2006 New Year -- New You ???
Yes, it a New year already and all the media is talking about "New Year, New You" and "New Year Resolutions" and Weight Loss. You see commercials for Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem and Bally Total Fitness Memberships along with other advertisements for gyms. It's that time of year again!
But do you really stick to those New Year's Resolutions? I am kind of tired of the clichés of “New Year… New You” and “New Year’s Resolutions”, blah, blah, blah…
How many times do you make a New Year's Resolution one year and then have the same one the next year because you didn't accomplish what your goal was for that year?
What I want for you is to make lasting changes in your life … not something you just state in the beginning of the New Year and then it fizzles by February 1st! The key to any lasting change is a strong desire to really want to make that change and a vision that keeps you going even when the going gets tough! And I’m sure you can relate to “when the going gets tough”! There is one more thing that is necessary to have in order to make lasting changes in your life… a steady belief that YOU CAN make those changes permanently. But how do you do that when every once in a while there’s a voice inside of you that says “this can’t be done” or “this has never happened before, why do I believe it can happen now?” or "this is not working, why should I bother?" or _________ (you fill in the blank .. you get the picture, our inner voices always seem to believe in the negative side of the coin!)
Start clearing those negative beliefs that you have in your thoughts, and you will be on your way to lasting changes in your life (and it doesn't have to be started in the beginning of the New Year -- this can be started any time, any moment!)
Here are a few ways that I have cleared my negative or disempowering beliefs that pop up in my head every once in a while:
1) First, I catch myself "in the act" (i.e., I take notice of when I am thinking a negative or disempowering thought)
2) I created a releasing exercise called the "Belief Bucket" --- it really works! (and feels good too!)
3) I read out loud an affirmation that releases my old beliefs and focuses on what I really want to happen and keeps me focused on the goal (NOT the lack of it!)
4) I have a very clear vision of exactly what I want. I make it REAL in my head!
5) I practice many of the "Law of Attraction" exercises from the teachings of Abraham Hicks (thru Esther & Jerry Hicks)
the list can go on ...
Making a New Year's resolution or setting goals in the beginning of a New Year can be a vicious cycle if you don't clear all those negative beliefs that stop you from making those lasting changes that you want in your life.
P.S. If you want to hear more about my journey of losing 70 lbs permanently, check out my "Lost the Weight & Feeling Great" CD Package by visiting http://www.marialesetz.com/lovin-life-series.html and clicking on that package. It's about a Mind Set! It's a journey and yes, it took me a while before I actually lost the weight and kept it off for good! But I have learned a lot by looking back and reflecting on all the choices I made and which ones were the most successful ones. The one thing that makes all the difference in the world is the strength of "YOUR BELIEF that YOU CAN DO IT!"
Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz, Maria@MariaLesetz.com
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
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