Thursday, December 14, 2006

Calling All Life Coaches!

I just wanted to share something that is really working for me right now that may be of help to some of you (especially if you are a Life Coach or just someone looking to make some extra income with ease).

I have found over the years that the coaching income alone has not met my income expectations, so I have explored many routes to make additional streams of income (affiliate programs, CDs, journals, etc.) I have invested lots of money into my coach training programs, entrepreneurial seminars, informational products, etc. (over $20,000 at least) and still feel that I have not reaped the benefits of those investments.

Now, I am not sharing this to complain – quite the contrary – I believe that everything happens for a reason and each life path takes us to the next life path. My journey has taken me to a new business opportunity that I am very excited about (a minor investment of ONLY $1200) that has already given me a sense of financial security and matches perfectly my vision for the future (traveling across North America in my big luxury RV, writing my books, making passive income, helping others to become financially independent and continuing to be Lovin’ Life like I always do and feeling a sense of freedom that is pure joy! )

I wanted to share this with you in the case that there may be some of you that can relate to my experience and are looking for an additional way to make more money that is legitimate and has a proven track record of success.

If the following descriptors match you, then please contact me to discuss this wonderful opportunity to significantly increase your business income:

1) You are someone who is ambitious, fun, enthusiastic and a people’s person. You have lots of positive energy!
2) You are an extraordinary leader and coach!
3) You have a 100% desire to become financially independent and achieve your own level of financial freedom.
4) You are willing to invest $1200 into a business opportunity that has a proven track record of success.
5) You are someone who takes good care of themselves to the best of their ability; maintaining a healthy mind, body and soul.
6) You implement the Law of Attraction principles into your daily life and always try to come from an abundant mind-set.
7) You are REALLY excited to find out more about this opportunity J

If you see yourself in the above statements, please contact me at or call me at 541-686-1326. I look forward to hearing from you.

You can also visit and fill in the consultation form on the Home Page to request a complimentary consultation on how I can teach you how to create an additional stream of income and maybe even replace your current one with this wonderful business opportunity.

Imagine … Starting off the New Year with a new found income source that works! :)

Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Life Coach for Doctors & Motivational Speaker

P.S. Looking for a tool to help you REDUCE STRESS CLICK HERE

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker


Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Secret on Larry King Live

There has been a lot of media around the teachings of "The Secret" ... basically the secret to attracting more of what you want in life and less of what you don't. Larry King Live and Ellen Degeneres recently featured on their TV shows some of the gurus in the teachings of the Law of Attraction and THE SECRET: Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, Bob Doyle, Mike Dooley, Marie Diamond ... the list goes on and on. There are many teachers out there on "THE SECRET" many of them who are life coaches, motivational speakers, spiritual leaders and healers, great authors.

As a Life Coach, this is one of my favorite topic to coach people on --- it's my expertise as well and I have learned from some the top teachers through their books, CDs, live teleclasses and movies.

If you are interested in the Law of Attraction and would like to be coached around HOW to attract more of what you want in your life and less of what you don't, contact me at to request a complimentary consultation. Learning "THE SECRET" is the best thing you can do for your life ... you will be giving it a serious make-over that will change your life for the better at a magnitude you never imagined.

Check out THE SECRET movie at www.TheSecret.TV and watch the movie online. Then consider hiring me as your personal coach to help you with implementing THE SECRET into your own life.

P.S. Check out this great business opportunity:
I teach all my business partners THE SECRET and how they can use it to build an extremely successful business in this industry. Check it out.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More Gratitude Rocks -- Gifts to say Thank You

If you are looking for a unique gift to give your team (corporate team or Network Marketing team), here are some pictures of my latest gratitude rocks I created. It's a great way to keep your team motivated and remind them of the words, concepts and feelings that they can tap into to stay focused and achieve all the success they are looking for. Each rock is unique and no two look the same. If you are interested in ordering a set of these rocks for your team or as a unique gift for friends and family around the holidays, feel free to contact me at and place in the subject line "Interested in Ordering Gratitude Rocks".

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker


So you want to be NORMAL?!

I hear people say that they want to be "normal" again or "feel" normal. You know, normal is not all it's cracked up to be. Normal just means "average". Why would you want to be "average"?

Was Albert Einstein normal?

What about Rosa Parks -- was she normal? Absolutely not! If she was just the "average" person, she would have not done what she did --- which had a significant impact on society.

Many people who have health challenges have told me that they wish they could just be normal. Now, I understand that they are experiencing a loss of what they once had (with respect to their health) and what they used to be able to do as a result of great health. However, most often people want to be back to "normal" because of what other people think of them --- they feel that others look at them because they are "different" or "don't fit into the norm". Well, they may be looking at you or staring at you --- but that is more about them, than you. It's their stuff, their judgements and their fears that makes them look (or stare) at people that are different than them.

What's more important to you ... what you think of yourself or what others think of you? Do you know that they are related? If you are thinking that you are "not" normal or "less than" because of your health challenge or dis-ability, then that will be the types of people you will attract into your world -- people who think exactly the same thing... that you are "not" normal. What you think of yourself plays a huge role in what others think of you!

If you want to be normal ... start shifting what you think about yourself. Redefine "normal" or better yet, throw the word "normal" into the garbage can and shoot for extraordinary or outstanding! Defy the odds, be the outlier, be different ... it's more fun and fulfilling!

Warmest Regards,
Maria Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pharmaceutical Drugs - good or bad?

I was recently on a Forum that was having a heated discussion around Pharmaceutical drugs.

Let me weigh in on the topic. Who knows, maybe my story & perspective might help others or at the minimum shed a new perspective for someone on the topic.

This year I had to get off an MS (Multiple Sclerosis) drug that I was on for 3.5 years due to a very serious side effect (which the drug company told me was very rare based on their clinical study that was done over a 2-year period – which here’s the interesting thing, I didn’t start getting that side effect until AFTER the 2 year mark and I KNOW many people with MS who have had the same reaction after that 2 years – just a little side note) Anyway, the Neurologist wanted me to switch to interferons and that’s when I put my foot down and said “Absolutely Not!” – I have spoken to thousands of people with MS and have heard horrible side effects from these types of drugs. As a statistician, I know that all these drugs have been approved by the FDA to help “slow the progression of the disease”, that’s the reason why I decided to go on one of them in the first place (that was my statistician in me making that decision).

