Sand Dollar Artwork and Gratitude Rocks
I was speaking to a neighbor the other day and we started talking about my Gratitude Rocks (see pictures above). I shared with her how I really enjoy making these gratitude rocks and how there is quite a demand for them. People are always looking for something they can buy to put a smile on their faces and make them feel good. We all need little reminders of how to be Lovin' Life and living in the present moment. Artwork can help us to do that. Well, anyway ... next thing I know, my neighbor shows me some of the art projects she does "just for fun". I told her that other people would definitely pay for the artwork she does -- so I wanted to share some of her work here. You can hang the Sand Dollar Ornamenent on your patio porch or in your house -- it's really beautiful! She also showed me some bracelets that she made as well. Quite a talented girl. One of the things we talked about is that you have to enjoy doing it -- and we both enjoy doing art projects. It's very peaceful and there is a sense of satisfaction after completing a piece of work. On top of that, when I hear from my customers that what I just made has put a smile on their face or their friend's or family member's face --- it REALLY feels good. That's what life is all about --- feeling good! And if I can help others do that, then I feel like I am contributing to the quality of peoples' lives!
Here are a few samples of my neighbor's artwork:
Sand Dollar Hanging Ornaments
(hand-crafted beads/designs come in a variety of colors):
(Note: These are in limited quantity since some of the designs she used are no longer available; however, new designs are being developed as you are reading this -- so please contact us, if you are interested in purchasing these beautiful pieces.)
If you are interested in any of the artwork above - Gratitude Rocks, Sand Dollar Ornaments or hand-crafted bracelets, please contact me at and tell me what you are interested in purchasing. We would be happy to accomodate any special orders you may have. We both love to do this artwork and even more are elated when we have satisfied and repeat customers!
Remember ... to fill your environment with things that make you smile ...
that's what life is all about!
Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Univera LifeSciences Independent Business Associate (free report) (for Doctors who are "sick and tired"!)