Thursday, December 20, 2007

EmWave Personal Stress Reliever

If you are looking for a mobile device that will help you to REDUCE STRESS ... anytime & anywhere ... then the EmWave Personal Stress Reliever is definitely something you should consider. The emWave provides advanced technology that will help to reduce the negative effects of stress, allowing you to experience greater health, more energy, and improved emotional and mental clarity. The "em" in emWave stands for empowerment; emWave empowers you to shift your emotional state. Being a statistician, I am very impressed with the fact that the emWave is based on 15 years of scientific research conducted by Doc Childre and the Institute of HeartMath. Practicing with the emWave enhances your sense of well-being as you learn to create more "heart rhythm coherence". More coherence = Less Stress.

To place your order for the Blue emWave Personal Stress Reliever
click here.

I have one of my own and LOVE IT! I use it myself and with my life coaching clients. It's very simple to use and helps you to stay more relaxed and centered than any other stress reduction technique I have used. It's a great gift of health and wellness that you can give any of your family members, friends or colleagues. These have been used with heart patients, doctors, students ... anyone who is looking to be as stress-free as possible and have greater mental clarity and focus.

Check it out for yourself by clicking the banner below. Free Shipping for the Holidays!

To your Health!
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Get Organized !

Do you constantly find yourself trying to get organized and "together"? I am always looking for ways and items that will help me stay focused, clear and energized. This month I have taken on quite a few decluttering projects from eliminating all those nice, neat piles on my office desk to getting rid of files, e-mails, looseleafs of material, paperwork, etc. that I haven't looked at in a long time. Why do we keep these things??? The organizing experts say that if you haven't worn it, looked at it, or used it within a certain period of time (I believe this time frame could differ depending on who you are talking to -- but it can be anywhere from 6 months to 1 year) ... then GET RID OF IT!

Well, here is a website that I think is the best place to purchase items that will help you stay organized. I personally love the "Xtra Large Project Cases" -- I use them to organize my taxes and other important documents and they look really nice too! Click on the picture below and save yourself 10% for the Holidays until December 31st, 2007.

Save 10% at's holiday sale!

In my opinion, this is the best website for purchasing items that will help you get organized! I declutter at least 3-4 times per year and find it to be very "freeing" and it helps me to attract more wonderful things into my life. First of all, it's how decluttering makes me FEEL ... it feels GREAT to be organized and for everything to be easily accessible and neat. When you feel good, more good things come to you. When I declutter, I feel energized and "lighter" ... if you know what I mean. In Feng Shui, decluttering is a BIG must! I don't know anyone who feels together when they have a whole bunch of clutter surrounding them.

So, check this site out and take advantage of the wonderful Holiday Specials! It's a great way to start the New Year.

Save 10% at's holiday sale!

Get Organized today and see how good it feels!

Maria C. Lesetz


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Road Trip Lessons on Stress related to Family Health

August was a very busy month for me --- I traveled cross country from Eugene, Oregon to Orlando, Fl for a business convention but then had to take a detour to NY since my Mom landed in the hospital for an emergency triple by-pass surgery! I essentially circled the US the entire month of August.

One thing I learned during the month of August was that it is very important to "stay in the present moment" when under stressful times. My Mom & Dad were supposed to come to the business convention that I was going to in Orlando and right before it my Mom went in for an Angiogram. The cardiologist immediately told my father that she had to go in for a triple by-pass and that she was a walking time-bomb. Wow! Talk about a shocker for my father (and more-so to my Mother --- she surely didn't have time to process that!)

My father called me when I was traveling through California and was a "mess" - he didn't feel she was going to make it. I must tell you ... I was in a restaurant at that time and had just ordered appetizers. My father was crying (which I only heard him do one other time when Mom got breast cancer) and I was trying to keep it all together. It was quite difficult --- matter of fact I proved that night that stress can definitely have a negative impact on your physical body ... I had the "runs" almost immediately after that call! And I sure didn't eat any of those appetizers!

What I learned from that night was that I had to keep myself focused in the present moment and address what was directly in front of me. My partner told me to call the nurse in ICU myself and get the "stats" from someone who is unattached and non-emotional about the situation. Even though my Mother was having quite a "rough patch" after that surgery, speaking to the nurse definitely made me feel better.

I took each day as it came and made decisions on where I was going to travel next based on what I found out that day. After 1 week, one of the ICU nurses was even kind enough to get an extension cord for the telephone and allow me to speak to my Mom. I must tell you that was a moment of relief (no matter how she sounded!). God bless that nurse.

