Thursday, July 27, 2006

Gratitude Rocks

Recently a friend came to me and asked me to do her a favor. She wanted to bring a gift to her daughter and wanted it to be something unique and special. So, she asked me to write some empowering words on rocks in calligraphy. I love doing calligraphy -- it's very relaxing to me and it brings out my artistic and creative side.

I started this project and it took a life of it's own. My friend said "you should really sell these - they are fantastic and lots of people would want them!" So, here's a sample of what some of them look like. Remember, the rocks are natural rocks picked in Oregon, so each one has it's own unique look. I do each one by hand. People are looking for reminders of the things they want in their life. Strange as it may seem, these rocks put a smile on people's faces! The gratitude one reminds me to always be grateful for what I currently have in my life. The Peace Rock reminds me to always seek out "peace" and "serenity" in everything I do -- because that's a core value of mine.

What are your core values? What type of word would you like on this rock?

If you are interested in ordering one of my Lovin' Life Gratitude Rocks or a special arrangement with a candle, feel free to contact me at and type in the subject line "Gratitude Rocks Order".

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz, the Stress Doctor for Doctors!
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

Other websites: or

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Life Lessons in the Lottery

I tend to dream A LOT – my mind is so active, even while I sleep! My friends tell me that’s because I am an overachiever and can’t let my mind rest and that’s why I got MS - they told me I should be stupid like them! :) Now, they are only joking … humor is a good thing for everyone’s overall health and well-being!

Anyway, the other night I had a dream of a 4 digit # which was written clearly on a spoon (Yes, “a spoon”… interesting, huh?). It was so vivid that when I woke up in the middle of the night that 4 digit # was on my mind – so I made sure that I remembered it by morning.

I decided that day to play the Pick 4 with that # (even though I am a statistician and know the odds on things, I still play every once in a while --- “hey, you never know!” And anyway, you know that I don’t pay attention to the odds … my motto is to “Defy all odds”! Try that motto on for size .. it may suit you real well!

Anyway, my number did not come out that day, so I played it the next day. The one thing I forgot to tell you was that the Pick 4 runs FOUR times during the day in Oregon– so I had this philosophy that I will play the drawing that is up next when I buy the ticket (sounded logical to me, instead of gambling $4 per day for a while). So, the second day I played my number for the 7:00PM drawing. The next morning, I checked the lottery and I couldn’t believe my eyes … my EXACT # came out at 10:00 PM, instead of 7:00 PM --- I would have won at least $2000.00!

Now, I have to admit, initially I was pretty upset – I was mad at myself that I didn’t play an extra $1 that day. However, then I had my partner remind me about the “Law of Attraction”. So, I said to myself: “What are you doing? You are getting all upset and putting out negative vibes into the universe --- hey, you were 3 hours close to winning the most amount of money you have ever won in a lottery! That’s a good thing!” Now, I could have chosen to be bummed all day. I could have chosen to kick myself in the “you know what” all day long. I could have chosen to spew some self-talk that would have been very disempowering. But the lesson I have learned from practicing the principles of the “Law of Attraction” is that whatever I attract into my life is in direct proportion to the vibes that I am giving off on a daily basis. So, I finally chose (thanks to my partner) to look at this “near winning” as a good thing. I was SOOOOO close! I just need to keep on feeling the current abundance I have in my life and that’s exactly what I will attract into my life – more abundance (and from sources that are pleasant surprises!).

So, what’s your lesson from this story?

Next time ... I will win something big because I already FEEL the abundance in my life! :)

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
541-686-1326 or

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Losing Weight Permanently

I use to be overweight. Honestly, sometimes I still think that I could stand to lose a few pounds but I finally beat that diet yo-yo battle of losing weight. I finally got it. Making permanent changes means to make a permanent change in your stream of thinking and what you feel on a daily basis. Our thoughts and feelings play a huge role in our reality, including our success or failures with losing weight.

I tried for years to lose weight. I was 70 lbs overweight. I went on fad diets, took pills that suppress your hunger, and nothing seemed to work ... permanently. Sure I would lose a few pounds on a specific diet but then it would come right back on. It was very frustrating.

