Fountain of Youth in a White Bottle
Fountain of Youth in a White Bottle ... I know, it sounds like a title that the media would use. Well it is! It's a news story that was broadcast in Phoenix, Arizona on a Nutritional Supplement that I am taking and also a distributor of. (I have posted a video clip of this news report further down on this blog -- but please do read on, before you jump to the clip.) I know that there are a lot of Nutritional Supplements out there in the marketplace and I often hear from the people that I speak to that it can be very confusing as to which ones to take, which ones are legitimate and which ones are scams. Well, being a Statistician by trade, I can assure you that I did my research before I personally started taking this product, making sure that there was a lot of science to back up its claims. I am a skeptic and I had to convince myself that this product was the real deal. Well, it is. (and I know some of you fellow skeptics are probably saying ... "well of course you are going to say that, you are a distributor of the product!" Well, I can assure you that being a skeptic myself, I wouldn't be a distributor of this product if I wasn't 100% convinced that this product was based on science and a powerful nutritional supplement!)
They say that a picture speaks a thousand words ... well, I believe this goes for testimonials too! A brief testimonial that can be viewed so that others can see and hear how one product has positively impacted one person's life is VERY powerful! And you know that if it has impacted this one person's life in this fashion that thousands of other people are experiencing similar results! As you know, I am a Health Coach who is passionate about helping as many people as I can to improve their overall health and well-being and be Lovin' Life, beyond their wildest dreams. I am an expert on helping my clients use the power of their thoughts and feelings to positively impact their overall health (called the Law of Attraction and it is something that is working every day in your life, whether you like what you are getting or not!). Some of my clients like to call me the Mind Coach! But I also encourage my clients to take a good hard look at how they are eating, what nutritional supplements they are taking and evaluating the overall lifestyle that they are choosing that contributes to the state of their health and well-being.
This is what I did (as many of you may already know). After having a terrible reaction to a drug I was on for MS, I decided to take a good hard look at my Nutritional Supplementation and threw myself into a quest to find the best products out there on the market. I have been taking the Univera products for over 2 years now (going on 3 years) and feeling great! No drugs ... just top quality Nutritional Supplementation, coupled with a strong Mind Set that expects Wellness, coupled with lifestlye choices like exercise, meditation and choosing to have no stress in my life!
The one Univera product that I absolutely LOVE is the one that is mentioned in this news report entitled "Fountain of Youth in a White Bottle" -- catchy title, a little cliche -- but it is a powerful testimonial that speaks volumes to how one person's quality of life was significantly impacted by this product. Click on the link below to hear this news story broadcast by the Phoenix FOX news affiliate. It has been made available to all the FOX news stations though out the U.S.!
I think you will find this video clip as compelling as I do. And after watching it, if you would like to find out more about this product and how you can try it, contact me directly at or call me at 541-686-1326. Matter of fact, write my e-mail and phone number down right now, go watch the video clip and contact me after watching it to tell me what you thought.
Click here to watch the Fox News TV Report:
Create a Lovin' Life day for yourself and remember ... you do have control over the state of your overall health and well-being. Expect Wellness! Know that it is within your reach.
Here's the link to the video clip again: -- Imagine the possibilities for your overall health and well-being! :)
Maria C. Lesetz, CEO of Lovin' Life!
Certified Life Coach, specializing in Health & Wellness
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