Do you want a New Career?
Become a Life Coach! Now, I am NOT telling you to quit your day job immediately. I am just saying to look into this rewarding profession. Explore your options. Find a career that brings out your passion.
I graduated from Coach U and became a Certified Coach for Doctors through Comprehensive Coaching U and Le Coach 4 U. I have learned a lot about myself through the process of my professional training AND I also believe that my professional coach training at Coach U helped me to deal with the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis FAR BETTER than I ever would have dealt with that news prior to becoming a coach. There are lessons I learned that helped me to minimize stress and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.
If you want to become a Professional Coach or if it sounds intriguing to you, what I would recommend is to dip your feet in the water first by purchasing this Deluxe Coaching Kit by Terri Levine. The tuition for many of the Coaching Schools are quite high and may be too much to spend initially (especially if you are unsure of whether this is a career you want to pursue). But this Coaching Kit is a way to get your feet wet and see if this profession will bring you the same joy it has me.
Here's a brief summary on the Deluxe Coaching Kit by Terri Levine:
Now is the time to join the rapidly expanding and highly rewarding coaching profession. Whether you are already a coach, in training, or still thinking about it, this coaching kit has everything you need. It's also valuable to people who don't want to be professional coaches but recognize the need for proficient coaching skills to get the best out of their life and that of their workforce. Just visit and find out more about this great way to explore the new career of Life Coaching. And who knows, it may also help you to improve your own life, just like it did for me!
Do yourself a favor and just check out what Life Coaching is all about: Who knows, you may find yourself a new career that brings you more joy than you ever could have imagined!
Warmest Regards,
Maria C. Lesetz,
Lovin' Life
Motivational Speaker & Certified Life Coach for Doctors
Statistical Consultant
(541) 686-1326
(541) 484-4146 FAX
I work with Doctors who are “sick and tired” … literally!
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(visit to request your FREE CD on my Top 5 Secrets to Lovin' Life... Now!)
America's #1 Certified Life Coach for Doctors with Health Challenges!
America's #1 Motivational Speaker & Life Coach for People with Multiple Sclerosis!
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