Thursday, March 23, 2006

What Diet are you feeding Your Brain?

We are all so focused on what type of food we are eating. The United States, especially. is fixated on what the "diet du jour" is.

But, have you ever thought about what type of diet you are feeding your brain?

No, I don't mean actual food (although there are some foods that are supposed to be very good for your brain ). I am talking about what we watch on TV, what we read about in the news and the media, what thoughts we allow to enter our brains and what we think about on a daily basis.

Don't you think that what we "feed" our brains has an effect on our overall health and well-being, our state of inner peace, our power to attract what we want in our lives?

Well, I do. I have found that lately I am more into watching "funny" movies or movies and shows that make me think and reflect (like "What the bleep do we know?"). Now, I am not saying that I never watch TV shows that have violence, murder, and content that is disturbing -- but I have just been finding that those programs MUST have an impact on one's state of mind. They have to. It's what we are feeding our brains. What if, instead of watching the news one night, I listened to peaceful, serene music that had nature's beautiful sounds? Would I have a better sleep? Would I wake up in a better mood the next morning? Would my dreams be different?

Just some "food" for "thought" ... literally. Next time you turn on the TV or rent a movie, pay attention to what your brain is thinking about when you finished watching the show. Then ask yourself the question... would you want your brain to be thinking about this all the time? What do you think the effect would be on your life?

P.S. Also, what type of thoughts do you think about each day... are your thoughts in the "gutter" .. that negative place that doesn't serve you, but you can't help but going there? Start changing the type of thoughts you have and you would be amazed at how it will transform your life.

Warmest Regards,

Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites: (or ) (Blog for Doctors with Health Challenges) (visit to request your FREE CD!)

America's #1 Wellness Coach for Doctors!
AND America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!

Check out this Home Study Training Kit that's a great inexpensive way to begin pursuing a coaching career:

Looking for Optimal Wellness? More Energy?


Monday, March 20, 2006

MRI Test and Appreciation

I would like to share with you an experience I had while I was getting my MRI last week. I truly hope that what I experienced inspires you to make a positive change in how you handle your current “bumps in the road”.

During the "no contrast" part of the MRI (no dyes, just straight up pictures of the brain and c-spine), they were playing a radio station that had oldies music (Don't go breakin' my heart /Elton John stuff) -- it was actually interfering with the "zen" place I was trying to get myself in AND it was very warm in there (which was kickin' up my sensory symptoms).

The more I felt my sensory symptoms in my hands and legs, the more I wanted to move to “shake” them away (if you know what I mean). It also challenged me to continue to focus on my positive visions and not let my mind “run a muck” with WHY those sensory symptoms were more intense.

Because of what I teach to others and the techniques that I practice on a daily basis, I kept on bringing myself back to a focused, centered state. However, it was far more difficult with that radio station playing in my ear and the things that I was physically feeling (being warm). That part of the test seemed VERY long.

However, the part of the MRI test that I was most worried about -- the contrast part (with dyes) --- ended up going REALLY smooth! And let me tell you why I think it did. After the tech guy injected the contrasts into me (that's after he found the vein on the third try!), I asked him to turn off the music and loosen the headset (he couldn’t take it off because he said it would move the position of my head).

He put me back into "the tube" and I started to Thank God for all the things in my life ... EVERYTHING ... I was grateful TO THE MAX! I must have expressed my gratitude and appreciation for at least 1000 things while I was going through that part of the test! I expressed appreciation for loved ones, my home, every aspect of my body, the food I eat, the people that come in and out of my life, the money that I have in the bank, the people that are my support systems that help me to become an even more successful entrepreneur than I already am, the creative ideas that flow to me that help the MS community, the doctors I go to, the tech guy that was doing my MRI, and YOU, the subscriber of my Newsletter list… the list goes on… EVERYTHING!!!! I was even saying “Thank You” to the rhythm and beat of the knocking noises

And you know what, I had NO sensory symptoms during that part of the test! They were gone. Isn’t that interesting? I was still slightly warm but my hands went back to normal and I was feeling fine. I really do think that the state of appreciation that I put myself in had a positive effect on not only my mind but my whole body!

