Want More Energy?
Many of my clients and readers always want to know how they can increase their energy level.
Are you one of those people. In today's society, we are all so rushed and frazzled and doing a million and one things at the same time. It seems for many there is not enough time in the day and that people are "losing their steam" -- they just can't keep up with the fast paced environment that they live in.
Sometimes I have people tell me that they are "in a fog" and need "something" to get back on track. In my seminars, teleconferences and personal coaching sessions, I have taught many people strategies that they can implement into their life to reduce stress and feel more energized. Did you know that "stress" depletes your body of the essential vitamins and nutrients you need?
"Feeling more energy" is a “holistic approach”. You can do all the stress-reduction exercises available in the life-coaching and wellness world, but if you are not nourishing your body correctly and giving it the nutrients it needs to feel “energized”, you are working harder than necessary to gain back that energy that you are looking for.
My research took me to a top-notch health aging company that conducts pharamaceutical-grade research on all their Natural products that help to maintain a healthy body and outlook. You can explore these products and research them yourself at www.agelesscatalog.com/LovinLife
Create a Lovin’ Life week for yourself!
To your Renewed Energy and Optimal Health,
Maria C. Lesetz
Certified Wellness Coach
Maria C. Lesetz, Maria@InvincibleMD.com
Lovin' Life
Certified Wellness Coach for Doctors
Motivational Speaker
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX
I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!
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