But then, something happened to me ... I made a change in my thinking. I reached the point of no return. I cut off all other possibilities with a decision I made. Something shifted in my thought process. And over time I lost those extra 70 lbs permanently. Now, the most my weight varies is within 5 lbs. It feels SOOOO Good to have achieved this goal that seemed like it was never going to be achieved. But I did it and YOU CAN TOO!

You've heard the saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results is the definition of insanity, right? Well, that's essentially what I was doing over the years. I was doing the same thing over and over again ... not the same diet ... but A DIET ... which is not the answer to losing weight permanently.

Visit for your free report on my
"Top 7 Secrets to Losing Weight that the Weight Loss Industry DOESN'T want you to know!"

I will be running teleclasses (seminars via telephone) as well as LIVE events in Eugene, Oregon to help YOU achieve this goal once and for all! I have been there and I know what it takes to make it happen permanently. And if you have a specific medical condition or situation that is unique and poses as an additional obstacle to losing weight, I will find the experts that can help you. I have connections! :)

Contact me at or and start the journey to a healthier body and optimal wellness ... once and for all! Lose that excess weight permanently .... it will do wonders for your overall health and well-being.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Friday, July 21, 2006

MLM - Network Marketing: Good or Bad?

A long time ago I had a negative reaction when someone told me about MLM Opportunities (Multi-Level Marketing). When I look back at that, I really don't know why besides the fact that it really bothered me that I would be making all the people at the top of the pyramid very rich if I was building my own successful network.

But now, many years later, I have a very different viewpoint on the topic. I realize now that the reason why I didn't like multi-level marketing a long time ago, was not a good enough reason for me not to get involved in a real good one at this point in time of my life. After all, the reason I gave (the people at the top get rich because of my efforts) sounds EXACTLY like what happens in the corporate world with the exception that I never had the chance to build my own network of people and a passive income flow in the corporate world settting. Interesting, isn't it? If you work for corporate, are you benefiting (REALLY) from all your hard work? Are you able to call the shots on how you build your income? No. And does it really matter if you are making someone else rich, if you are creating financial wealth for yourself as well?

I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I was introduced to this Biotech company, whose mission is to become the world leader in healthy aging, as a result of my own quest to find top-notch Natural nutritional supplements to continue to maintain a healthy body.

I knew a woman that was using these Natural products and also sold them and every time I spoke to her she was SO passionate about the quality and benefits that these products could bring to one's overall health and well-being. So, I had to look into it! How could I not?

Check the products out for yourself here:

If you are also looking for a great business opportunity that has the potential to create massive streams of passive income for you, then visit: . Feel free to contact me if you are interested in exploring this wonderful business opporunity. Just e-mail me at to request a free consultation on starting your own business with this company.

Either way, I can assure you that this is one of the top Network Marketing companies out there from both a products standpoint AND a compensation standpoint. (I was SO impressed when I heard that this Natural products company did pharmaceutical-grade research on all their products ... they don't have to ... but they do! They actually have data to prove the efficacy of their products. Now, THAT impressed me - the statistician!)

So, is Network Marketing "good" or "bad", it's really what you believe it to be. I think it is GREAT --- what a way to build wealth if you get into the right company -- that's the key!
There are many people that are millionaires because of their involvment with a Relationship Marketing or Network Marketing company. I am sure if you asked them they would say "Network Marketing is GREAT!"

Remember to visit: to explore this wonderful business opportunity or contact me at and request a phone consultation with me.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)?

Since I have been diagnosed with MS in 2002, I have spoken to MANY people who have experienced this disease firsthand as well. The one thing that I have noticed is that the attitude the person has towards the diagnosis is way more important than the drugs or alternative therapies they choose to use to "treat" it.

