National Stress Awarness Month - De-Stress and Love Life!
April is National Stress Awareness Month and I couldn't resist posting about this very popular subject of STRESS and how to eliminate it from our everyday lives.
Stress impacts our lives negatively in every way, shape and form. Our bodies respond negatively to stress. (And YES, you can gain weight just from being stressed!) Our relationships can fall apart as a result of feeling stressed. Our money situation can become "doom and gloom" as a result of the stress we feel.
Some of you may think that it is the other way around -- that we are stressed because of our financial situation or because of an area of our life that is not going too well -- but that is not the case; we are stressed because of what we choose to think and feel about our current life experiences.
We are all at choice on how we respond to what life throws our way. But here's the good news and bad news ...
If we respond with feeling stressed and worried to a specific life event, our life experiences will reflect that "in kind" - meaning we will attract to us more things to worry about (that's the bad news!). But if we respond by taking a breath, realizing that it's our response to that life situation that creates the results and then deliberately choosing more peaceful thoughts, releasing all worry and doubt, then our life will unfold beautifully (that's the good news).
In both of those scenarios there is one thing they have in common ... the power we have within to create our life experiences. It's all in our hands.
Paint a picture of what stress looks like? If you had a paintbrush and could represent "stress" in a painting or piece of art, what would it look like? For me, it would NOT look very pretty? It would represent "chaos" and "ugly" and would have a disorganized, disturbing look to it. Now imagine that same image (which is just energy) resonating at every cell of your body. Yes, STRESS is felt to the core of your being. What do you think that stressful energy does to your overall health and wellness? It surely does NOT benefit you.
Now, picture PEACE. Paint it. Represent a feeling of calm, peace and feeling joy in the moment. What would that picture look like? To me, it would have beautiful colors that soothe and refresh the soul. It would have a flow to it that feels so good. It would be a picture that is engaging and draws you in, wanting you to look at it more and more and having a positive impact on your mood.
Imagine what the picture of peace and calm would do to the insides of your body. Your cells feel that too and will respond "in kind". Your body will Thank You for embracing that energy of peace. You will sleep better; you will feel more energetic and motivated. Your body will move more with ease.
If you are stressed about your relationships, career or financial situation, then learn how to shift your mindset to a more peaceful energy right here, right now. Decide that today is the day that you are going to do something different that will help you to manage that stress more effectively. Speed Coaching can be just the thing that will jump-start your journey to a stress-free life. Once you learn how to de-stress and Love Life Now, your dreams will unfold beautifully and the state of your overall health will improve ten-fold (inside and out)!
If you find that you are one of those people that GAIN weight when you are under a lot of stress, then sign up for my Law of Attraction Weight Loss MindSet Program where you will learn how to reset your mindset to a more peaceful state of mind and reduce the stress you feel each and every day. Once you do this, your body will respond "in kind" and show you how happy it is that you are less stressed. Those poor food choices you make when you are stressed, will shift to more inspired, healthy choices that are aligned with Wellness.
It IS within your control to feel more at peace, even during those times where you feel you are in the middle of a "life storm". As a Stress Management Coach, I can help you to find that peace within.
There are many tools and resources that can help you to reduce or dare I say "eliminate" STRESS! What you feel is 100% within your control.
Click Here to see my top recommendations for stress relief tools and products (such as the emWave Personal Stress Reliever, The Sedona Method, & Money Mojo Magic) and begin your journey to stress-free living and Lovin' Life, no matter what!
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