What I want you to take away from this blog is that no matter what type of life situation you may be in at this moment, make sure that you stay in the present moment AND realize that how you respond to what life throws your way is all up to you and can surely impact your physical body! I was lucky enough to have a partner who reminded me to stay present and take an action step that would make me feel more "at ease" (calling that ICU nurse and getting the facts). Was this a challenging time? Yes. Did I learn more about myself and what I needed to do to keep me healthy and as stress-free as possible during this time? Yes.

Life is chock full of choices... even during those challenging times. Make the choices that keep you healthy both physically and emotionally. If you make the choices that make you even more stressed and get you sick, what good will that do for you and all the parties involved?

"Staying in the present moment" is one of the main topics I help all my coaching clients do when they first come to me. Initially, it "appears" difficult because your mind is "running a muck" with all these negative thoughts and "what if" scenarios. But there are definitely techniques that one can use to keep them centered in the moment and reduce stress to an absolute minimum. If you are interested in finding out HOW you can do this even during the most stressful times, consider hiring me as your life coach. Contact me at to set up an initial consultation.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach
& Statistical Consultant
541-686-1326 (for Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!)


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sand Dollar Artwork and Gratitude Rocks

I was speaking to a neighbor the other day and we started talking about my Gratitude Rocks (see pictures above). I shared with her how I really enjoy making these gratitude rocks and how there is quite a demand for them. People are always looking for something they can buy to put a smile on their faces and make them feel good. We all need little reminders of how to be Lovin' Life and living in the present moment. Artwork can help us to do that. Well, anyway ... next thing I know, my neighbor shows me some of the art projects she does "just for fun". I told her that other people would definitely pay for the artwork she does -- so I wanted to share some of her work here. You can hang the Sand Dollar Ornamenent on your patio porch or in your house -- it's really beautiful! She also showed me some bracelets that she made as well. Quite a talented girl. One of the things we talked about is that you have to enjoy doing it -- and we both enjoy doing art projects. It's very peaceful and there is a sense of satisfaction after completing a piece of work. On top of that, when I hear from my customers that what I just made has put a smile on their face or their friend's or family member's face --- it REALLY feels good. That's what life is all about --- feeling good! And if I can help others do that, then I feel like I am contributing to the quality of peoples' lives!

Here are a few samples of my neighbor's artwork:

Sand Dollar Hanging Ornaments
(hand-crafted beads/designs come in a variety of colors):

(Note: These are in limited quantity since some of the designs she used are no longer available; however, new designs are being developed as you are reading this -- so please contact us, if you are interested in purchasing these beautiful pieces.)

If you are interested in any of the artwork above - Gratitude Rocks, Sand Dollar Ornaments or hand-crafted bracelets, please contact me at and tell me what you are interested in purchasing. We would be happy to accomodate any special orders you may have. We both love to do this artwork and even more are elated when we have satisfied and repeat customers!
Remember ... to fill your environment with things that make you smile ...
that's what life is all about!
Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Univera LifeSciences Independent Business Associate (for Doctors who are "sick and tired"!)


Monday, May 07, 2007

Law of Attraction Audio Seminar

I have a goal ... I want at least 10,000 people to listen to my Law of Attraction seminar below: , scroll down the Home Page, fill in the contact form and you will gain access to an Introduction to the Law of Attraction Seminar that I conducted LIVE in Eugene, Oregon. I am giving you FREE access to this seminar so that you can get a small taste on what I coach my clients on. This was an interactive seminar so you will hear attendees sharing their personal stories on what gets them stuck in life and stops them from having all that they want!

Visit and listen in for yourself.

I know that the Law of Attraction has been a hot topic since The Secret came out -- but these principles have been around for a VERY long time. It's nothing new. It's just being brought to the awareness of millions of people so that now they know that YES, they do have control over their lives and YES, we do create our reality!

All of us who teach the Law of Attraction have a different way of saying the same thing -- but that's good -- because everyone hears things differently and we all need different viewpoints on the topic in order for something to eventually resonate with us. Different teachers are good --- imagine if you had only one teacher your whole life that taught you all the subjects in school and every other lesson in life -- you probably would not learn as much. You need variety.

So, get access to my Law of Attraction seminar now:

To your Health and Wealth!
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Visit and sign in and listen to a great presentation on one of the top nutritional supplements in the Health and Wellness Industry!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Baby Boomers becoming Financially Free!

I know that MY GOAL is to become financially free! What this means to me is that I have enough residual income (or passive income) coming in every month that covers all my expenses and gives me plenty of cushion on top of that to travel, do lots of road trips, invest however I want, and play a lot! Residual income can come from various sources. Rich Dad Poor Dad's Robert Kiyosaki produces residual income through Real Estate investments. However, he also supports and believes in creating residual income from the Network Marketing industry.