However, I came to this crossroad where I decided to research Natural products that would help my body to repair, rebuild and restore. Now, I am NOT saying that I found the cure for Multiple Sclerosis, but remember, none of the drugs out there are “cures” either … they are just intended to “slow the progression” – each having a different mechanism to do that (but with side effects that can be doozies!).

I want to get to the ROOT of the problem! So, I finally found Natural products that the statistician in me deemed as top quality products (they do double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on all their products – it’s the only Natural products company that I know that does this!) I have been on a core set of these products since March and I FEEL great!

Being a statistician (started off as a Biostatistician working with Pharmaceutical companies), has helped me to decipher data, clinical trials and information on a different level than most people --- but I am grateful for that, because I also know how data can be used to mislead others. What I tell my clients and everyone I speak to is that you must go with your gut – if a doctor tells you to take or do something and if it doesn’t feel right to you, ask many questions and if it still doesn’t feel right then don’t do it! Just my opinion …

So, let me lead this to a WHAT IF ….
What if every patient that went to a doctor started asking more questions to their doctor about their treatment path, making sure that they were well-informed of the “why’s” of every decision and felt good about it (as opposed to taking their word for it all the time)? AND What if patients started asking doctors about Natural Products and found out that the doctor offers a Natural products option to the treatment of their health concern ?

So, am I saying Pharmaceutical Drugs are bad for everyone ... NO. But I do know that too many people take their doctor's word for it and willingly take lots of drugs without any questions (some drugs whose sole purpose is to counteract the side effects of the other drugs they are on! ... something is wrong with that picture!) Why not attempt to get to the root of the cause and give your body the proper nutrients to start repairing and rebuilding the damage that has happened throughout the aging process and stop treating every little symptom with a drug! When our bodies have aches and pains or "speak to us" with symptoms, our bodies are trying to tell us something (and I don't think that something is "give me a drug!")

P.S. Want to REDUCE STRESS once and for all? CLICK HERE
(and this link will NOT take you to a Pharmaceutical drug!)

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors & Motivational Speaker


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Reducing Stress and Lovin' Life!

Visit to get your complimentary copy of my CD on the Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life Now ... concepts to embrace that will help you to reduce stress, have more energy and maintain a positive attitude, even in the most trying times of life!

Here's one of the many testimonials for this CD:
"This is an excellent CD. Thank you so much. When I listened to it, I really needed your words of encouragement and your energy. I am going through a rough period in my business and personal life, and your CD gave me an extra boost to keep moving forward."
~ Richard D.

What are you doing to reduce stress? Are you stressed at work, at home, in your sleep OR all of the above? Maybe your source of stress comes from the state of your health, your financial situation, your personal and business relationships ... well, whatever it comes from, here's the key ... you have a choice to continue to be stressed or incorporate some valuable life principles that will change your life forever! Visit and get your CD today! My gift to you.

To order HeartMath's emWave Personal Stress Reliever? CLICK HERE

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach
Motivational Speaker


More Money --- will it bring you happiness?

Every one I speak to wants more money! Try it ... ask someone you know if they would like to have more money or an extra source of income or a raise or to win the lottery.

Most people will say ... YES!

Well, WHY do you think this is? I know that there are statistics that show that there is a negative correlation between the amount of money people make and their overall happiness --- imagine that ... money does NOT bring happiness; otherwise every one who had lots of money would have a very happy and joyous life. But, that's all you need to do is take a look at celebrities lives... they have lots of money -- but I bet if you asked them whether they are totally happy with their lives, they would say "NO!" (Many of them definitely have lots of relationship issues ... the money is sure not helping in that department of their lives!)

For me, having an abundance of money connotes "freedom" & "comfort". My happiness, however is only correlated with how much I am living my life with passion and doing the things that bring me joy with the person I love. I make sure that I do many road trips --- because doing road trips with the person I love brings me a LOTS of happiness. I love going out to eat with friends and spending hours speaking about life and laughing a lot! I love helping people with their overall health and well-being, inspiring to be Lovin' Life, despite any challenge they are facing in their life ... why ? Because, life is short ... you only get one shot at it and if you are not choosing to be Lovin' Life now, then you are wasting precious time! Life is good! Every morning when I wake up, get out of bed, and have a fresh new start to my day is a GREAT day!

The way this post started was about having more money ... yes, I want more money too... but the point is NOT because I think it will bring me happiness. I think all of us have the ability to be happy and enjoy life now, despite our current financial situation. I ALSO believe that our financial situation is within our control and we could have more money if we really wanted to and offered the vibration of "more money" on a daily basis! More of "offering the vibration of more money" in my next blog. Stay tuned! :)

If you are interested in a business opportunity that will bring you more money and financial freedom, check this website out ... I am so excited about this!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker for people with MS!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Baby Boomers Weight Loss

Isn’t it frustrating when you keep on trying and trying to lose weight but no matter what you do nothing seems to work permanently? Yeah, you may lose a few pounds here or there but as soon as you start eating regular food (instead of that crazy diet) or as soon as a stressful situation occurs in your life, that’s it … the pounds seem to stay with you and sometimes multiply. Arghh!!!

(OR you may be a baby boomer that never had any problems with weight --- you were slim and fit and could eat anything you want -- now, you find as you are aging, you are starting to gain weight --- and you ask yourself "What's up with that?! These excess pounds have just crept up on me!")

I know what it’s like to be overweight. I tried for years to lose that excess weight. Being overweight was on my mind every single day when I weighed myself each morning and looked in the mirror.

Did you downloaded my FREE report on the
“Top 7 Secrets to Losing Weight that the Weight Loss Industry doesn’t want you to know” at ?

There are many weight loss programs, diets, exercise equipment, supposed “magic pills and supplements” out there that will be your answer to your prayers, right?

Well, there is no one magic bullet that will make everyone on this planet lose weight permanently. If there was one, with no side effects, everyone that is overweight would take it and obesity would be obsolete! But you and I know that this is not going to happen any time soon. Obesity is a huge problem, even with the younger generation now.

I would say that my formula for success was a mixture of exercise, eating right, the proper nutritional supplements and most of all the state of mind that I was at when I finally decided to make a lasting and permanent lifestyle change to ensure optimal health and wellness.