Now, I know that's a big statement but it is 100% true! If you believe that the diagnosis is going to be the "end of the road" for you, than most likely it will turn into that. However, here's the good news ... if you can take on the attitude that this is just "another bump in the road" in your life (afterall, we all have major bumps in our life and some of them are not that pleasant ... but somehow, things do work out in the long run!), then your quality of life with Multiple Sclerosis or any disease for that matter will be improved at least ten-fold!

My website has been the resource center and motivational place for many people newly diagnosed for people with MS AND for others who have been diagnosed with a chronic health condition. Just visit or and check it out.

If you are struggling with health challenges, it is so important to know and understand that you can do far more than treat yourself with drugs. You must believe in yourself and know, without a doubt, that you have the power within you to thrive through this health challenge and improve your overall health and well-being.

My clients have a chance to look within themselves and find the power within them to be unstoppable when dealing with a health challenge and overcome all the obstacles -- mostly with a different attitude -- one that's empowering to them and helps them to move forward instead of staying still or looking back in the past.

My goal is to form a Global Network Empowerment Group for people with chronic health conditions. I have the mission statement for this group and just need to attract and manifest the people and the resources that will help me to realize this dream. You see, from my experience of "support groups", they do NOT help people ... matter of fact, I have heard many people tell me that they feel worse after they attend one of these support groups (especially MS Support groups).

Contact me for a complimentary, conditional consultation that will absolutely empower you and help you to deal with your own health challenge as "just another bump in the road". I can't say this enough ... "you have tons of control over how you do with this disease! Your health also depends on YOU!"

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
541-686-1326 or

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Baby Boomers Health

Here are some statistics that I just read on Baby Boomers:

* Boomers control 70% of all U.S. assets, purchase 80% of all travel and eat out 3 times a week, consuming a diet filled with empty calories.

* Someone turns 50 every 7 seconds, more than 15,000 every day.

* The "over 50" group buys more than 50% of all over-the-counter drugs and 74% of all prescriptions.

* Boomers are concerned about their own mortality and are searching for quality of life. According to Newsweek magazine, preventive health care is expected to grow from $300 billion to $1 trillion in just a decade.

As a society, we are living longer and are longing for a higher quality of life in our latter part of life. Baby boomers are also looking for more natural routes to improve their overall health and well-being. Yet, they constantly are finding new health challenges that add up as they get older and as you can see from the statistics, are taking lots of prescription and over the counter drugs. Are ALL these drugs helping us? or do some of them cause more problems which lead us to taking a new drug for that new problem. You know what I am talking about!

As a statistician, I have been doing a lot of reseach on natural supplements that are top quality and will help me to maintain my great health. I was diagnosed with MS in 2002 and was on a traditional drug therapy for over 3 years, but then I had a severe reaction to the drug and was told to switch to another drug therapy. At this point in time of my life, I have decided to go the natural route -- not a popular decision with the doctors, but one that feels right to me. Many of the drug therapies for MS cause side effects that are not very pleasant and the side effects are treated with other drugs. I know some people with MS that are on over 5 different types of drugs -- this can't be good for a person's body. Can it?

If you are a baby boomer who is looking for optimal wellness, first ask yourself the following questions:

As you are aging, do you find new little health issues creeping up on you?

Are you seeing new "age spots" on your body? (not "new age" :)

Do you have some aches and pains that you didn't have before?

Do you find that you can't do those chores as quickly as you used to? or that when you are doing the gardening, you come back into the house and discover that you have muscles you never knew you had?

Are you finding that you are putting on some extra "baby boomer" pounds that just crept on you and you find yourself asking "Where did that extra weight come from ... I haven't changed a thing in my diet?"

Are you frustrated because you are on so many prescription drugs and still don't feel "healthy"?

Well, from the research I have done, I have found products that impress the heck out of me in terms of their quality and the research that has been done on them. Double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials are performed with these natural, wellness products. I am taking these products and feeling confident that these products are supplying my body with the nutrients and supplements it needs to stay healthy and repair any damage that has been done over the years as a result of the aging process.

Check out these products at: and click on Products. Call me if you have any questions on these products or if you would like a sample to try (if you are in the US or Canada).

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
Great Business Opportunity:

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


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