You Burning Questions about Health & Wellness: EXERCISE ... UGH! ... A Law of Attraction Perspective
Day 4 of your Burning Questions around the topic of Health and Wellness. I think I am starting a newspaper column here. Now, remember, I am not necessarily giving the "traditional" answers to these questions. I am answering them from the perspective of a Law of Attraction Health Coach and my own personal viewpoint on the topic.
Here we go ... today's question is about exercise! Yes, that word that many of you dread. You feel that you "should" be exercising but you don't quite have the motivation or desire to exercise.
Question #4: Want to change my feelings on EXERCISE!
I am wondering if I can change my feelings on exercise! Now, I adore how well my body functions/serves me and have been pretty fortunate thus far. I just really have never found any physical activity that I really LOVE doing on any sort of regular basis. I want to change this about myself, because I want to treat my body well. While I'd like to be fitter right now, this has less to do with that and more to do with just wanting to enjoy exercise like some folks do. Running literally feels like someone swiping razor blades through my lungs! Of course I love to dance...but I am not the best at it so I don't love being a part of actual dance classes. I love ballroom dancing, but don't really have the funds to take those lessons. I'd like to integrate awesome physical activity into my world without it feeling like such a chore!
And here's my answer:
There is always SOMETHING that you can find (that you would LOVE) that may not be considered "traditional exercise" but IS moving your body in a way that makes you feel ROCKIN'!
Many of my clients have had a lot of "shoulds" around this topic and anytime you come from a place of "should" the outcome is not optimal. And anyway, if it is not aligned with what brings you JOY, it's not going to be fun -- and who wants to be doing something that isn't FUN?!
I can't say enough about doing things when you are coming from a place of "I should" do this or "others think I should do this" --- it's just not aligned with JOY and the end result that you are looking to achieve will never be to your liking when it is a "should". I feel one of the most important "exercises" you can do is to raise your vibration around how you feel on a daily basis. I had a client who was referred to me by a Naturopath Doctor who wanted me to just tell this client to do everything she was telling her to do.
However, my client was "shoulding all over herself" with "I should cut out all gluten from my diet", "I should eat salads for lunch", "I shouldn't eat those potato chips I so love", I should, I shouldn't, I should, I shouldn't ... you get the idea. She also hated exercise and had absolutely no desire to go on a treadmill that had recently become her clothes line. Exercising was a "should" for her as well! A BIG should!
I started working with her on learning how to reach for a better feeling each and every day, making her happiness level her #1 priority. She learned how to address the stress in her life and minimize it. She learned how to pivot to what she wanted to happen instead of focusing and dwelling on what she didn't like about her life and her body. I also encouraged her to stop beating up on herself so much when she "slipped up", according to what she was told she "should do". She learned to be kinder to herself! And wouldn't you know, one day she came to the coaching session and said to me "Guess what I did? I went on my treadmill for 15 minutes today!" This was HUGE for her!!! And why do you think she felt naturally drawn to that? Because she was feeling better about herself and her overall life ... all because she was NOW deliberately choosing different thoughts and feelings. She was vibrating higher (as us Law of Attraction teachers call it) or for you NON-Law of Attraction people, she was feeling so much better than she had ever felt before and as a result she was motivated to do something that was aligned with great Health and Wellness. No surprise to me!
That's the way The Law of Attraction works!
I personally believe that when you are Lovin' Life in this red hot moment and appreciating all the blessings in your life, your body will be naturally drawn to things that are good for your body (food and exercise included), keeping it functioning at its best!
So, the first thing I recommend is to definitely be selfish with your vibration and make sure you are making a conscious effort each day to FEEL GOOD, by focusing on what you DO want in your life, by engaging in activities that put a smile on your face, and by being extra kind to #1 ... YOU!
I also recommend that you ask your inner guidance as to how you could move your body in a way that would make you feel the way you want that "exercise" to feel (e.g., invigorating, energizing, alive, on cloud nine, etc.) -- you get the idea. You may not get the answer right away but just be open to receiving the answer.
Also here are some questions for you to ponder that will help you to uncover what you are really looking for...
* How do you want to feel as a result of exercising?
* What particularly are you looking for the exercise to do for you?
* Why do you want to enjoy exercise like some folks do? Do you feel like you are missing out on something? If so, what would that be?
Physical activity can be AWESOME and it doesn't have to feel like a chore -- matter of fact, that would be an indication that it is not the right physical activity for you (at least not one that you want to do on a regular basis).
When you are aligned with JOY on a regular basis, loving your life as it is and loving who you are right now in this present moment, you will be naturally drawn to activities that are healthy for you! The perfect exercise will reveal itself to you -- one that will be so much fun, you won't even call it "exercise"! It will be at the top of your JOY LIST!
Have a Lovin' Life rest of the day!
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