I will soon be conducting a few teleconferences that will optimally support you with your weight-loss goals. However, before I do that I want to make sure I understand what your biggest challenges are when it comes to losing weight.

What IS your biggest challenge to losing weight?

1) No Time to eat right – you eat a lot of fast food
2) No Time to exercise – you have a very busy schedule and when you get home you are exhausted!
3) No Motivation to exercise or lose the weight – you feel in a slump
4) No support systems – your family and/or friends are not very supportive
5) You have massive cravings for food groups that are far from healthy and wholesome and sometimes you tend to eat the whole bag of chips or the whole container of ice cream.
6) Stress is a trigger for eating.
7) You’re an emotional eater.
8) What else?

I would really appreciate if you could reply to this message (or e-mail me at ) and tell me what your biggest challenge is. I want to make sure that the teleconferences I offer address your needs and that you finally get the support and motivation you need to make “losing weight” a goal of the past.

Imagine that you are already there! You have the body that you would love to have and you are feeling fit and healthy. What does that feel like? What are you going to do now? What’s you next life goal?

If you are a baby boomer, I know that you want to look and feel young and stay active till a ripe old age. Retirement homes are not your thing -- you would rather retire to the ski slopes or enter the NY Marathon or take a Cross Country Road trip for 6 months to 1 year straight enjoying the scenery, experiencing great adventures and Lovin' Life!

Until next time … I would LOVE to hear from you if you are a Baby Boomer and hear what your biggest goal and mission is in life! E-mail me at

P.S. Make sure you visit and click on Products to view some great natural products that will help you maintain a healthy body and outlook.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Gratitude Rocks

Recently a friend came to me and asked me to do her a favor. She wanted to bring a gift to her daughter and wanted it to be something unique and special. So, she asked me to write some empowering words on rocks in calligraphy. I love doing calligraphy -- it's very relaxing to me and it brings out my artistic and creative side.

I started this project and it took a life of it's own. My friend said "you should really sell these - they are fantastic and lots of people would want them!" So, here's a sample of what some of them look like. Remember, the rocks are natural rocks picked in Oregon, so each one has it's own unique look. I do each one by hand. People are looking for reminders of the things they want in their life. Strange as it may seem, these rocks put a smile on people's faces! The gratitude one reminds me to always be grateful for what I currently have in my life. The Peace Rock reminds me to always seek out "peace" and "serenity" in everything I do -- because that's a core value of mine.

What are your core values? What type of word would you like on this rock?

If you are interested in ordering one of my Lovin' Life Gratitude Rocks or a special arrangement with a candle, feel free to contact me at and type in the subject line "Gratitude Rocks Order".

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz, the Stress Doctor for Doctors!
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

Other websites: or

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Life Lessons in the Lottery

I tend to dream A LOT – my mind is so active, even while I sleep! My friends tell me that’s because I am an overachiever and can’t let my mind rest and that’s why I got MS - they told me I should be stupid like them! :) Now, they are only joking … humor is a good thing for everyone’s overall health and well-being!

Anyway, the other night I had a dream of a 4 digit # which was written clearly on a spoon (Yes, “a spoon”… interesting, huh?). It was so vivid that when I woke up in the middle of the night that 4 digit # was on my mind – so I made sure that I remembered it by morning.

I decided that day to play the Pick 4 with that # (even though I am a statistician and know the odds on things, I still play every once in a while --- “hey, you never know!” And anyway, you know that I don’t pay attention to the odds … my motto is to “Defy all odds”! Try that motto on for size .. it may suit you real well!

Anyway, my number did not come out that day, so I played it the next day. The one thing I forgot to tell you was that the Pick 4 runs FOUR times during the day in Oregon– so I had this philosophy that I will play the drawing that is up next when I buy the ticket (sounded logical to me, instead of gambling $4 per day for a while). So, the second day I played my number for the 7:00PM drawing. The next morning, I checked the lottery and I couldn’t believe my eyes … my EXACT # came out at 10:00 PM, instead of 7:00 PM --- I would have won at least $2000.00!

Now, I have to admit, initially I was pretty upset – I was mad at myself that I didn’t play an extra $1 that day. However, then I had my partner remind me about the “Law of Attraction”. So, I said to myself: “What are you doing? You are getting all upset and putting out negative vibes into the universe --- hey, you were 3 hours close to winning the most amount of money you have ever won in a lottery! That’s a good thing!” Now, I could have chosen to be bummed all day. I could have chosen to kick myself in the “you know what” all day long. I could have chosen to spew some self-talk that would have been very disempowering. But the lesson I have learned from practicing the principles of the “Law of Attraction” is that whatever I attract into my life is in direct proportion to the vibes that I am giving off on a daily basis. So, I finally chose (thanks to my partner) to look at this “near winning” as a good thing. I was SOOOOO close! I just need to keep on feeling the current abundance I have in my life and that’s exactly what I will attract into my life – more abundance (and from sources that are pleasant surprises!).

So, what’s your lesson from this story?

Next time ... I will win something big because I already FEEL the abundance in my life! :)

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
541-686-1326 or

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Losing Weight Permanently

I use to be overweight. Honestly, sometimes I still think that I could stand to lose a few pounds but I finally beat that diet yo-yo battle of losing weight. I finally got it. Making permanent changes means to make a permanent change in your stream of thinking and what you feel on a daily basis. Our thoughts and feelings play a huge role in our reality, including our success or failures with losing weight.

I tried for years to lose weight. I was 70 lbs overweight. I went on fad diets, took pills that suppress your hunger, and nothing seemed to work ... permanently. Sure I would lose a few pounds on a specific diet but then it would come right back on. It was very frustrating.

But then, something happened to me ... I made a change in my thinking. I reached the point of no return. I cut off all other possibilities with a decision I made. Something shifted in my thought process. And over time I lost those extra 70 lbs permanently. Now, the most my weight varies is within 5 lbs. It feels SOOOO Good to have achieved this goal that seemed like it was never going to be achieved. But I did it and YOU CAN TOO!

You've heard the saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results is the definition of insanity, right? Well, that's essentially what I was doing over the years. I was doing the same thing over and over again ... not the same diet ... but A DIET ... which is not the answer to losing weight permanently.

Visit for your free report on my
"Top 7 Secrets to Losing Weight that the Weight Loss Industry DOESN'T want you to know!"

