The emWave Personal Stress Reliever (PSR) for National Stress Awareness Month!
As I mentioned in my previous post, April is National Stress Awareness Month and feeling stressed is a choice. I wanted to highlight one of my favorite stress relief tools that both my clients and myself use to feel more at peace and aligned with joy. During the month of April, HeartMath is offering an instant rebate of $50 off their emWave Personal Stress Reliever product and you can gain access to this special discount just by clicking the banner below:
Stress is often misunderstood. Many people look at outside events as the source of stress, but, in fact, the experience of stress is actually caused by our emotional reactions to events. A response to stress is expressed as resistance, tension, strain, or frustration and it throws off our mental and emotional equilibrium, keeping us out of sync. Two people in identical circumstances may respond in very different ways (e.g., one may get outwardly reactive, the other tired and withdrawn) depending upon how they perceive the situation. One thing is certain, stress not only affects our attitudes and outlook, it can also affect our health. By changing how we respond to stressful situations we can change our physiological response to stress.
Stress and eating
Experts now agree that 75% or more of overeating is caused by emotional stress, which means that a lot of us are using food to cope with our feelings. In today's high-stress society, many of us, adults and children, eat high fat or high sugar foods to soothe emotions or relieve stress and anxiety. You can change your eating habits by changing your reaction to stress.
HeartMath has tools that can help. Start your journey toward a healthier you by clicking the banner above!
And if you are looking for more of my recommended products to help you reduce stress and attract great health and well-being, just Click Here!
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