This is a venue that I never thought I would be involved in, but I must say that I am SO excited that I am pursuing this path. It's my answer to financial freedom, it supports my passion for helping people maintain great physical and financial health! I love the business, the company is second to none and I know that I will be part of the Wellness Trillion Dollar Industry by 2010 and be one of the next 10 million millionaires that will come out of this industry!

Click below to find out more about this phenomenal business opportunity and contact me if you are interested in starting your very own path to financial freedom!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Univera LifeSciences Independent Associate


Monday, April 09, 2007

Age Management

I just recently heard of a trend on Baby Boomers looking for an Age Management Consultant or Age Management Coach. It is so funny how new phrases or titles appear that basically are the same type of profession that other people have been doing for years. As a Health and Wellness Coach, I have been helping people improve their overall health and well-being, while simultaneously teaching them how to stay young and fit.

Most of my clientele is in the "Baby Boomer" category --- we want to stay active into our 50's 60's, 70's, 80's and even 90's --- I have some of my clients telling me that they want to live to 120 years old. I think it is very doable! Of course, it is a holisitic approach.

If you are interested in hiring me as your Age Management Consultant, contact me at --- wouldn't you like to have a great quality life for many, many years to come?! I sure do and I am taking all the steps to have that!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I don't have enough time (or money)!

Have you ever noticed that people always have the excuse of "I don't have enough time" (second top excuse for not doing something ... "don't have enough money!")

Do you know why that is? I do. Basically, it is just an excuse. One time I asked a client of mine if she would have enough time if all of a sudden a doctor told her that she had to take off work and get a whole bunch of tests because she has some serious health challenge or disease. When it came to a life or death situation, all of a sudden, she would have enough time to go to the doctors and take care of herself. I also find that when you ask women especially, this is one of their biggest excuses --- but again, throw another scenario at them. If all of a sudden they had to devote some extra special time to their child because he got injured at school, everthing else drops and time is found in that very busy schedule.

So, is it about TIME or is it about PRIORITIES? I think it is all about what the person deems as a Priority in their life. Ask a person who is going to school to get an advanced degree in a specialty that they adore (while simultaneously having a full-time job and raising 3 kids) -- how does that person do that? Because getting that degree is a PRIORITY --- the benefit of getting that degree FAR OUTWEIGHS the drawbacks and time constraints that it may impose on their already busy schedule.

The same goes for money. It's funny how many people don't have the money to buy or purchase products that may improve their overall health -- but they won't think twice about purchasing a brand new flat screen TV for their home or spending money (they don't have) on upgrading their entire home (and paying that expense off for years and years to come). Again, it's all about priority --- or at least perceived priority. If there is a perceived immediate benefit to what the person is about to buy, the amount of money they will have to spend will not be as much of a factor --- matter of fact, it takes a back seat!

I have made a decision to spend money on my health and well-being. Some people would think I am nuts for spending that much money on my overall health. But to me, my health is on the top of the list of my priorities .. because without it ... you have nothing! You can't fully enjoy the luxuries of life, if you don't have your health.

So, next time you hear someone say they don't have enough time or enough money --- what they are really saying is that whatever is being proposed to them is not a priority in the scheme of their life. However, if they are convinced that it should be a priority and truly believe it is worthy of immediately moving up their list of priorities, then AND ONLY THEN, will they spend time or money on it.

Those are my thoughts on the issues of "time" and "money" being excuses!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Univera LifeSciences Independent Associate


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Deluxe Coaching Kit

Do you want to become a Life Coach?
Or are you a manager, doctor or leader who wants to enhance your coaching skills with your staff and/ or organization?

Becoming a Professional Life Coach was the best decision I have ever made ... not just because of the profession itself and helping others improve their overall life, but for the personal growth and development that I have experienced -- my business and personal relationships have improved, my reaction to "bumps in the road" in my life have been far more positive as a result of the coach training I received, the quality of my life and impact I have on others is far more meaningful and honestly, my life is more fulfilling as a result of becoming a life coach.

Some people have told me that they want to pursue becoming a Life Coach or enhancing their coaching skills, but that all the Life Coaching schools out there are too expensive and that they can't afford it at this time. I know that when I decided to be professional trained, the cost was quite high --- but the value that I perceived that I would get from the training and the passion I had around this new found profession far outweighed the cost. But you may not be at that place at this point in time and maybe you are looking for something that is less expensive, where you can learn from the comfort of your home at your own pace.

