Thursday, December 20, 2007

EmWave Personal Stress Reliever

If you are looking for a mobile device that will help you to REDUCE STRESS ... anytime & anywhere ... then the EmWave Personal Stress Reliever is definitely something you should consider. The emWave provides advanced technology that will help to reduce the negative effects of stress, allowing you to experience greater health, more energy, and improved emotional and mental clarity. The "em" in emWave stands for empowerment; emWave empowers you to shift your emotional state. Being a statistician, I am very impressed with the fact that the emWave is based on 15 years of scientific research conducted by Doc Childre and the Institute of HeartMath. Practicing with the emWave enhances your sense of well-being as you learn to create more "heart rhythm coherence". More coherence = Less Stress.

To place your order for the Blue emWave Personal Stress Reliever
click here.

I have one of my own and LOVE IT! I use it myself and with my life coaching clients. It's very simple to use and helps you to stay more relaxed and centered than any other stress reduction technique I have used. It's a great gift of health and wellness that you can give any of your family members, friends or colleagues. These have been used with heart patients, doctors, students ... anyone who is looking to be as stress-free as possible and have greater mental clarity and focus.

Check it out for yourself by clicking the banner below. Free Shipping for the Holidays!

To your Health!
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Get Organized !

Do you constantly find yourself trying to get organized and "together"? I am always looking for ways and items that will help me stay focused, clear and energized. This month I have taken on quite a few decluttering projects from eliminating all those nice, neat piles on my office desk to getting rid of files, e-mails, looseleafs of material, paperwork, etc. that I haven't looked at in a long time. Why do we keep these things??? The organizing experts say that if you haven't worn it, looked at it, or used it within a certain period of time (I believe this time frame could differ depending on who you are talking to -- but it can be anywhere from 6 months to 1 year) ... then GET RID OF IT!

Well, here is a website that I think is the best place to purchase items that will help you stay organized. I personally love the "Xtra Large Project Cases" -- I use them to organize my taxes and other important documents and they look really nice too! Click on the picture below and save yourself 10% for the Holidays until December 31st, 2007.

Save 10% at's holiday sale!

In my opinion, this is the best website for purchasing items that will help you get organized! I declutter at least 3-4 times per year and find it to be very "freeing" and it helps me to attract more wonderful things into my life. First of all, it's how decluttering makes me FEEL ... it feels GREAT to be organized and for everything to be easily accessible and neat. When you feel good, more good things come to you. When I declutter, I feel energized and "lighter" ... if you know what I mean. In Feng Shui, decluttering is a BIG must! I don't know anyone who feels together when they have a whole bunch of clutter surrounding them.

So, check this site out and take advantage of the wonderful Holiday Specials! It's a great way to start the New Year.

Save 10% at's holiday sale!

Get Organized today and see how good it feels!

Maria C. Lesetz


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