After the test I was in such a GREAT mood! I went out to dinner and continued with that very HIGH ENERGY gratitude feeling. I felt like I was high! (I never got “high” in my life … but I imagine that is what it would feel like! Actually I am SURE that what I was feeling was even BETTER than being high!) I was SOOOO appreciative of everything that was in front of me, everyone I spoke to, the food I was eating, the love I had in my life!

And you know what ... I had an ah-hah moment. If I could feel that way ALL the time, think of the possibilities of what wonderful things would flow into my life!!! Imagine feeling like that more often. How do you think that would impact your overall health and well-being?! You got it … it would positively impact it … ten-fold!

So, start expressing GREAT appreciation for all that you DO have in your life. Even if right now you are experiencing a “bump” in the road of your life … this is the best time to express that gratitude and appreciation. Feel that appreciation in your heart. See the things in your mind that you are grateful for. Smile as you think of all those things. It works. I know.

What do you have to lose by trying this exercise? Absolutely NOTHING! You only have something to gain.

P.S. I am evaluating a software product right now that I think will be a phenomenal tool for people with MS and others with chronic health conditions. It helps you practice ways of achieving LESS STRESS and optimal harmony of your emotions, mind and body. It’s an interactive way to SHIFT your mood and state of well-being within MINUTES and continue to learn how to STAY in the place more frequently. So far, I have tested this software out on myself and a few other people and find it FASCINATING how quickly each of us can get into a more relaxed, optimal stress-free state with the techniques that come with it. AND IT’S REALLY COOL to see it monitor your heart rate and rhythms. It most definitely demonstrates HOW QUICKLY the heart rhythm pattern responds to thoughts and emotions. It’s proof in REAL TIME of what I have been teaching for years. If you are interested in getting this software for yourself and would like to be part of my FIRST PILOT GROUP of people with MS, contact me at and tell me that you would be interested in participating and want to find out the details. I need at least 10 people to start this pilot group so spread the word around. Thanks!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are "sick and tired" ... literally!

Other Websites: (or (Blog for Doctors with Health Challenges) (visit to request your FREE CD on my Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life ... Now!)
America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!
AND America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!

Check out this Home Study Training Kit that's a great inexpensive way to begin pursuing a coaching career:


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Do you want a New Career?

Become a Life Coach! Now, I am NOT telling you to quit your day job immediately. I am just saying to look into this rewarding profession. Explore your options. Find a career that brings out your passion.

I graduated from Coach U and became a Certified Coach for Doctors through Comprehensive Coaching U and Le Coach 4 U. I have learned a lot about myself through the process of my professional training AND I also believe that my professional coach training at Coach U helped me to deal with the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis FAR BETTER than I ever would have dealt with that news prior to becoming a coach. There are lessons I learned that helped me to minimize stress and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.

If you want to become a Professional Coach or if it sounds intriguing to you, what I would recommend is to dip your feet in the water first by purchasing this Deluxe Coaching Kit by Terri Levine. The tuition for many of the Coaching Schools are quite high and may be too much to spend initially (especially if you are unsure of whether this is a career you want to pursue). But this Coaching Kit is a way to get your feet wet and see if this profession will bring you the same joy it has me.

Here's a brief summary on the Deluxe Coaching Kit by Terri Levine:
Now is the time to join the rapidly expanding and highly rewarding coaching profession. Whether you are already a coach, in training, or still thinking about it, this coaching kit has everything you need. It's also valuable to people who don't want to be professional coaches but recognize the need for proficient coaching skills to get the best out of their life and that of their workforce. Just visit and find out more about this great way to explore the new career of Life Coaching. And who knows, it may also help you to improve your own life, just like it did for me!

Do yourself a favor and just check out what Life Coaching is all about: Who knows, you may find yourself a new career that brings you more joy than you ever could have imagined!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are “sick and tired” … literally!