I will be running teleclasses (seminars via telephone) as well as LIVE events in Eugene, Oregon to help YOU achieve this goal once and for all! I have been there and I know what it takes to make it happen permanently. And if you have a specific medical condition or situation that is unique and poses as an additional obstacle to losing weight, I will find the experts that can help you. I have connections! :)

Contact me at or and start the journey to a healthier body and optimal wellness ... once and for all! Lose that excess weight permanently .... it will do wonders for your overall health and well-being.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Friday, July 21, 2006

MLM - Network Marketing: Good or Bad?

A long time ago I had a negative reaction when someone told me about MLM Opportunities (Multi-Level Marketing). When I look back at that, I really don't know why besides the fact that it really bothered me that I would be making all the people at the top of the pyramid very rich if I was building my own successful network.

But now, many years later, I have a very different viewpoint on the topic. I realize now that the reason why I didn't like multi-level marketing a long time ago, was not a good enough reason for me not to get involved in a real good one at this point in time of my life. After all, the reason I gave (the people at the top get rich because of my efforts) sounds EXACTLY like what happens in the corporate world with the exception that I never had the chance to build my own network of people and a passive income flow in the corporate world settting. Interesting, isn't it? If you work for corporate, are you benefiting (REALLY) from all your hard work? Are you able to call the shots on how you build your income? No. And does it really matter if you are making someone else rich, if you are creating financial wealth for yourself as well?

I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I was introduced to this Biotech company, whose mission is to become the world leader in healthy aging, as a result of my own quest to find top-notch Natural nutritional supplements to continue to maintain a healthy body.

I knew a woman that was using these Natural products and also sold them and every time I spoke to her she was SO passionate about the quality and benefits that these products could bring to one's overall health and well-being. So, I had to look into it! How could I not?

Check the products out for yourself here:

If you are also looking for a great business opportunity that has the potential to create massive streams of passive income for you, then visit: . Feel free to contact me if you are interested in exploring this wonderful business opporunity. Just e-mail me at to request a free consultation on starting your own business with this company.

Either way, I can assure you that this is one of the top Network Marketing companies out there from both a products standpoint AND a compensation standpoint. (I was SO impressed when I heard that this Natural products company did pharmaceutical-grade research on all their products ... they don't have to ... but they do! They actually have data to prove the efficacy of their products. Now, THAT impressed me - the statistician!)

So, is Network Marketing "good" or "bad", it's really what you believe it to be. I think it is GREAT --- what a way to build wealth if you get into the right company -- that's the key!
There are many people that are millionaires because of their involvment with a Relationship Marketing or Network Marketing company. I am sure if you asked them they would say "Network Marketing is GREAT!"

Remember to visit: to explore this wonderful business opportunity or contact me at and request a phone consultation with me.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)?

Since I have been diagnosed with MS in 2002, I have spoken to MANY people who have experienced this disease firsthand as well. The one thing that I have noticed is that the attitude the person has towards the diagnosis is way more important than the drugs or alternative therapies they choose to use to "treat" it.

Now, I know that's a big statement but it is 100% true! If you believe that the diagnosis is going to be the "end of the road" for you, than most likely it will turn into that. However, here's the good news ... if you can take on the attitude that this is just "another bump in the road" in your life (afterall, we all have major bumps in our life and some of them are not that pleasant ... but somehow, things do work out in the long run!), then your quality of life with Multiple Sclerosis or any disease for that matter will be improved at least ten-fold!

My website has been the resource center and motivational place for many people newly diagnosed for people with MS AND for others who have been diagnosed with a chronic health condition. Just visit or and check it out.

If you are struggling with health challenges, it is so important to know and understand that you can do far more than treat yourself with drugs. You must believe in yourself and know, without a doubt, that you have the power within you to thrive through this health challenge and improve your overall health and well-being.

My clients have a chance to look within themselves and find the power within them to be unstoppable when dealing with a health challenge and overcome all the obstacles -- mostly with a different attitude -- one that's empowering to them and helps them to move forward instead of staying still or looking back in the past.

My goal is to form a Global Network Empowerment Group for people with chronic health conditions. I have the mission statement for this group and just need to attract and manifest the people and the resources that will help me to realize this dream. You see, from my experience of "support groups", they do NOT help people ... matter of fact, I have heard many people tell me that they feel worse after they attend one of these support groups (especially MS Support groups).

Contact me for a complimentary, conditional consultation that will absolutely empower you and help you to deal with your own health challenge as "just another bump in the road". I can't say this enough ... "you have tons of control over how you do with this disease! Your health also depends on YOU!"

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
541-686-1326 or

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Baby Boomers Health

Here are some statistics that I just read on Baby Boomers:

* Boomers control 70% of all U.S. assets, purchase 80% of all travel and eat out 3 times a week, consuming a diet filled with empty calories.

* Someone turns 50 every 7 seconds, more than 15,000 every day.

* The "over 50" group buys more than 50% of all over-the-counter drugs and 74% of all prescriptions.

* Boomers are concerned about their own mortality and are searching for quality of life. According to Newsweek magazine, preventive health care is expected to grow from $300 billion to $1 trillion in just a decade.

As a society, we are living longer and are longing for a higher quality of life in our latter part of life. Baby boomers are also looking for more natural routes to improve their overall health and well-being. Yet, they constantly are finding new health challenges that add up as they get older and as you can see from the statistics, are taking lots of prescription and over the counter drugs. Are ALL these drugs helping us? or do some of them cause more problems which lead us to taking a new drug for that new problem. You know what I am talking about!

As a statistician, I have been doing a lot of reseach on natural supplements that are top quality and will help me to maintain my great health. I was diagnosed with MS in 2002 and was on a traditional drug therapy for over 3 years, but then I had a severe reaction to the drug and was told to switch to another drug therapy. At this point in time of my life, I have decided to go the natural route -- not a popular decision with the doctors, but one that feels right to me. Many of the drug therapies for MS cause side effects that are not very pleasant and the side effects are treated with other drugs. I know some people with MS that are on over 5 different types of drugs -- this can't be good for a person's body. Can it?

If you are a baby boomer who is looking for optimal wellness, first ask yourself the following questions:

As you are aging, do you find new little health issues creeping up on you?

Are you seeing new "age spots" on your body? (not "new age" :)

Do you have some aches and pains that you didn't have before?

