Tuesday, April 08, 2008

HeartMath's EmWave Personal Stress Relief System

Over the past few years, I have come across some phenomenal health and wellness products that I would like to recommend to you.

The first one is from a company called HeartMath. The product is called the emWave PC. Check it out for yourself by clicking the banner below.

When I started using this product, I was amazed at how well it worked to keep me calm and centered and I LOVED the scientific data that they have to back up the benefits from using this product. Seeing my heart rhythms and how they respond to my thoughts and feelings was REALLY cool. I loved to see the graphs respond to my appreciative thoughts. Of course, I am a Statistician, so DATA is something I always want to see. It has to be statistically valid data which HeartMath definitely has. Developed from the Institute of HeartMath's 15 years of research on the relationship between the heart, brain, stress and emotions, emWave provides an innovative and practical solution for better dealing with stressful feelings like anxiety, sadness and overwhelm (and OVERWHELMED is something that I hear MANY of my clients tell me that they are!) HeartMath's products are used in hospitals, with heart patients, with students ... they definitely have the market on stress relief monitors! The above banner is for their PC version ... but if you are interested in something more MOBILE, check out their emWave Personal Stress Reliever mobil device. Now, this little baby I REALLY like -- you can take it anywhere and you don't need a PC to work it:

With the emWave Personal Stress Reliever you can:
* Reduce Stress
* Increase Vitality
* Enhance Mental Clarity
* Improve Emotional Balance

And if you are a Health Care Professional and you would like to see how this could help your patients (and yourself too ... you have stress also!), check this out:

And let me say something about Health Care Professionals ... Doctors have LOTS of stress but they don't take very good care of themselves. That's why I became a Certified Life Coach for Doctors ... I really want to help Doctors who are sick and tired ... literally to feel invincible again and have more energy, work with greater mental clarity and focus and be able to give their 100% to their patients (that's a win-win for everyone ... don't you think?).

So, if you are a Doctor, check this device out by clicking the banner above and also, visit my website just for doctors: http://www.invinciblemd.com/ . I would love to discuss with you how my Life Coaching Services can help you to improve your overall state of health and well-being.

To Your Health!
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
Visit www.FreeGiftofHealth.com (the name says it all!)


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