Weight Loss Resolutions - Do they REALLY work? Are there truly any Weight Loss "SECRETS"?
It's a new year again and people are talking about weight loss, getting fit, getting in shape, losing that excess weight ... AGAIN! The weight loss commercials have increased in number, gyms are promoting more than ever, diet programs are hiring celebrities to do their commercials so that they can get more people who have WEIGHT LOSS RESOLUTIONS to sign up for their program ... NOW, in January, while the motivation is still "hot"!
You know as well as I do that tons of people have resolutions in the beginning of a new year. January is the month where everyone is all "ra ra" "let's do this" "I'm game" "let's make this happen ... YEAH!!!"
But what most people find is that their New Year's resolutions don't stick throughout the entire year. Some people are lucky if they stick past February! Why is that?
As a Law of Attraction Happiness Coach, I teach my clients that it is more about changing the feelings they have about their life and that particular goal, than anything else. If you don't change the nature of your thoughts and feelings so that they align with your desire and dreams, it will feel very difficult to achieve those goals.
Let's take Weight Loss as an example. OK, so you joined the gym, you have your new sneakers and work out outfit and you have decided you are going to eat healthier. GREAT! Now, you start working out, eating more salads, and are feeling pretty good that you have stayed with your workout routine for a couple of weeks. All of a sudden, you get stressed at work or you have a crisis with your kids that just turns your life upside down. Now what? How do you handle that stress. Maybe you miss one or two days of the gym, you "slip" and you eat more potato chips than you "should have" because you turned to that comfort food when you were overly stressed. Now you look in the mirror and you look at yourself and you are disgusted. You are beating yourself up for not sticking to that diet or not going to the gym on a regular basis. Do those feelings you are having feel "light" or "heavy"? Are you still feeling very motivated to "stick" to your "health and wellness" lifestyle plan? No. Probably not!
You see, all of these "weight loss programs" forget to integrate one very important thing into their "fitness" program. And that is ...
... Learning how to address the stress that is part of your life, without sabotaging your weight loss goals (or any goals for that matter!)
This is a topic that is not talked about a lot on TV during those weight loss commercials and many weight loss "experts" don't discuss it either.
But this advice is THE KEY to your weight loss success.
When your learn how to choose different thoughts and feelings, even during those stressful times, and when you are kinder to YOU and stop beating up on yourself, that's when you will start to see permanent results with your weight loss goals and feel better than ever (and know how to maintain that weight loss over the years!)
That's why I put together my Introductory Audio Weight Loss Coaching Program around how to shift your mindset to lose that weight successfully and keep it off. My Law of Attraction Weight Loss MindSet Audio Program has 6 audio lessons that will introduce you to these new concepts of changing your mindset. Each audio lesson is only 10-15 minutes long, so you can listen to these at your leisure and have the time to fit in at least one lesson per week (most likely once you hear one, you will want to continue to listen to them)!
Here are the topics I discuss in each Weight Loss Mindset lesson:
1) Tapping into that Feel Good Place of WHY!
2) Becoming Hyper-Aware with a Non-Judgmental Approach!
3) Stress and it's Impact on your Weight!
4) Learn about your FOOD VIBE!
5) How does KEEPING SCORE affect your weight?!
6) Learning how to RELAX about it all!
This Introductory Weight Loss MindSet Audio Program is only $29.97. I want you to get a jump-start on changing your mindset so that you are wildly successful at losing that excess weight! Once you change this one thing, the rest of the weight loss journey will feel so much easier.
Forget those "empty" New Year's resolutions and decide today that you are going to change your mindset and change how you feel about your life, your body, and yourself on a daily basis. And once you do that ... look out! That sexy, confident person will emerge and you will be well on your way to that healthy and fit body you desire!
To your Fabulous Health & Happiness,
~ Maria
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