Do you find that you can't do those chores as quickly as you used to? or that when you are doing the gardening, you come back into the house and discover that you have muscles you never knew you had?

Are you finding that you are putting on some extra "baby boomer" pounds that just crept on you and you find yourself asking "Where did that extra weight come from ... I haven't changed a thing in my diet?"

Are you frustrated because you are on so many prescription drugs and still don't feel "healthy"?

Well, from the research I have done, I have found products that impress the heck out of me in terms of their quality and the research that has been done on them. Double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials are performed with these natural, wellness products. I am taking these products and feeling confident that these products are supplying my body with the nutrients and supplements it needs to stay healthy and repair any damage that has been done over the years as a result of the aging process.

Check out these products at: and click on Products. Call me if you have any questions on these products or if you would like a sample to try (if you are in the US or Canada).

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
Great Business Opportunity:

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Celebrities - Part 2

I have to continue to write about celebrities. The topic is on my brain. It's amazing to me how many people idolize celebrities; little girls want to be the next Brittany Spears; all the people on American Idol and all those other reality TV shows that showcase people's talents (well, some have talent!), want to be rich and famous. But many of these people don't have any clue what it is really like to be a celebrity. Society only sees the side of it that they want to see ... the glitz and glamor ... and not the rest of the "BS" that comes along with being in the spotlight all the time.

I have no desire to be a celebrity. Matter of fact, I am more passionate about helping celebrities with their overall quality of life than being one myself. I want to be that silent millionaire and be enjoying my privacy at the same time. Sure, as a Motivational Speaker I thrive on speaking to big crowds and getting them motivated and inspired to follow their heart and dreams, but when it comes to being a celebrity ... not for me.

Yes, lots of money can bring a sense of "comfort" and "freedom" -- there are certain restrictions that are lifted off your shoulders when you have all the money that celebrities do. And, don't get me wrong, of course I would love that level of wealth ... and one day I WILL have it. However, think of all the restrictions that are added once a celebrity has a reached a certain level of fame. They can't go out to their regular stores (without being harassed by the Papa Razzi). The level of security in their home has to be at a heightened level than it ever was before. Every move they make out in public is scrutinized and criticized, even though all human beings make mistakes, celebrities mistakes are BIG NEWS! There is a sense of freedom that is taken away from a celebrity ... the kind that I have now. This type of freedom is not determined by the amount of money in your bank account -- it is determined by your anonymity! It's all a matter of perspective. If someone looks into the life of a celebrity, they may see all the positives and wish they were that person. However, I bet there are many celebrities that look into the life of a regular, non-celebrity person and wishes they had that level of privacy and peace!

The grass isn't always greener on the other side, is it?

I am all for a celebrity having a certain level of privacy -- isn't it their human right? Yeah, I know, the media and Papa Razzi would say that they gave up that right when they became famous. Who says? Who decided that? The media (and of course, it doesn't help that society wants to buy all those trashy magazines that give the dish on every celebrity's misfortune!)

Why is it that society is so fascinated by the misfortune of others and the drama behind people's lives? I know ... that's what sells ... but why?

I tend to look for the news reports that center around the good that people are doing ... the positive stuff! I know, I am most likely in the minority ... however, it works for me. That's what I like to surround myself by... the heart-warming news; the positive that people are doing that makes the world a better place; the amazing stories of people overcoming health challenges and living their life in a big way, despite the challenges they face!

So, next time you are in awe of a celebrity's life, give it a second thought and be grateful for your own life that you have. There are many aspects of your life that a celebrity would die for!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Life Coach for Celebrities

Celebrities are all over the media being hounded by the Papa Razzi and followed with every move they do. It appears to me that even though celebrities have LOTS of money, they are not happier than the general public because of the massive wealth they have accumulated. Matter of fact, I think that many celebrities are more unhappy with their life than us non-celebrities are.

Why is that? Everyone wants a lot of money. They think that money is going to turn their life around and solve all their life problems. People think "money" is their ticket to happiness. Well ... surprise ... there are many wealthy people out there who would most likely disagree with you.

Celebrities hire life coaches. Why? Because they need some guidance too in many areas of their life. Celebrities experience stress. Celebrities DEFINITELY experience relationship problems. Celebrities experience health issues. Celebrities have eating disorders. The list can go on. Just because a celebrity is famous and has lots of money doesn't mean they don't have life challenges! Of course they do! They are human. This is what I say about my doctor clients as well. Eventhough doctors play the role of "healer", doesn't mean that they can't get sick or experience health issues. Doctors can be patients as well. They are human.

We are all human. There is a common thread among every human being. We want to be loved, appreciated, experience joy in our life, have freedom and flexibility to do the things we love to do and leave the rest of those "shoulds" in the garbage!

Are you a celebrity? Do you have a life challenge that you need support and guidance on?
Contact me at and I would be happy to discuss the possibility of us working together and helping you to create the life vision that REALLY juices you and that you fully desire! My specialty is working with the principles of the Law of Attraction to help you to create more of what you want in your life and less of what you don't!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Doctor's Coach on Health

As you may know, I am a Certified Life Coach for Doctors and Motivational Speaker. I recently developed a class to teach life coaches how to best coach their clients who are dealing with a health challenge. The class has been written with the doctor client in mind, however all of the principles will apply to all different types of clients, no matter what profession they have. Here's the annoucement for my upcoming class on June 26th, 2006 at 6 PM CST.

(How to successfully coach the client who is dealing with a health issue!):

Announcing another special class taking place at the end of this month! Sign up now to be sure to secure a spot and receive your information on time!

Would you like to learn how to best coach a client who is dealing with a health challenge? Wellness Coaching is becoming quite popular since many people in today’s society are overly stressed, lack the energy they need to keep going and find themselves being diagnosed with chronic health conditions and other health challenges that they
don’t know how to deal with.

This is an opportunity for you to learn some of the secrets that Maria Lesetz has been teaching and coaching over the past few years within the MS (Multiple Sclerosis) community. Maria Lesetz is a Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors and sought-after Motivational Speaker who is passionate about helping all her clients improve their overall health and well-being.
This class will specifically address coaching the Doctor client who is dealing with their own health challenge (a unique coaching situation) - however, the principles and concepts that Maria will teach you will apply to any client you have who is looking to improve their overall health.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from one of the best Wellness Coaches out there! Antoine will be the moderator of this class, and there will be an opportunity to address your questions.