"Now is the time to join the rapidly expanding and highly rewarding coaching profession. Whether you are already a coach, in training, or still thinking about it, this coaching kit has everything you need. It's also valuable to people who don't want to be professional coaches but recognize the need for proficient coaching skills to get the best out of their life and that of their workforce. "

To get your Deluxe Coaching Kit now, visit:

Create an EXTRAordinary day for yourself! :)

P.S. Looking for Top-Quality Nutritional Supplements?Visit

For Stress Relief "on the go" ... CLICK HERE

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Statistical Consultant
541-686-1326 (for people with MS) (for Doctors who are "sick and tired") (for baby boomers who want to make more money) (for women who want to stay fit and young)


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Law of Attraction for people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

You know, it's funny how after something has aired on Oprah it becomes HUGE. But, The Secret or The Law of Attraction is something that people have been teaching for many years. Even Oprah said on the show that this is the way she has always lived her life, she just didn't have a name for it --- she didn't know it was a "Secret"!

In the past few years that I have been a life coach for people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and a Motivational Speaker for people with MS, I have been teaching the same principles ... that our thoughts and feelings play a huge part on how we physically feel! I recently ran a Women's Empowerment Workshop where during one of the "belief" exercises, a woman was writing down her beliefs around a specific area of her life that she wanted to change. These were beliefs that were stopping her from having what she wants. (I only gave the class 5 minutes to do this exercise, because I wanted each person to "briefly" address their negative beliefs -- giving very little attention to the negative self talk!) Within a few minutes this woman told me that in that brief period of time (5 minutes or less) she developed a pounding headache --- this physical manifestation in her body just showed up after focusing her attention on the beliefs that stop her from having what she wants in her life! Amazing! Only 5 minutes and her thoughts and feelings created a headache. Can you imagine what your thoughts and feelings can do to your body when you are thinking and feeling negative stuff all day long!

I teach people with MS and other chronic health conditions HOW to use The Law of Attraction to improve their overall health and well-being. It's a process --- but it works! And by the way, as soon as that woman in the workshop started to focus on what she TRULY wanted in that area of life and wrote down everything with the attitude that she COULD have it all -- her headache went away! This is the Law of Attraction in action manifesting physically in a person's body. It happens every day, all the time! And most of the time, we are not even aware of it!

If you are someone who has been diagnosed with MS AND if you really do want to take control of HOW you and your body handles this "dis-ease", then contact me to schedule a coaching consultation and be on your way to improving your overall state of health from the inside - out! Call me at 541-686-1326 or visit and sign up for a 30-minute consultation.

To listen to one of one of my LIVE seminars on an Introduction to the Law of Attraction -- the basics, visit and scroll down to the bottom of the Home Page. For just $9.95, you will have access to approximately 1 hour of an audio seminar which will explain the basics of The Law of Attraction and how you can start to attract more of what you want into your life and less of what you don't. Once you gain access to this seminar, you will also have access to two of the Seminar Worksheets that I used with the audience that helped them to start putting their focus and attention to what they truly desire and start making lasting positive changes in that area of their life!

With the right tools, guidance and attitude, you can change the state of your health. There are no limits to the miracles that can happen with our bodies.

I know. I was diagnosed with MS in 2002 -- I feel GREAT and am using the lessons I have learned from The Law of Attraction every single day of my life. It works!

Remember ... visit to gain access to my audio seminar on The Law of Attraction - the Basics.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Law of Attraction Teacher & Mentor


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Secret on the Oprah Show - Part II

One more thing about watching the Oprah Show on Thursday, February 8th on The Secret:

Keep an open mind. Be willing to take responsibility for what's currently in your life right now. But be motivated by the fact that you can change your life by beginning to consciously change your thoughts and feelings.

It's a process... it's like building a fit body --- do you go to the gym and instantaneosly get muscles and lose all your fat? No. Of course you don't. It takes more exercise and practice --- but if you continue to work out and eat right and take good care of your body, you start seeing the changes physically and begin to get the compliments from others and start feeling fantastic!

Well, applying the Law of Attraction (or The Secret) is similar to that. Since I became a Life Coach (6 years ago), I have been applying the Law of Attraction into my life deliberately. Some things I have been extremely successful in manifesting and other things I am still working on --- WHY? Because there are some areas of our lives that we have "blocks around" and limiting beliefs that hold us back from what we truly want. And sometimes we are unaware that we are attracting the exact things that we DON'T want!

