I got all my questions answered by multiple doctors before I made any decision on how to proceed with the treatment of the disease.

If you are choosing to go on a drug therapy, it is very important to pick the drug that fits your lifestyle. I chose a drug therapy that had the least side effects and would ensure that I could maintain my usual HIGH ENERGY lifestyle.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of asking the questions that you have. If you don't have any initially and then as the weeks and months go by a few questions arise, just write them down and bring them the next time you visit your doctor OR do what I did ... I typed up that list of 23 questions and faxed my questions to my Neurologist. He actually wrote all his answers on the document I sent to each and every question I asked. I must admit, initially I thought "yeah, right, like he's going to answer these questions real soon" ... but... I chose to send the questions to him, despite my doubt and HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED ALL OF THEM! Now, I am not saying that all doctors will do this. But, hey... you never know. If not, make an appointment JUST TO ASK YOUR QUESTIONS.

Empower yourself! Gather all the information that you need to make the best decisions for you.

FYI … I will be one of the guest speakers, along with a Neurologist from New York University, at a teleconference hosted by Shared Solutions on December 13th (8 PM EST) and December 14th (9PM EST). The topic of the teleconference will be on “Communicating with your Neurologist”. If you are interested in registering for this FREE teleconference, call 1-800-823-1880.

P.S. Visit my website at and download the questions I asked my Neurologist and use them as a starting point to figure out what the most appropriate questions would be for your specific situation. (You can find these questions under the Resources section of my website.)

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Life Empowerment Consultant
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with MS!

And SOON-TO-BE "America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors!"

Lovin' Life's mission is to inspire & empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to LIVE LIFE FULLY... NOW!

Specializing in Stress Reduction, Career Transition, & Environmental Design Consulting to enhance overall health and well-being.


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