Date: Mon. June 26th
Time: 6pm CST
Cost: $50

For this, you will receive 1- a hard copy of the preparation for the class for you to study ahead of time. 2- the CD recording of the session that will last about 1 hour. 3- the conference call will be on a toll free line.

Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested in joining this class. This will only be given in another 6 months from now, so don't miss the opportunity to listen in on this very informative and important call now!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin’ Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Procrastination & your Health

Is this a concept that resonates with you? Yes, I know … you will “do it later” or you “just haven’t gotten to it yet”.

Well let me tell you something about procrastination that you may not know … it could have an impact on your overall health and well-being!

I know, you are probably saying "What? How's that possible?"

Yes, when you procrastinate you are putting off something that supposedly you want to do and what happens is, it is constantly in the back of your mind, whether consciously or subconsciously. The thing that you are procrastinating to do ends up being a toleration, something you are tolerating not having done yet … but want to do.

Tolerations drain you of your energy. Tolerations add to your stress level.

So why do you put off those things that you want to do?

Here are a few of my theories:

1) You really don’t want to do them and they are a “should”. Well, stop “shoulding” all over yourself and put the “shoulds” in the garbage.

2) What you want to do appears to be a huge project that appears overwhelming. Well, my answer to that … baby steps. Identify one minor action step that you can take towards what you want to achieve and just do that one thing. You’re one step closer to getting the big project done!

3) You have excuses up the ying yang! Look … life is short. Do you want to do it or not? If no, then drop it. If yes, then make a list of how you will feel when you have completed this thing you want to do. Get in the moment of already having it completed. Live it. Breathe it.
Act “as if” it’s already done. Give yourself enough motivation to move forward with it and stop procrastinating.

4) You need someone to hold you accountable. Hey, don’t laugh. I have heard of coaches who have held accountability sessions with a group of clients “Get ‘er done day”… a scheduled day where people check in at the top of the hour with a life coach and call in every hour to report their progress and get further motivation to keep on going. By the end of that day … each client’s project (that they have been putting off forever) is done! Amazing! Isn't it?

5) You tell yourself the story that you don’t have enough time to do it. Well, if you have been meaning to de-clutter your basement and all of a sudden you are hit with a massive flood in the basement, you will clean it then … won’t you? You get the point. You can make the time. Remember, one small action step at a time. Sometimes the one step gives you all the momentum you need to keep on going.

So, what have you been procrastinating?

Do your health a favor and take an action step today towards getting that thing accomplished. If not, just forget about it and do something else that you are really juiced about!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker

Great Business Opportunity:
Free Report:

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Monday, May 29, 2006

Better Health and Financial Freedom

I feel like I have found the answer to achieving the two top goals that every person that speaks to me wants to achieve: Improving Health and Making More Money!

Everyone wants to be healthier, more fit, make more money, quit their job and live the "good life".

Here's the place where I have found the answer:

Better HEALTH and Financial Freedom ... now those are life goals that truly motivate and excite me! :)

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites:
Diagnosed with MS or other health condition?

Are you "sick and tired" of living from diet to diet?
Go to:
(to download a free report)

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors!
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Fast Food -- Healthy or not?

Lately I have been so excited about these Natural products that I am taking that I have to share it with everyone I meet. Visit and click on Products.

As many of you already know, I am one of those people that has to do extensive research on a product before I use it myself AND before I recommend it to others. That's just the statistician in me! It also is part of my belief system. If you are going to promote a product, then it definitely should be something that you feel 100% comfortable with AND that you use yourself. Now, there are a lot of sales people out there that would not agree with me on this because a lot of Pharmaceutical Sales representatives sell a drug, but they sure don't use it! :)

Today's society is always in a rush! People are "eating on the go", grabbing any food that is convenient and available to them wherever they are. Are we, as a society, thinking about our overall health when we are grabbing the fast food? No. We are just thinking about convenience and satisfying an immediate need to eat something. However, we are doing more damage to our bodies than we could imagine (and especially with today's kids ... child obesity is a bigger concern than it ever has been!).

When I heard about a Natural product that was a Nutrient Dense Superfood which was also low in calories, I was very excited. Finally, a product that could replace that snack before working out OR replace the bag of potato chips that I go for when I am traveling on the road taking my long road trips.... something that will nourish me completely and give me the energy I need to get to my next meal. Visit and select Products to research these fantastic Natural products.

So, can "fast food" be healthy for you? If you try this Nutrient Dense Superfood ... it can! :)

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites:
Diagnosed with MS or other health condition?

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Want More Energy?

Many of my clients and readers always want to know how they can increase their energy level.
Are you one of those people. In today's society, we are all so rushed and frazzled and doing a million and one things at the same time. It seems for many there is not enough time in the day and that people are "losing their steam" -- they just can't keep up with the fast paced environment that they live in.

Sometimes I have people tell me that they are "in a fog" and need "something" to get back on track. In my seminars, teleconferences and personal coaching sessions, I have taught many people strategies that they can implement into their life to reduce stress and feel more energized. Did you know that "stress" depletes your body of the essential vitamins and nutrients you need?

"Feeling more energy" is a “holistic approach”. You can do all the stress-reduction exercises available in the life-coaching and wellness world, but if you are not nourishing your body correctly and giving it the nutrients it needs to feel “energized”, you are working harder than necessary to gain back that energy that you are looking for.

My research took me to a top-notch health aging company that conducts pharamaceutical-grade research on all their Natural products that help to maintain a healthy body and outlook. You can explore these products and research them yourself at

Create a Lovin’ Life week for yourself!

To your Renewed Energy and Optimal Health,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Wellness Coach

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites:
Diagnosed with MS or other health condition?
Visit: (or

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

When the "bump" seems like a Mountain

When I speak at events, sometimes I have someone say to me "How can you say that MS can be Just A Bump In The Road? Look at my wife. Does it look like it's just a Bump In The Road to her?"

The bottom line is that all bumps in our lives come in different sizes -- some of them are doozies! They can feel like Mt. Everest. However, it is still our attitude towards what life has thrown us that makes all the difference in the world. AND there is always the other side to that Mountain!