Yes, I know ... it can be frustrating. But I choose to look at it on the positive side. I have a choice to change what I am thinking and feeling. I have a choice to deliberately create what I want in that area of my life. I just got to get rid of that "Stinkin' Thinkin' and start feeling good in every moment. Now I have tools and exercises to do that and I am VERY aware of my feelings (my emotional meter). And in that moment -- I can change my thoughts and feelings so that I can attract exactly what I want into my life.

If you are looking for a Life Coach who specializes in Law of Attraction, contact me at -- I would love to help you create the life of your dreams! It's all within reach.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz of Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach
Law of Attraction Coach


The Secret is coming to Oprah!

I just read that The Secret is coming to the Oprah Show on February 8th. That's big news! Once it hits Oprah ... it's huge, right!

The Secret is all about The Law of Attraction --- something I have been teaching my coaching clients for over 6 years now. However, it has only recently hit the mainstream since the launch of the book and movie called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Actually, there was a movie called "What the Bleep do we Know" which also covers the science of the Law of Attraction and how we can attract anything that we want into our lives by our thoughts and feelings.

What do you want more of in your life? Better health, more money, your ideal mate, a wildly successful home-based business? Well, by applying the concepts of the Law of Attraction, you can become a deliberate creator of your life. We all create our reality -- it's just that most of the time we are creating our lives non-deliberately, sending out negative vibes around the thing we actually want to have in our life because we constantly talk about what we DON'T want!

If you have a chance, watch the Oprah Show on February 8th on The Secret and after it, if you are looking for a Law of Attraction Coach to help you apply these principles to your life, contact me at . I would be happy to assist you with attracting more money, better health, improved relationships and anything that you truly desire to have in your life.
It can happen! It will happen. Just learn the lessons from The Secret and you will change your life forever!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Gratitude Rocks and their benefits

Many people have been starting to hear about gratitude rocks from the movie The Secret. But I have been creating these way before that. I love doing calligraphy and one day a friend asked me to write some inspiring words on rocks for her daughter. Doing calligraphy is very relaxing to me --- it brings me peace and serenity and I LOVE creating art work that other people can enjoy and be inspired by. Most people need a reminder during their day on what to focus on or a reminder that "life IS good". We all need tools that will help us to stay positive and continue that "good feeling" that's only a thought away. That's why many people are contacting me about my Gratitude Rocks -- with words that inspire them or manage to make them "FEEL" good. That's what we all want ... right?

Some of us use music to make us feel good, others use poems or sayings that are displayed on their office desk or refrigerator. There are so many "props" we can use to make us feel JOY in the moment and help us to stay grateful for all we have.

If you are interested in purchasing my Gratitude Rocks, please contact me at .

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Independent Univera LifeSciences Associate


Thursday, January 04, 2007

The SECRET to the Secret

I was just listening to The Secret CD series (I am sure you have heard of the movie ... The Secret ... well the CDs are fantastic as well!)

Well, anyway, The Secret to the secret is SO simple but many people have a really hard time doing it... the secret to the secret is...

"To BE and FEEL happy ... NOW!" ~ Rhonda Byrne

As I am sitting here and writing this blog, I am thinking to myself "well, if it was that easy to 'be and feel happy now, and if that's all it took for people to attract anything they want into their life, then everyone would have everything they want, right?"

But, it's not that easy because people have a lot of stuff in their heads .. negative and disempowering beliefs that they were raised with as a child that they took into their adult life (that they FEEL on a daily basis), media clips on the news and in the papers that just confirm all the negative that's going on around us, and of course people continue to observe what they don't have (which puts them in lack mode), which by the law of attraction, brings them MORE of what they don't want!

I used to act and sing in plays and musicals and realize that if I can only "ACT AS IF" I already have what I desire and believe it with every fiber of my being (as a REAL good actor would do), then all that I want would come to me (according to the Law of Attraction). It responds to your thoughts and feelings -- so if I am feeling grateful and blessed in this present moment and feel that I have already received all the goals that I am looking to achieve, then WOW... I will attract ALL that I want.

Many people think this is a bunch of "you know what", but I believe that it is absolutely true. Think about it ... when you have felt elated and joyful ... do you receive more joy in your life at that point in time? Now, go to the other side of it ... when things in your life are really crappy and you continue to focus on all those bad things, telling everyone about your misfortunes, do you receive more bad stuff? Do things feel like they are getting worse? Of course they do!

The Secret to the Secret ... "BE AND FEEL HAPPY ... NOW!" is the key to Lovin' Life ... it's the key to a joy-filled life.

Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Independent Univera LifeSciences Associate


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