Other Websites: (or (Blog for Doctors with Health Challenges)
(visit to request your FREE CD on my Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life... Now!)

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!

America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Olympic Athletes and Emotional Shape

I don't know about you, but I watched the Winter Olympics and learned a lot from the athletes about how to be a winner. And the lessons I learned translates to being a winner in "life", not in just in a particular sport! These athletes are the best in the world, they come to the Winter Olympics to compete for the Gold Medal and for the fun and thrill of their sport.

There is no doubt that these athletes are in great physical shape, but one thing that I noticed that played into the results of who won or not was also the other type of shape ... "emotional and mental" shape.

Did you see Sasha Cohen's face and eyes before she skated her long program? There was a "doubt" in her eyes... a worried look, a lack of confidence that she could do this. Even the commentators said something about her eyes. Yes, she got the silver medal (which I think she was even surprised at) -- but if her eyes looked like they did before her short program (confident, ready, determined) -- I think she would have won the Gold! Now, I am not picking on Sasha Cohen - -she's a fantastic skater ... I am just making a point on the POWER OF OUR MINDS and how important it is to focus on the positive outcomes and leave "worry" in the dust!
And by the way, you could also see the same doubt in the Russian skater (before the long program) who was the favorite to win the Gold. She just didn't seem confident. She looked concerned before she skated. She even was shaking her head (as if to say no) a few times before that program. Just based on her actions prior to her long program, I was able to predict that she wasn't going to do as well as her first program.

Let's take another example from the Olympics ... one of the couples from China in the figure skating. The guy went to throw his partner into the air and she fell hard on the ice hitting both her knees (each time they showed the replay of that ... I cringed, feeling her pain). They stopped skating and looked like they were done ... afterall, she was in a lot of pain, how was she going to continue skating her long program? But all of sudden, she decides she is going to continue --- she gets back on the ice, starts off with her partner where she left off AND that couple ends up getting a medal! Unbelievable! What was in her head? Was she focused on falling again? Was she focused on failing? NO... I don't think so. She came to the Olympics to compete and skate and she was determined to finish what she came for. Her will, her determination and her MIND SET was what got her to complete that program and ultimately win a medal!!! She left all the worry and fear in the dust. Amazing! How many people do you know that would get up after a bad fall like that and continue on as if nothing happened? I don't know many people like that! But that's what sets apart the "winners".

Then there is Bode Miller... first of all, I think there was too much hype around him. All the hype built him up to be somebody who was going to win multiple Golds! But did he? No. I think is Mind Set was just not in the right place. Now, this is just my opinion but I really do think that there is a lot more to winning these games then just qualifying to get there. There is a certain Mind Set you must be in in order to compete at your best and take home a medal. I just don't think that was there for Bode Miller. Do you agree?

This brings me to another point about the power of our thoughts. I noticed that there were some athletes that won the Gold, that were not expected to win the Gold ... these athletes were not the "favorites" ... but they came out of nowhere and took the Gold ... how is this possible? Well, that's simple ... they came to the games to compete their best game they ever had; there was no pressure on them to win ... they just went to have fun, doing what they love and give it all they got!!! There is something to be said about "letting go of the outcome" and tapping into your passion and just going for it! (putting no pressure on yourself that you "have to" win)

Yes, I learned all of this from the Olympic Athletes. If there is one thing that you can take away from this is that "YOUR MIND IS A VERY POWERFUL TOOL" -- it plays a part in how much you feel you are winning at this life that you only get one shot at! Use your mind wisely. Focus on the positive outcome, but at the same time "let go" of the outcome. Tap into your passion. Leave all the worry and concern in the garbage can --- 'cause that's where it belongs!

Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX

I work with Doctors who are “sick and tired” … literally!

Other Websites: (or (Blog for Doctors with Health Challenges) (visit to request your FREE CD on my Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life ... Now!)

America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!
AND America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!


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