What are our options when we are dealing with a Mountain-size challenge? Do we just give up on life then, go into a corner and die? I don't think so. If we are still living (meaning that we have "life" left in us), I think we should look towards the things that we ARE grateful to have in our lives and focus on these things. Yes, it's important to let out any negative emotions we may have towards a situation and tell our family and loved ones how we feel. However, what kind of life is it if we choose to be absolutely miserable while we are still here on earth?

There are many people out there that have chronic or terminal illnesses but they are still choosing to have the best attitude they possibly can towards life. That's what courage is. That's what "choosing to live" is all about.

What ever you are dealing with, it can be looked at as "just another bump in the road" of life. It's all a matter of perspective. Think about it, some of the life issues that Americans complain about are another country's every day problems and way of life -- but isn't it funny that sometimes the people in those countries (that are less fortunate than us), seem happier and more content with their life.

Looking at a life challenge as "just a bump in the road" is a choice. YOUR choice. You can choose to be angry, resentful, depressed, unhappy and miserable OR you can find some glimmer of gratitude towards the small things you do have in your life that you may take for granted and revel in those things and moments. Which option sounds more like choosing to be "Lovin' Life"?

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites:
Diagnosed with MS or other health condition?

Looking for More Energy?


America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


The impact of "It Could Happen Tomorrow!"

Are you familiar with the TV segment on the weather channel 'It could happen tomorrow'?

Every time I see the commercial for that, I change it to another station.

Talk about the Law of Attraction! Do you think that the weather disasters that these shows come up with and 'predict' for the future, has an impact on what actually happens?
I sure do.

Talk about creating your reality and putting an energy of a negative scenario out there that hasn't happened yet and making thousands of people focus on it and believe it and be fearful of it. Hello! This is a negative influence playing on your mind and affecting your overall state of mind.

Man, if I lived in a place that the weather channel featured in this show and I watched that segment of 'It could happen tomorrow', I could end up being terrified (or at least more UNEASY than before). Do these types of shows serve you and make you feel better? They sure don't nourish MY Mind, Body, and Soul!

Matter of fact, it doesn't even matter whether I live in the area they are featuring or not; that's just feeding my mind with garbage and I choose to fill my mind up with more pleasant, peaceful images.

You can play a game of 'It could happen tomorrow' in a positive light --- with the Lovin' Life twist :)

Just pretend that your life in the future is one, big blank white canvas with nothing on it but what you want to create. What would you draw on that canvas?
What picture would you create?

Now remember, your future can look like ANYTHING you want it to look like - play with this exercise, have fun with it - feel the joy of having exactly what you want.

Remember ... 'it' COULD happen --- if you focus on it --- whether 'it' is a good thing OR a bad thing. It's up to you.

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites:
Diagnosed with MS or other health condition?

Want to Make More Money? Visit:

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors
AND Sought-After Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for people with MS!


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

We are all Human ... even the "gurus"!

I recently spoke to a Law of Attraction guru who gives great seminars and classes and realized in that conversation that "even the gurus are human". His vibes were negative about a teleconference that he conducted. He was "disappointed" at the attendance and had all the negative vibes around whether people were going to take any action and purchase his products.

I proceeded to ask him "what kind of vibe is that?". He then told me that based upon his statistics, he just knows that it's NOT going to be a success. Oh my God! The Law of Attraction expert used the word "NOT" -- a word that he teaches us not to use. Amazing!

Now, first of all, I am not picking on him. I want you to know that we are ALL human -- even the people that help us and guide us. We all have our moments. The other things I want you to realize is the following:

When he mentioned statistics to me, I right away told him that
"I am a statistician and have always lived my life as an outlier … I don’t follow the “norm”. Why should this call follow your normal statistics? It’s going to be a massive success!"

You see, no matter what the statistics say, I think we all have to believe in what we want -- if the person with cancer believed the doctor that said "you have only 6 weeks to live", how would that turn out? And I know MANY stories where the patient has proven the Doctor wrong.

Then take cases like Lance Armstrong. Do you think his Doctors told him that he would live as long as he has so far AND that he would accomplish as much as he has athletically? Absolutely NOT!

So, the moral of my blog story here is
#1) We are all human!
#2) Never give up on something if you really want it, no matter what the odds look like!

Many people are proving the odds wrong every single day.

Matter of fact, if the Law of Attraction is all it's cracked up to be, then wouldn't this concept being defying the statistics or the odds ALL THE TIME?

Think about it. Woudl love to hear your thoughts on this.

Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker and Life Coach for people with Multiple Sclerosis
Want More Energy? Enhance Well-being:


Law of Attraction Audio Links

I just conducted a teleconference last night with Michael Losier on the Law of Attraction. If you have heard Michael speak, you know that he is one of the Law of Attraction "gurus" that reduces the principles down to simple approaches that are easy to understand and apply.

I would like to share with you a recording of the call.
You can listen to it NOW on your computer.
Just click here:

Also … here’s the link to his audio library for his special offer (good until May 4th, 2006):

Do you know ANYONE who wants more money, more clients, better relationships, better health, and more of what they REALLY want and less of what they don’t?

If you do, then share these URL links with them. You will be giving them one of the greatest gifts you can share!

On the call, Michael mentioned his Law of Attraction Audio Library Membership Package which will enable you to really MASTER the "Law of Attraction" and create the success that you want. If you got valuable information from listening to this 1-hour recording, imagine the possibilities after listening to “just a fraction” of the 28 hours of classes that Michael makes available to you by joining his audio library! Here’s just a sample of what you will get.

4 Hours - How to Attract More Money and Become More Abundant
4 Hours - How to Allowing More Business Using Law of Attraction
5 Hours - Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using Law of Attraction
1 hour – How to Teach Law of Attraction to Your Children
ONE monthly recorded Q&A TeleClass, held live for Members only.
Plus bonus classes

To save $40 on Michael Losier’s Audio Library Membership for 1-year (AND to extend your membership for an extra 2 months), you will need to use the link below.
(note: use all lower case letters)

You can ONLY get this discount by using the above link within 30-days of the date of the recording AND if you register NOW, you will also get an additional 2 months … that’s 14 months instead of 12 months of access to this Law of Attraction audio library. What an amazing deal!

Remember, by May 4th this fantastic offer will be gone! So, take advantage of it now!

to get your 14-month membership AND gain a wealth of knowledge that will transform your life so that you are vibrating far more positive than negative every single day!

IMAGINE what you could attract into your life if you were able to do this!

