Thursday, February 22, 2007

Law of Attraction for people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

You know, it's funny how after something has aired on Oprah it becomes HUGE. But, The Secret or The Law of Attraction is something that people have been teaching for many years. Even Oprah said on the show that this is the way she has always lived her life, she just didn't have a name for it --- she didn't know it was a "Secret"!

In the past few years that I have been a life coach for people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and a Motivational Speaker for people with MS, I have been teaching the same principles ... that our thoughts and feelings play a huge part on how we physically feel! I recently ran a Women's Empowerment Workshop where during one of the "belief" exercises, a woman was writing down her beliefs around a specific area of her life that she wanted to change. These were beliefs that were stopping her from having what she wants. (I only gave the class 5 minutes to do this exercise, because I wanted each person to "briefly" address their negative beliefs -- giving very little attention to the negative self talk!) Within a few minutes this woman told me that in that brief period of time (5 minutes or less) she developed a pounding headache --- this physical manifestation in her body just showed up after focusing her attention on the beliefs that stop her from having what she wants in her life! Amazing! Only 5 minutes and her thoughts and feelings created a headache. Can you imagine what your thoughts and feelings can do to your body when you are thinking and feeling negative stuff all day long!

I teach people with MS and other chronic health conditions HOW to use The Law of Attraction to improve their overall health and well-being. It's a process --- but it works! And by the way, as soon as that woman in the workshop started to focus on what she TRULY wanted in that area of life and wrote down everything with the attitude that she COULD have it all -- her headache went away! This is the Law of Attraction in action manifesting physically in a person's body. It happens every day, all the time! And most of the time, we are not even aware of it!

If you are someone who has been diagnosed with MS AND if you really do want to take control of HOW you and your body handles this "dis-ease", then contact me to schedule a coaching consultation and be on your way to improving your overall state of health from the inside - out! Call me at 541-686-1326 or visit and sign up for a 30-minute consultation.

To listen to one of one of my LIVE seminars on an Introduction to the Law of Attraction -- the basics, visit and scroll down to the bottom of the Home Page. For just $9.95, you will have access to approximately 1 hour of an audio seminar which will explain the basics of The Law of Attraction and how you can start to attract more of what you want into your life and less of what you don't. Once you gain access to this seminar, you will also have access to two of the Seminar Worksheets that I used with the audience that helped them to start putting their focus and attention to what they truly desire and start making lasting positive changes in that area of their life!

With the right tools, guidance and attitude, you can change the state of your health. There are no limits to the miracles that can happen with our bodies.

I know. I was diagnosed with MS in 2002 -- I feel GREAT and am using the lessons I have learned from The Law of Attraction every single day of my life. It works!

Remember ... visit to gain access to my audio seminar on The Law of Attraction - the Basics.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Law of Attraction Teacher & Mentor


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Secret on the Oprah Show - Part II

One more thing about watching the Oprah Show on Thursday, February 8th on The Secret:

Keep an open mind. Be willing to take responsibility for what's currently in your life right now. But be motivated by the fact that you can change your life by beginning to consciously change your thoughts and feelings.

It's a process... it's like building a fit body --- do you go to the gym and instantaneosly get muscles and lose all your fat? No. Of course you don't. It takes more exercise and practice --- but if you continue to work out and eat right and take good care of your body, you start seeing the changes physically and begin to get the compliments from others and start feeling fantastic!

Well, applying the Law of Attraction (or The Secret) is similar to that. Since I became a Life Coach (6 years ago), I have been applying the Law of Attraction into my life deliberately. Some things I have been extremely successful in manifesting and other things I am still working on --- WHY? Because there are some areas of our lives that we have "blocks around" and limiting beliefs that hold us back from what we truly want. And sometimes we are unaware that we are attracting the exact things that we DON'T want!

Yes, I know ... it can be frustrating. But I choose to look at it on the positive side. I have a choice to change what I am thinking and feeling. I have a choice to deliberately create what I want in that area of my life. I just got to get rid of that "Stinkin' Thinkin' and start feeling good in every moment. Now I have tools and exercises to do that and I am VERY aware of my feelings (my emotional meter). And in that moment -- I can change my thoughts and feelings so that I can attract exactly what I want into my life.

If you are looking for a Life Coach who specializes in Law of Attraction, contact me at -- I would love to help you create the life of your dreams! It's all within reach.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz of Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach
Law of Attraction Coach


The Secret is coming to Oprah!

I just read that The Secret is coming to the Oprah Show on February 8th. That's big news! Once it hits Oprah ... it's huge, right!

The Secret is all about The Law of Attraction --- something I have been teaching my coaching clients for over 6 years now. However, it has only recently hit the mainstream since the launch of the book and movie called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Actually, there was a movie called "What the Bleep do we Know" which also covers the science of the Law of Attraction and how we can attract anything that we want into our lives by our thoughts and feelings.

What do you want more of in your life? Better health, more money, your ideal mate, a wildly successful home-based business? Well, by applying the concepts of the Law of Attraction, you can become a deliberate creator of your life. We all create our reality -- it's just that most of the time we are creating our lives non-deliberately, sending out negative vibes around the thing we actually want to have in our life because we constantly talk about what we DON'T want!

If you have a chance, watch the Oprah Show on February 8th on The Secret and after it, if you are looking for a Law of Attraction Coach to help you apply these principles to your life, contact me at . I would be happy to assist you with attracting more money, better health, improved relationships and anything that you truly desire to have in your life.
It can happen! It will happen. Just learn the lessons from The Secret and you will change your life forever!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker


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