The possibilities are endless!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
& Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites: (or ) (Blog for Doctors with Health Challenges) (visit to request your FREE CD!)

America's #1 Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors!
AND America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!

Check out this Home Study Training Kit that's a great inexpensive way to begin pursuing a coaching career:

So you want to create an additional source of income?


Thursday, March 23, 2006

What Diet are you feeding Your Brain?

We are all so focused on what type of food we are eating. The United States, especially. is fixated on what the "diet du jour" is.

But, have you ever thought about what type of diet you are feeding your brain?

No, I don't mean actual food (although there are some foods that are supposed to be very good for your brain ). I am talking about what we watch on TV, what we read about in the news and the media, what thoughts we allow to enter our brains and what we think about on a daily basis.

Don't you think that what we "feed" our brains has an effect on our overall health and well-being, our state of inner peace, our power to attract what we want in our lives?

Well, I do. I have found that lately I am more into watching "funny" movies or movies and shows that make me think and reflect (like "What the bleep do we know?"). Now, I am not saying that I never watch TV shows that have violence, murder, and content that is disturbing -- but I have just been finding that those programs MUST have an impact on one's state of mind. They have to. It's what we are feeding our brains. What if, instead of watching the news one night, I listened to peaceful, serene music that had nature's beautiful sounds? Would I have a better sleep? Would I wake up in a better mood the next morning? Would my dreams be different?

Just some "food" for "thought" ... literally. Next time you turn on the TV or rent a movie, pay attention to what your brain is thinking about when you finished watching the show. Then ask yourself the question... would you want your brain to be thinking about this all the time? What do you think the effect would be on your life?

P.S. Also, what type of thoughts do you think about each day... are your thoughts in the "gutter" .. that negative place that doesn't serve you, but you can't help but going there? Start changing the type of thoughts you have and you would be amazed at how it will transform your life.

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites: (or ) (Blog for Doctors with Health Challenges) (visit to request your FREE CD!)

America's #1 Wellness Coach for Doctors!
AND America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!

Check out this Home Study Training Kit that's a great inexpensive way to begin pursuing a coaching career:

Looking for Optimal Wellness? More Energy?


Monday, March 20, 2006

MRI Test and Appreciation

I would like to share with you an experience I had while I was getting my MRI last week. I truly hope that what I experienced inspires you to make a positive change in how you handle your current “bumps in the road”.

During the "no contrast" part of the MRI (no dyes, just straight up pictures of the brain and c-spine), they were playing a radio station that had oldies music (Don't go breakin' my heart /Elton John stuff) -- it was actually interfering with the "zen" place I was trying to get myself in AND it was very warm in there (which was kickin' up my sensory symptoms).

The more I felt my sensory symptoms in my hands and legs, the more I wanted to move to “shake” them away (if you know what I mean). It also challenged me to continue to focus on my positive visions and not let my mind “run a muck” with WHY those sensory symptoms were more intense.

Because of what I teach to others and the techniques that I practice on a daily basis, I kept on bringing myself back to a focused, centered state. However, it was far more difficult with that radio station playing in my ear and the things that I was physically feeling (being warm). That part of the test seemed VERY long.

However, the part of the MRI test that I was most worried about -- the contrast part (with dyes) --- ended up going REALLY smooth! And let me tell you why I think it did. After the tech guy injected the contrasts into me (that's after he found the vein on the third try!), I asked him to turn off the music and loosen the headset (he couldn’t take it off because he said it would move the position of my head).

He put me back into "the tube" and I started to Thank God for all the things in my life ... EVERYTHING ... I was grateful TO THE MAX! I must have expressed my gratitude and appreciation for at least 1000 things while I was going through that part of the test! I expressed appreciation for loved ones, my home, every aspect of my body, the food I eat, the people that come in and out of my life, the money that I have in the bank, the people that are my support systems that help me to become an even more successful entrepreneur than I already am, the creative ideas that flow to me that help the MS community, the doctors I go to, the tech guy that was doing my MRI, and YOU, the subscriber of my Newsletter list… the list goes on… EVERYTHING!!!! I was even saying “Thank You” to the rhythm and beat of the knocking noises

And you know what, I had NO sensory symptoms during that part of the test! They were gone. Isn’t that interesting? I was still slightly warm but my hands went back to normal and I was feeling fine. I really do think that the state of appreciation that I put myself in had a positive effect on not only my mind but my whole body!

After the test I was in such a GREAT mood! I went out to dinner and continued with that very HIGH ENERGY gratitude feeling. I felt like I was high! (I never got “high” in my life … but I imagine that is what it would feel like! Actually I am SURE that what I was feeling was even BETTER than being high!) I was SOOOO appreciative of everything that was in front of me, everyone I spoke to, the food I was eating, the love I had in my life!

And you know what ... I had an ah-hah moment. If I could feel that way ALL the time, think of the possibilities of what wonderful things would flow into my life!!! Imagine feeling like that more often. How do you think that would impact your overall health and well-being?! You got it … it would positively impact it … ten-fold!

So, start expressing GREAT appreciation for all that you DO have in your life. Even if right now you are experiencing a “bump” in the road of your life … this is the best time to express that gratitude and appreciation. Feel that appreciation in your heart. See the things in your mind that you are grateful for. Smile as you think of all those things. It works. I know.

What do you have to lose by trying this exercise? Absolutely NOTHING! You only have something to gain.

P.S. I am evaluating a software product right now that I think will be a phenomenal tool for people with MS and others with chronic health conditions. It helps you practice ways of achieving LESS STRESS and optimal harmony of your emotions, mind and body. It’s an interactive way to SHIFT your mood and state of well-being within MINUTES and continue to learn how to STAY in the place more frequently. So far, I have tested this software out on myself and a few other people and find it FASCINATING how quickly each of us can get into a more relaxed, optimal stress-free state with the techniques that come with it. AND IT’S REALLY COOL to see it monitor your heart rate and rhythms. It most definitely demonstrates HOW QUICKLY the heart rhythm pattern responds to thoughts and emotions. It’s proof in REAL TIME of what I have been teaching for years. If you are interested in getting this software for yourself and would like to be part of my FIRST PILOT GROUP of people with MS, contact me at and tell me that you would be interested in participating and want to find out the details. I need at least 10 people to start this pilot group so spread the word around. Thanks!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

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America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!
AND America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!

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